Night 59: Staff Only Outdoor Patio

Oct 28, 2011 13:46

Renji stepped out onto the patio. It was nice to be out of the oppressive halls, but he didn't let his guard down. If it was a monster party, there'd likely be some nasty things outside.

Which was fine, really. He didn't think much of the beige color of the concrete anyway. It needed... something. Possibly blood. Or maybe some sunflowers, but he was more in a position to provide blood.

He moved carefully around one of the five tables. At least the umbrellas were closed, which meant they didn't obstruct visibility too much. He eased toward the corner nearest the door; that would be the easiest place to get up to the roof. "What were you thinking about in the way of windows?" he asked Daemon, though he kept the words quiet.

renji, daemon

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