Night 59: West Wing, South Hall 1-A

Oct 24, 2011 11:32

[Coming from here.]

Daemon glided out into the wider corridor and paused for a moment, letting Renji join him, taking a moment to probe the shadows with his senses, looking for anything out of the norm. There was a tingle down his spine, the sensation of being watched, though he couldn't find its exact location, just the knowledge that it was ( Read more... )

zero, sechs, s.t., gumshoe, izaya, the doctor, sora, sam winchester, indiana jones, doctor facilier, zex, claude, hakkai, snow, chipp, ruby, dean winchester, byrne, guy, venom, peter petrelli, two-face, damon, edgar, the scarecrow, mikado, riku, alaric, daemon, claire stanfield, kratos, zack, spock, renji

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stray_shinigami October 24 2011, 16:10:56 UTC
"Yes," Renji growled, sounding more amused than anything, "he does have a name." He smirked as he walked along at Daemon's side. "And he's itching for a fight."

He paused next to Daemon, head cocked slightly as he listened to something that wasn't quite physical. "Well, not our problem if there's something that wants to die tonight, is it. But we should probably clean house as we go. There are kids running around, you know. Someone could get hurt." He gave Daemon a wicked grin. "Don't worry sweety, I'll protect you."


bastard_sadi October 24 2011, 19:14:59 UTC
Daemon gave a quiet, derisive snort. "Oh, that's very reassuring," he drawled, his tone dry as his golden eyes searched the darkness. There. A glint of eyes in the blackness, a shadow a bit deeper than that surrounding it. More than one.

"We have company, darling. It's rude to keep them waiting," he crooned, his gaze hooded with a dangerous glint in icy golden eyes. he glided a bit further down the hall, able to make shapes out now. Felines. Large, and black as the night they were melting out of. It was hard to judge their number. Three? Four? It didn't matter.

This would do to whet his appetite.


stray_shinigami October 24 2011, 20:20:00 UTC
Renji laughed. "I'll take the far side. See you in the middle." He moved smoothly from standing still to shunpo, seeming to just disappear. He noted the position of the various cats as he ran through their midst too fast to be seen.

At the far side he turned to face the cats and slid to a halt on the smooth floor as he drew Zabimaru.

One of the smarter animals was already turning toward him, gathering itself to spring. He drew his sword, shouting, "HOWL!"

It wasn't necessary, of course; he could silently release Zabimaru into his shikai as easy as breathing. But damn, it just felt good.

The sword transformed from katana to whip as he struck, sharp segments tearing through the cat's side. He twisted the hilt and spun into a second strike, then a third, reducing the stinking animal to bloody shreds and shards of bone.

Another cat screamed, and he caught motion from the corner of his eye as it sprang at him. But he was already in motion.


bastard_sadi October 24 2011, 20:52:31 UTC
One moment Renji was at his side and the next he was several yard away, his presence reappearing deeper down the hall. Daemon summoned another ball of witchlight, helping to illuminate the fight as two of the large cats kept prowling towards him. One crouched, rotting body readying for a leap, but Daemon's attention was on the other, which had broken into a run, covering the distance between them with long strides ( ... )


stray_shinigami October 24 2011, 21:10:05 UTC
Renji slipped easily around the second cat as it sprang; the cat seemed so slow, it was suspended in the air. He turned, snapping his sword around. Zabimaru's links stretched out again, wrapping around the animal. Renji pulled the sword back with an effortless flick.

All that hit the ground were pieces of flesh.

Renji pulled Zabimaru back to his katana form and gave the blade a practiced flick to clear it of any blood before sheathing it again.

He sauntered to meet Daemon at the middle of the mess. A spray of blood decorated his right cheek. "Two," he said, then inspected the scattered remains Daemon had left in his wake. "Messy, but stylish."


bastard_sadi October 24 2011, 21:24:27 UTC
"Tied? Pity," Daemon smirked, giving Renji a sly look. "We'll have to do something about that. Can't have your ego getting any bigger than it already is, after all. You missed a piece, by the way."

It was impossible to tell whether Daemon took a step closer or floated, but whichever it was, he was in front of Renji an instant later, personal space completely disregarded as he lifted a hand and brushed his thumb against Renji's cheek, wiping off the smear of blood. There was something darkly sensual in the move, and dangerous, golden eyes gleaming in the flickering glow of witchfire as the Sadist lingered there for a moment before stepping back once more.

Handkerchief called in from his belongings - and Mother Night was it nice to have that ability back - Daemon wiped off his hand and vanished the piece of material again before turning on his heel and tucking his hands back in his pockets once more and gliding back towards the stairs.

"Coming?" he called nonchalantly over his shoulder to the redhead.


stray_shinigami October 24 2011, 21:38:20 UTC
He smirked. "My ego isn't going to feel fed until we find something more interesting to fight."

Renji held his ground as Daemon invaded his personal space, though it was a nearer thing than he liked. He stood stock still and stone faced until the man had moved away. Then he scrubbed at his now clean cheek with his hand, not really aware of the motion.

He'd been on the receiving end of a look like that before, and it hadn't gone well for him. It stirred up memories he didn't care to remember. Because this was Daemon and they were on the same side, and he liked the man.

Still, he stayed at Daemon's side down the hall.

"You know," he said, tone light and conversational, which was a warning all in itself, "you're kind of freaking me out. Next time give me the fucking hanky and I'll deal with it myself like a big boy."


bastard_sadi October 24 2011, 23:57:57 UTC
Daemon's smile was still a hint feral as he flashed the Shinigami at his side an all-too-knowing look. Then again, when this side of his temper came out to play and he didn't make someone uneasy, there was something terribly wrong with him. Still, for what it was worth, he made an effort not make Renji uncomfortable. The man had been through enough in this place.

"I'll try to remember that next time," he commented, warm laughter in his voice as he headed to the stairwell that led upstairs.

[Going to here.]


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