Night 59: West Wing, South Hall 1-A

Oct 24, 2011 11:32

[Coming from here.]

Daemon glided out into the wider corridor and paused for a moment, letting Renji join him, taking a moment to probe the shadows with his senses, looking for anything out of the norm. There was a tingle down his spine, the sensation of being watched, though he couldn't find its exact location, just the knowledge that it was ( Read more... )

zero, sechs, s.t., gumshoe, izaya, the doctor, sora, sam winchester, indiana jones, doctor facilier, zex, claude, hakkai, snow, chipp, ruby, dean winchester, byrne, guy, venom, peter petrelli, two-face, damon, edgar, the scarecrow, mikado, riku, alaric, daemon, claire stanfield, kratos, zack, spock, renji

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Comments 112

stray_shinigami October 24 2011, 16:10:56 UTC
"Yes," Renji growled, sounding more amused than anything, "he does have a name." He smirked as he walked along at Daemon's side. "And he's itching for a fight."

He paused next to Daemon, head cocked slightly as he listened to something that wasn't quite physical. "Well, not our problem if there's something that wants to die tonight, is it. But we should probably clean house as we go. There are kids running around, you know. Someone could get hurt." He gave Daemon a wicked grin. "Don't worry sweety, I'll protect you."


bastard_sadi October 24 2011, 19:14:59 UTC
Daemon gave a quiet, derisive snort. "Oh, that's very reassuring," he drawled, his tone dry as his golden eyes searched the darkness. There. A glint of eyes in the blackness, a shadow a bit deeper than that surrounding it. More than one.

"We have company, darling. It's rude to keep them waiting," he crooned, his gaze hooded with a dangerous glint in icy golden eyes. he glided a bit further down the hall, able to make shapes out now. Felines. Large, and black as the night they were melting out of. It was hard to judge their number. Three? Four? It didn't matter.

This would do to whet his appetite.


stray_shinigami October 24 2011, 20:20:00 UTC
Renji laughed. "I'll take the far side. See you in the middle." He moved smoothly from standing still to shunpo, seeming to just disappear. He noted the position of the various cats as he ran through their midst too fast to be seen.

At the far side he turned to face the cats and slid to a halt on the smooth floor as he drew Zabimaru.

One of the smarter animals was already turning toward him, gathering itself to spring. He drew his sword, shouting, "HOWL!"

It wasn't necessary, of course; he could silently release Zabimaru into his shikai as easy as breathing. But damn, it just felt good.

The sword transformed from katana to whip as he struck, sharp segments tearing through the cat's side. He twisted the hilt and spun into a second strike, then a third, reducing the stinking animal to bloody shreds and shards of bone.

Another cat screamed, and he caught motion from the corner of his eye as it sprang at him. But he was already in motion.


bastard_sadi October 24 2011, 20:52:31 UTC
One moment Renji was at his side and the next he was several yard away, his presence reappearing deeper down the hall. Daemon summoned another ball of witchlight, helping to illuminate the fight as two of the large cats kept prowling towards him. One crouched, rotting body readying for a leap, but Daemon's attention was on the other, which had broken into a run, covering the distance between them with long strides ( ... )


train_tracer October 24 2011, 18:59:28 UTC
[from here]

There were already people this far out, too. Again though, they had nothing to do with Vino for now. But he did catch when someone quietly pointed out the moving shadows. Yes, moving shadows. He'd noticed them, too.

Vino didn't stay though. He had other places to be. It seemed like this spot was taken, anyway, if these two men seemed to be talking about what he thought they were. He could find his own spot.

No, no, wait! Shoulder, injuries, magic, yes. He was an adventurer tonight, a hero. He wasn't allowed to get distracted, even if the shadows were drawing him in. And he had a couple meetings to attend to. Couldn't forget those. Too many interesting things to pay attention to. But Vino would manage. He always did. Time to deal with them all at once! (The best method, Vino always felt, and the one that worked. Others disagreed, found it downright impossible even, though he could not understand how. Obviously, the way to overcome everything was to overcome it. How was this so difficult to do ( ... )


vinesofregret October 24 2011, 22:54:02 UTC
[From here]

As Hakkai ventured out into the wider hallway, he could hear more of the skittering behind him. He turned his flashlight towards the source of the noise, and caught a glimpse of not one, but two of the huge rats, this time. Rather than retreating back into the the darkness, though, they circled around the flashlight's beam, running through the gloom with unnatural speed toward him.

As he paused, startled, one leaped at his leg, it's sharp claws digging in to his calf. Apparently the animals were unusual in more than just size. A kick dislodged the animal, sending it flying towards the wall, where it hit with a rather sickening crunch.

There was another one still in the dark, though, so he ignored the sting in his leg, and played the flashlight around, one-handed, while he gathered a small ball of qi in his other hand. There - a flash of movement, and he flicked the energy at it. A squeal and the sudden cessation of movement told him it had gone true ( ... )


age_of_kings October 25 2011, 14:23:29 UTC
[from here]

The quite clear and obvious signs of blood and battle in the next corridor didn't do much to ease Tolten's fears about those claw sounds. He could smell the metallic yet organic tang of blood as soon as he opened the door, and he deliberately looked straight ahead as he felt his boots step in something slick and sticky.

There had been something horrible that happened here. At least the blood didn't smell human...though it was hard to tell, really.

"Oh gods...." he breathed. It smelled like the sewers. He didn't know what was going on, really, but he smelled blood and magic and his hand tightened on his length of pipe. Still he was certain he could hear noises behind them. "Locke, be careful. I...I don't know what we're going to find tonight...."


kings_thief October 26 2011, 02:06:53 UTC
"Yeah...there's something here." Locke's senses went on alert and any good feelings he'd had quickly vanished when they entered the next hallway. He followed Tolten's example of trying not to look too hard at what they were walking on, keeping his eyes ahead of them and his ears trained on any little sound that came up.

"Clearly nothing good...if something comes up, though, I've got you covered." Locke sure as hell wasn't going to let some sort of creature get in their way or hurt his friend, besides, whatever they had here couldn't be any worse than what he'd already faced back home.

"Just have to stay alert...if we're lucky, we'll miss whatever might've come through here already.."


age_of_kings October 26 2011, 02:20:04 UTC

Tolten wet his lips, eyes flicking nervously about him despite his determination to keep them straight. Whatever had happened here had been a slaughter. He felt as though he were walking through that battlefield, the one in the amphitheater. Gore and viscera and the dying had been all around him, some even by his own hand in desperate self defense, and the smell of it ( ... )


kings_thief October 26 2011, 03:03:00 UTC
Locke was doing his best not to gag on the smell, letting his other sense take priority and push past the discomfort, but it was hard. The sounds, as unpleasant as they were themselves, helped his attempts.

"I hear it.." Turning, he searched the hall with his eyes, bringing the flashlight up a bit more in an effort to see what was approaching them. "I'll bet you anything it's not friendly, either"

With the possibility of a threat came a rush of energy and what felt like electricity in his veins. Even if he didn't have an actual weapon to brandish, he felt ready for whatever was coming for them.

"Maybe a little warning is all it needs..." Feeling the electricity crackle in his hands, Locke extended his hand and watched, more than a little pleased, as the yellow lightening arched from his hand to the ceiling further down the hall. Hopefully, whatever was down there would be scared off...and if not, at least they'd be able to get a proper look at it.


unheroed October 25 2011, 22:27:35 UTC
[From here.]This had to be the definition of from the frying pan into the fire. While it seemed that the scorpion he'd been trying to get away from hadn't followed him (wonder of wonders), the scene that Harvey came upon as he moved down the hall seriously looked like it was out of a horror film ( ... )


its_the_mileage October 26 2011, 01:18:01 UTC
[from here]

The first thing he noticed was the blood all over the floor, followed by what looked like some kind of shredded quadrupeds (cats?), obviously the source of most of that blood. The cats from the Sun Room? What was left of the corpses looked much too large. Indy was a dog person himself, but the mess was unsettling nonetheless: it was one of the worst scenes he'd ever come across here, and it was right next to the patient blocks. He'd always thought this hallway was relatively safe. Obviously it wasn't anymore.

The smell was awful. Who had killed them, anyway--patients? What weapons did the patients have that would have done that to these animals? He stepped over what was left of an oversized paw, with long, razor-sharp claws.

Jesus, Indy thought, they must have opened the cages.When he looked up from the floor, he picked out Dent, who'd found the spot that would get his shoes the least dirty. Indy hurried over--not as fast as he would've before the arena or as steadily, but he was up and around. The pain was bearable, if ( ... )


unheroed October 26 2011, 19:46:27 UTC
Luckily, Harvey didn't have to wait too long. The sirens finally cut off and Jones came out soon after that, standing on his own two feet and even wearing that ridiculous outfit of his. Harvey appraised him for a moment, noticing the stiffness of his movements. Despite that, though, Jones looked pretty healthy for someone who'd gotten his whole rib cage crushed two nights ago. It was both relieving and disturbing to see ( ... )


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