Night 59: West Wing, South Hall 1-A

Oct 24, 2011 11:32

[Coming from here.]

Daemon glided out into the wider corridor and paused for a moment, letting Renji join him, taking a moment to probe the shadows with his senses, looking for anything out of the norm. There was a tingle down his spine, the sensation of being watched, though he couldn't find its exact location, just the knowledge that it was ( Read more... )

zero, sechs, s.t., gumshoe, izaya, the doctor, sora, sam winchester, indiana jones, doctor facilier, zex, claude, hakkai, snow, chipp, ruby, dean winchester, byrne, guy, venom, peter petrelli, two-face, damon, edgar, the scarecrow, mikado, riku, alaric, daemon, claire stanfield, kratos, zack, spock, renji

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unheroed October 25 2011, 22:27:35 UTC
[From here.]

This had to be the definition of from the frying pan into the fire. While it seemed that the scorpion he'd been trying to get away from hadn't followed him (wonder of wonders), the scene that Harvey came upon as he moved down the hall seriously looked like it was out of a horror film.

It was like what he'd seen in the hall earlier, except quadrupled. The bodies of what looked like they might have been cats were torn apart into pieces and the smell of their putrid blood was able to reach even him, despite his dulled senses. It just figured that he had to meet up with Jones in a disaster zone, but...

What really stood out was that there seemed to be a lot more monsters showing up much earlier in the night and much closer to the rooms than usual. More than that, all of these monsters (other than the scorpion) were dead. How could they have been killed so quickly? When fights broke out here, they were usually long and bloody, and the blood was usually more from the patient side. So what was this sudden change? Did it have anything to do with the Code Red that had been instated?

Well, all he could do was speculate for now. Harvey found a clean part of the hall to stand in, making sure to hang close enough to the door that he would see Jones come through it. As he'd guessed, he'd made it here first. The guy had better show.

[For Indy.]


its_the_mileage October 26 2011, 01:18:01 UTC
[from here]

The first thing he noticed was the blood all over the floor, followed by what looked like some kind of shredded quadrupeds (cats?), obviously the source of most of that blood. The cats from the Sun Room? What was left of the corpses looked much too large. Indy was a dog person himself, but the mess was unsettling nonetheless: it was one of the worst scenes he'd ever come across here, and it was right next to the patient blocks. He'd always thought this hallway was relatively safe. Obviously it wasn't anymore.

The smell was awful. Who had killed them, anyway--patients? What weapons did the patients have that would have done that to these animals? He stepped over what was left of an oversized paw, with long, razor-sharp claws.

Jesus, Indy thought, they must have opened the cages.

When he looked up from the floor, he picked out Dent, who'd found the spot that would get his shoes the least dirty. Indy hurried over--not as fast as he would've before the arena or as steadily, but he was up and around. The pain was bearable, if he gritted his teeth some. "You all right?" he asked, and then, "Let's move." Since he wasn't planning on turning back, the best thing they could do would be to head where they were going as fast as possible, and hope they made it there before the lab rats got out in force.


unheroed October 26 2011, 19:46:27 UTC
Luckily, Harvey didn't have to wait too long. The sirens finally cut off and Jones came out soon after that, standing on his own two feet and even wearing that ridiculous outfit of his. Harvey appraised him for a moment, noticing the stiffness of his movements. Despite that, though, Jones looked pretty healthy for someone who'd gotten his whole rib cage crushed two nights ago. It was both relieving and disturbing to see.

Not as disturbing as the mess around them, though. Harvey hazard another glance at the limbs and chunks of rotten flesh and was then forced to look away again. He'd seen and discussed all sorts of horrific things in the courtroom, but this amount of destruction was on a whole other level. It probably shouldn't have been possible -- or well, he didn't really want to know how it was.

For some reason, it seemed like something the Joker would have pulled off, which was one more reason to want to get the hell away. Jones seemed to be in agreement there, and so Harvey looked at the man darkly before nodding. "Yeah."

Despite the clear signs that something wasn't right here, they didn't have any choice but to move forward. Harvey was doubly glad that they'd decided to forgo the basement tonight. Pulling away from the wall, he navigated through the blood spatters and then led them left into the next hall.

[To here.]


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