Night 58: Main Hallway, 1-West

Sep 08, 2011 04:57

[ from here ]

Sesshoumaru had not been in the building for nearly long enough to really know it, and his knowledge had not been expanded yesterday as it might otherwise have been, because of the poisons that had been fed into his system - poisons that somehow worked, which had been a disconcerting and unpleasant experience. In the end, though, all ( Read more... )

zero, kirk, klavier, scott pilgrim, anise, izaya, terra branford, gren, sesshoumaru, indiana jones, woody, claude, guybrush, peter parker, snow, brook, albedo, byrne, guy, stefan, nigredo, two-face, rita, castiel, hijikata, trickster, mikado, yomi, ippo, daemon, aidou, claire stanfield, kratos, zack, harry lockhart

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its_the_mileage September 15 2011, 03:05:35 UTC
[from here]

There were fewer people than he'd expected in the main hall--but then again, Indy considered, they'd probably already made their ways to where they were going. How long had he been out? It wasn't the same night, surely. Was it the next night? A week later? It couldn't've been too long, since he at least recognized most of the faces as ones he'd seen before, but he still didn't see anyone else he knew.

He pulled on the second knot at the shoulder of his toga, making sure it was secure. He didn't have much farther to go; better not lose his clothes (such as they were) now.


commentated September 17 2011, 02:54:28 UTC
Here was a question for everyone: when confronted by scenarios out of a classic (insert horror flick director of your preference), what was the intelligent thing to do?

Clearly, not to go out into it. A conclusion that yours truly had been smart enough to stick by until he...wasn't. It was just, he'd thought about what Venom had said, right, and Venom wasn't wrong, he couldn't stay in his room forever. Or, maybe that wasn't the best way to put it since even if he'd tried his absolute damnedest, he'd, you know, obviously die of old age at least, and someone would obviously...move the body...

Anyway, the other smart thing was to make use of the buddy system, which Harry also wasn't doing. Yet. He was gonna, all right? He had to find someone first. There wasn't exactly a, a goddamn signup sheet posted on the bulletin board, like, hey, if you need someone to die a bloody death with you, please put down your name and room number here ( ... )


its_the_mileage September 17 2011, 12:25:24 UTC
Damn. Indy resisted the urge to point out that Julius Caesar's clothes probably would have been an embroidered purple toga picta so unlike Indy's bedsheet that the comparison would've been insulting; now didn't seem like the time to get pedantic.

The voice was unfamiliar. He could have kept walking, but he heard the sound of footsteps closing in behind him and he certainly wasn't in any shape to outrun them. Might as well see what the guy wanted.

Indy turned (slowly, taking it easy) and saw a man a few years younger and a few inches shorter than himself, with a face that looked vaguely familiar (someone who'd been here a while? No one he remembered having seen recently, though). The only thing he was carrying that Indy could see was a flashlight, which suggested that he was a newer patient, but that was about all Indy could tell at a glance.

"Yeah?" he asked, waiting patiently for the punchline.


commentated September 19 2011, 04:32:38 UTC
"It's-I don't mean to...bother you, I just-whoa-holy shit."




Fuck. No way. No-

Holy Jesus, he was tripping out. They'd put some weird shit in the food and now he was tripping out and maybe it was because he missed L.A., you know, what with the stars and the failed actresses and the girls with fake tits and...dead bodies, too, but that was just that one Christmas.

Harry scrubbed at his eyes, but when he opened them again, he was still looking at-

Yeah. Still looking at him. So there he was, staring for a good five minutes because, seriously, what the hell were you supposed to say? His brain ran through everything from are you a clone? to can you sign my flashlight? and he could hear Perry calling him a dumbass for each one.

He swallowed. Easiest solution: act like nothing was wrong.

(Did he say easy? Sorry, he meant ridiculously hard"Um. You were..." He gestured feebly. "I thought maybe you could use a hand, you look like you've had a rough night. Which, I mean, seeing how it barely started, like, ten minutes ( ... )


its_the_mileage September 20 2011, 02:57:24 UTC
Indy had a feeling he'd seen that expression before, the "Is that Harrison Ford?" face. He should've known this would happen: the first person I run into, and he's a movie buff. It usually meant a lot of explanations, but this time, it might actually be an advantage. The guy seemed willing to help him out--not that he'd need much help to get back to his room from here, but still, maybe Indy'd been underestimating the amount of goodwill that could be generated by a famous face. Assuming the man didn't decide he was crazy as soon as he introduced himself ( ... )


commentated September 22 2011, 16:35:03 UTC
"Right," he said, sounding as far away as the next light year. "No, yeah, I understand that, no one really likes short stories anymore these days." Like, when was the last time anyone went to a fifteen minute movie?

Okay, this was absolutely goddamn crazy. Which, as it turned out, was something of an advantage, actually, because his brain decided to work out a logic that wasn't really logical at all, but let him accept that this was happening, so that was, you know. All that mattered. Do not ask him how he managed, he just did.

(Harrison Ford's whacked out younger twin who thought he was fucking Indiana Jones, what the hell. Well, not literally fucking, 'cause that would be...well, maybe, but-that came out wrong, anyway ( ... )


its_the_mileage September 23 2011, 01:34:07 UTC
Harry Lockhart. The guy was odd, Indy thought--jumpy wasn't the right word, but distracted, yeah. Then again, maybe it was understandable. After all, he was Indiana Jones ( ... )


commentated September 24 2011, 02:26:54 UTC
Medical wing? Oh, right, yeah, that was right. The medical wing, he remembered something about that. Weren't they going all Island of Dr. Moreau in there? Maybe that was somewhere else. He couldn't completely recall what Venom had said about the experiments and it was, he didn't know, freaking him out thinking about it?

He was probably wrong. Re: the medical wing thing...bit. He didn't know how long (Indiana? Dr. Jones? Jesus, flip a coin for him, would you) had been around, but Harry was new and when you were the new kid, you pretty much assumed that everyone else knew more than you did.

"No, I don't mind," he said, and started walking. "I've sort of been opting out of this whole nighttime excursions deal, so I thought, you know, had to start sometime." He paused and shined his flashlight down towards one end of the hall. Man, what was with the Silent Hill vibe. You'd think if they could afford to kidnap a couple hundred people, they could afford to keep the damn building lit overnight. Screw that Earth Day shit, there were ( ... )


its_the_mileage September 24 2011, 02:57:16 UTC
"Yeah," Indy confirmed, starting to pad in that direction (hopefully no one had dropped a nail or anything; tetanus was the last thing he needed in addition to all his other problems). They could talk on the way.

[to here]


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