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Comments 10

corvus_veritas July 29 2011, 21:13:34 UTC
Byrne opened his eyes to a blur and the sound of footsteps. Confusion painfully obvious, he blinked several times in an unsuccessful attempt to adjust his vision to the room he was in. The sedation had not been kind to him, nor was it willing to go away so easily.

His first ground-breaking observation to this unusual awakening was something along the lines of, "What the hell?" And actually, that was a good way to describe the situation thus far. Where was he? What was going on? All he could remember at the moment was talking with Dr. McCoy about that letter, then some nurses coming into the room and taking him out...there'd been a needle, and shouting...

As he slowly came to his senses, he tried to move but found himself restrained to the chair he was sitting in. Trapped. And now he finally noticed the person walking around him, though at the moment it was hard to get a good look at them. Was this a dream? Something felt off...horribly off about this.


damned_doctors July 31 2011, 04:34:59 UTC
As Faraday finally started to stir from his sedative-induced stupor, the doctor came to a halt off to the side of the chair to his right. She stood just close enough for him to maybe glimpse a vague figure of her in the periphery of his vision, but far back enough in the shadows of the room that he would barely be able to ascertain any specific details of her face.

It was just as well, for when Faraday made that same momentous observation that many of the doctor's other lab rats had made before, she couldn't help placing her hand to her mouth to stifle a large snicker trying to escape. Indeed, this gesture might well resemble that of a certain colleague of his. But for now, she would save the real laughter for the right time. Oh yes, there would be much worth laughing at in due course.

"Oh good! You're finally awake!" the doctor exclaimed, her voice low and harsh, bearing an undertone of mockery. "I was beginning to think you were going to sleep through your entire experimental session, Mr. Faraday! Now that wouldn't be as ( ... )


corvus_veritas July 31 2011, 18:01:29 UTC
That laugh...! Byrne snapped to his senses at the sound of something so eerily familiar. It couldn't be. Could it? He tried to turn his head as much as the chair's restraints allowed, but he could only see a shadow of the woman's figure in the corner of his eye. A figure that looked like it could possibly be...

No no no, it was--that was impossible. Here? It couldn't be. They were screwing with him. They had to be. Impossible. Here?

Stay calm, Faraday. Stay calm.

He listened to the woman talk, almost completely missing the fact that she addressed him as Mr. Faraday instead of Mr. Sullivan. That was the only welcome change here. "So this is the next part of your sick game, huh?" His lips pulled up into a derisive grin. "At least you've finally got the decency to call me by my real name. Who's this 'special guest' you have for me?"


Sorry for the delete/repost spam; just caught some gross grammar edit fail after the fact =/ damned_doctors August 1 2011, 09:51:55 UTC
Again, the doctor had to restrain her chuckle, allowing only a slight snort to erupt from behind her fist covering her mouth. That sardonic grin on his face... that moxie in those words coming from a man whose every limb was bound up securely to the chair... simply priceless ( ... )


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