Night 57: Front Desk (Medical Wing)

Jul 16, 2011 02:09

[from here]Unsurprisingly, the door opened with a twist of the handle and little pressure. The interior hidden behind a door long since locked--if they were to believe the blow-hard of a commander who had taken control--was quite large, dwarfing the sun room in comparison. Enclaves and doorways crept away from them, and Albedo was idly curious-- ( Read more... )

sonia, grell, zero, sechs, albedo, jessica drew, donna, venom, kairi, badd, soma, rose (tvd), terra branford, claire littleton, castiel, sora, the scarecrow, utena, ippo, riku, zex, yomi, guybrush, meekins, claire stanfield, gant, kratos, zack, mccoy

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Comments 85

antiheroed July 16 2011, 07:26:09 UTC
Albedo's question was meant to test him. That was what he decided immediately. He hadn't missed the hatred that etched its way over his features; it didn't take familiarity with another person to see how quickly he turned himself away from his favor. It figured that the person he chose for his evening run would be so quick on the turn of emotions-or perhaps it was because Riku didn't deal with taunting and teasing the same way others did. He was usually responsible for it, and it was done for a reason. He didn't bother otherwise ( ... )


purpletaint July 18 2011, 21:18:00 UTC
What was helpful was that the dear blow-hard had given specific instructions, and none of these pretty little locked doors were labeled what Albedo was looking for. He sighed, continuing on.

[to here]


tasteoftruth July 17 2011, 00:29:49 UTC
[From here.]

The first thing Badd noticed upon entering the so-called medical wing was a large bulletin board asking "Are you a good patient?". Just one little reminder of the joys of obedience and the pain of rebellion, Badd was almost surprised they hadn't tried tattooing the message onto the back of everyone's hand.

The place was big and he was off the edge of the map now. Past the front desk was a short hallway to the left and a bunch of doors off to the right. Doors, doors everywhere and not a sign in sight...treat them as humans, Aguilar, but don't treat them as psychic. There were a dozen rooms just within Badd's line of sight, which one was the infirmary?

Badd clicked off the flashlight and braced himself against the wall, listening. He could hear the sound of footsteps and faint conversation, the usual mutterings of the wandering prisoners, but no sounds of screams or pleas for help. The torture rooms were probably soundproofed anyway, but it would have been nice if matters were that simple.

Well, he had to start


tasteoftruth July 21 2011, 13:50:59 UTC

poorexample July 18 2011, 04:42:39 UTC
[From here.]

Upon entering this unknown area, Castiel was faced with a rather plain sight. He had been in enough hospitals to realize how similar this area was to one, with the neatly organized desk and the winding hallways beyond. There were also some patients ahead of them: a pair of boys with similarly pale hair and a man who appeared to be on his own. None of them required his attention.

"He said the drugs would be located in the infirmary," he commented, both for his own benefit and Donna's. He needed to remain focused here. The obvious first step was to look for a map and so he looped around to the other side of the desk to see if there was one posted anywhere.

Nothing on the desk was particularly notable (though the lollipops did make him think of a certain brother) and there didn't seem to be a map in sight. It seemed they were going to have to find their destination the hard way, then. Hopefully this area wasn't too large and hopefully they wouldn't come across any locked doors on the way.


mateswithnobody July 21 2011, 02:40:35 UTC
Castiel was a name. Not one she had heard before, but definitely a name. Donna kept herself from being too rude about it, but couldn't help but ask, "Seriously?"

Because who the hell names their child 'Castiel'?

Name issues aside, she followed the guy in and gave a look around, making a face as he spoke. This whole damn place passed for a Hospital, if completely run down at night, so finding the Infirmary? Needle in a haystack. A haystack filled with monsters.

"Infirmary, right. You got a coin we could flip?" she asked dryly, then spotted something on the desk he'd gone to inspect. She stepped up beside him and drew out one of the suckers, waving it. "Or we could play 'spin the sucker' and follow the wisdom of hard candy goodness..."

Donna had made a few decisions based on a few games of spin the bottle. Maybe not all of those had been the best decisions, but she was not one to question some sense of fate. She still loved the coincidence that had led her to traveling with the Doctor, after all.


poorexample July 26 2011, 02:24:55 UTC
Donna seemed to be perplexed by his name for some reason. Was it because she recognized it or because she found it unusual? It was true that Castiel had never heard of a human named after him -- not like Gabriel or Raphael -- but that was because he'd never been a particularly important angel ( ... )


zack_fair July 18 2011, 17:29:03 UTC
[From here.]

This area sure was crowded. Zack couldn't say that was such a shock, though he was a little impressed that so many patients were willing to take this risk. Maybe they were all just that stupid, to walk right into something that screamed trap.

Well, at least they weren't alone in this. That was enough to make him smile.

The infirmary had to be further into this area, but hopefully it wouldn't be that hard to find. Zack glanced at the front desk, noting that it was some sort of check-in area. He glanced over at the white board and shook his head at the cheeky message that was written there. It depended on your definition, didn't it? What counted as a good patient probably differed based on perspective.

"You'd think they would have given us better directions if they wanted us all to try their miracle drug," he remarked with a sigh. Still, if they were lucky it would all be pretty straight-forward.


loyalrose July 21 2011, 22:57:29 UTC
Rose gave a quiet laugh as she shined her flashlight around the room, glancing curiously at the others who had come this way as well, supposedly for the same reasons. No one looked familiar, but that was alright. She glanced over at Zack when he sighed and gave him a rueful grin, shrugging her shoulders as if to say, what were they to do?

"They can't make it too easy," Rose remarked wryly, spotting some of the others heading down a corridor that stretched off into the darkness. "That would take all the fun out of this. Although considering we're not the first ones with this conundrum, we might as well follow the others, hmm? I'm sure they'll have left enough of these miracle drugs for everyone, considering the amount of patients in this place who are bound to be as crazy as us."

Rolling her eyes in dry amusement, she took the lead, moving down the hall as she followed the bouncing beams from other flashlights.

[ To here.]


deadlyjuliet July 19 2011, 04:02:30 UTC
[from hereNow....this was interesting. Grell turned the handle and the door opened easily, allowing him access to this formerly forbidden chamber. Like the rest of the Institute at night, this place was dark, but even so he could make out small details - the muted colors of the walls, the desk that was likely never used in actuality, the fact that there were other people in here. Grell stepped inside and closed the door behind him, keeping to the shadows as much as possible as he lowered the chainsaw from his shoulder ( ... )


deadlyjuliet July 23 2011, 13:50:57 UTC
[from here]

Back to the front desk then. Still no receptionist. Still just as dull. Grell continued walking, ignoring all others still in this area. It just wasn't worth the god's time to sugar coat the uselessness of this evening. And what of warning them? Ha, hardly. They could go experience the same disappointment he had. If he had to suffer, then so would they.

Slipping past those still waiting their turn to face the emptiness of the halls ahead, Grell passed through the doors.

[to here]


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