Day 57: Intercom, Evening

Jul 10, 2011 00:43

Varying opinions aside about the new caretakers, the efficiency of the military was worthy of some admiration. The Great Escape ended with minutes to spare, and the staff wasted no time in dismantling the equipment in the Sun Room. Visitors were kindly informed that visiting hours were over while patients were ushered to their rooms ( Read more... )

sonia, kirk, sechs, s.t., intercom, tsubaki, badd, anise, sora, indiana jones, firo, utena, doctor facilier, zex, claude, ted logan, taura, peter parker, lana skye, seishin, byrne, guy, stefan, kairi, peter petrelli, two-face, rita, castiel, rapunzel, the scarecrow, ippo, aidou, claire stanfield, kratos, zack

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Comments 119

M44 full_score July 10 2011, 21:36:13 UTC
Today had definitely left him with mixed feelings. Claude appreciated the chance to catch up with certain people and spend time with Guy and Anise, but Leon's letter weighed heavily on his mind. Where was he right now? Was he safe ( ... )


Re: M44 immortale July 10 2011, 23:22:31 UTC
By the time dinner and the return to their rooms was announced, Firo was still feeling conflicted over the movie. On the one had, seeing a film in color had been fascinating, but on the other... He'd always liked the movies, admired the characters, but this one had just served as a reminder of the harshness of reality. Sure, the prisoners had managed to escape for a while, but at what cost? And showing that picture here... it certainly felt like their wardens were trying to send them a warning ( ... )


Re: M44 full_score July 11 2011, 00:15:18 UTC
The minute Claude heard the door open, he turned to face the entrance, fully intent on offering Mason a cheerful greeting. The moment he saw an unfamiliar face, though, he stopped short. Even though he and Mason hadn't exactly been best pals, the realization that he'd been released (or worse) sunk into the pit of his stomach like a heavy stone. After being pulled out of their room twice for "sleep studies", it didn't seem fair that for the Institute to finally get to Mason like this ( ... )


Re: M44 immortale July 11 2011, 01:04:30 UTC
His roommate seemed friendly enough, at least, and not terribly upset that he was going to have to share the room. That was a relief, at least... and it would definitely beat spending the entire time before doors unlocked in an uncomfortable silence.

Firo shook his head, holding his hands up in front of him when his new roommate offered to share his own meal. "No; thank you. I don't really have much of an appetite tonight."

He'd eaten the gruel at lunch, but even with the offer of a better meal, food was really the last thing on his mind right now; it was too full with thoughts of that movie and the weird charade that had been going on all day. However... He cast a curious glance at the steak as he dropped his arms back to his sides. He'd seen a few people with good food in the cafeteria before, but not this close before. "But I would like to know what you did to get that in the first place."

He finally headed for the empty desk, taking a seat at an angle so he could still face the blond.


F14 gald_digger July 11 2011, 00:53:38 UTC
With three colorful drawstring bags in hand, Anise returned to her room in a good mood. Though the events of the day hadn't all been good, she'd managed to make the most of things. Talking to Claude and making crafts had taken her mind off of the Colonel and her parents long enough for Anise to relax a little. She felt a little better prepared to face the night ( ... )


Re: F14 roseoverture July 11 2011, 07:26:12 UTC
It was the first new voice Utena had heard over the intercom all day, and surprisingly, it didn't sound that threatening or forced, the way Landel's usual over-the-top announcements tended to be. Nurse Harrington seemed practiced at public speaking, and had a mild manner of address that was easy to take. Well, easier, anyway. That said, Utena still wasn't willing to give the man a pass just because he sounded decent. If he really was military, it made sense that he would be more professional at everything, including presenting himself. She was just waiting for the shift to night, fully expecting the man to show his true colours after the lights went out ( ... )


Re: F14 gald_digger July 11 2011, 08:26:18 UTC
Anise was already halfway through her steak. When she heard the door open, she scrambled to chew and swallow the food in her mouth, then turned to greet Rei ( ... )


roseoverture July 11 2011, 08:54:40 UTC
"Is it?" she wondered aloud, lacing her fingers behind her back as she wandered over to the dresser to get a better look at the dolls. "I guess so. I like it either way," she answered. If someone wanted to be that kind of girl, there wasn't really anything wrong with that. It just wasn't Utena's usual style. The flowers maybe were, but the dolls were a little feminine and kid-ish for her. Not that she wanted to take them down now that they were up; they were adorable, for sure. They just weren't something Utena would have thought to put out if she had been in charge of decorating ( ... )


F8 ninelivesonce July 11 2011, 02:05:42 UTC
When her tears had subsided into dull sniffles, Taura had looked up, and seen the old-fashioned projector whirring into life. Based on a true story. Huh. It wasn't a story she'd heard, though the uniforms rang a few bells. One of the big pre-space Earth wars, when heavier-than-air craft were still a novelty.

She watched, still sniffling, and wondered if it was even remotely as close to the truth as that thing the Marilacans had put together about Dagoola IV. War wasn't a game, as much as it could look like one on holovid. People died, and that made for depressing stories. Even on the good days. Miles had cheered the Dagoola piece. Free advertising, he'd crowed, and only a few of them saw the shadows in his eyes. It hadn't been free, even if it was the largest escape from a Cetagandan POW camp anyone had managed, and from their shining, festering, jewel of an inescapable prison ( ... )


M17 its_the_mileage July 11 2011, 02:13:39 UTC
That Harrington fellow wasn't kidding about the food. Indy returned to find his tray laden with the promised meat and potatoes instead of the pink stuff he'd been expecting. He immediately sat down and had at it--with some difficulty, since his bandaged and immobile left hand still wouldn't hold a utensil--without wasting time questioning what the source of the windfall might be. He needed all the strength he could get for tonight ( ... )


M20 spandexorgtfo July 11 2011, 03:13:08 UTC
Kratos walked woodenly back to his room, the letter from Lise having never left his hand from the time he'd received it until now. As soon as he was back inside, it was tucked - almost smashed, actually - forcefully into his journal before he sank into the desk chair. Steak tonight: he had eaten steak for lunch yesterday with Ilia, although it was still welcomed. It was just so regrettable when his roommate was consigned to the pink oatmeal ( ... )


Re: M20 age_of_kings July 11 2011, 18:39:44 UTC
What a singularly strange day.

Tolten found he wasn't even particularly surprised or perplexed that he was being taken back to what he was rather certain wasn't the room he'd woken up in the day before. Or that morning. It was all rather blurry at this point, had been since the letter he still clutched in his hand.

And he realized with a sinking sense of reality that he wasn't going home any time soon. At first, he had maintained the idea that of course what everyone was telling him was mad, and he wouldn't have any trouble.... Of course that had been naivety, and he was no more special or skilled than anyone else in this place. Not was he about to be rescued ( ... )


Re: M20 spandexorgtfo July 12 2011, 07:15:03 UTC
The sound of the door opening was enough to warn him of his new roommate's approach, and Kratos took the time to swallow his bite of food and set his utensils down neatly on the plate before turning to address the other man standing in the room. He was very much the antithesis of Kenshin: tall, fair, and broad shouldered where his former roommate had been slight, slim, and almost feminine. A fellow warrior, perhaps? They would know shortly.

"Hello," Kratos said smoothly, rising from his chair and pushing it in slightly as he walked over and extended a hand for the other man to shake. "I'm Kratos."


Re: M20 age_of_kings July 12 2011, 16:16:41 UTC
It was the first time throughout his stay that Tolten found a meeting going as social custom dictated. Names were exchanged immediately, and the other man - who's name turned out to be Kratos - even rose to offer his hand.

"I am Tolten," the young king responded, gripping the hand in turn and shaking it firmly. He seemed a calm and dignified sort. It boded well. He was also older than Tolten, and perhaps he'd had more experience here than most of the fellow prisoners Tolten had met. Ah, but it wouldn't be polite to ask something like that.

"And it appears as though we will be sharing our personal space. I'm rather quiet, you needn't worry that I'll be a bother." And it wasn't for very long, was it? No one seemed to stay in the cells after they had open at night. It hadn't been that long after dinner....


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