Night 53: Main Hallway 1-West

Dec 12, 2010 18:47

[from here]And again, quiet. Silence broken only by far off footsteps and the creak of a building settling. There was more in the darkness, Ayanami knew this, but currently nothing had stepped forward to show itself. This night was too similar to another, and her hand raised to her neck without meaning to. There was nothing like trauma in this, she ( Read more... )

leela, kirk, sechs, s.t., senna, tsubaki, badd, kaito, the doctor, sora, uhura, rei, amaterasu, renamon, claude, guybrush, niikura, taura, claire bennet, peter parker, snow, ruby, dean winchester, xemnas, hk-47, minako, stefan, kairi, tsukasa, watson, peter petrelli, mele, kibitoshin, lightning, castiel, erika, sync, the scarecrow, sasuke, sanosuke, aidou, kaworu, yukari, morgan, scar (tlk), rubedo

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Comments 163

longlivetehking December 13 2010, 18:58:15 UTC
[From here]

Following the next hallway, Scar eventually reached the main hallway. While it usually had many patients simply waiting, tonight the area was disappointingly empty. He supposed he truly was early tonight, though it limited the choice of potential meat-shields.


The former lion picked a wall and leaned against it, keeping an eye on the patients walk in and out of the area. There, he waited in the darkness for someone that looked remotely suitable (and free).

Thanks to the absence of his torch, he couldn't make himself visible even if he wanted to...

[For the crazy robot!]


arc_wrench December 13 2010, 20:11:18 UTC
[Crazy robot incoming from here!]

HK moved quietly, not carrying a glowrod, as always, distracted by his thoughts. He just couldn't decide what he wanted to do to ruin Landel's day tomorrow. Certainly he had to do something, and he wasn't afraid of consequences. In fact, he'd be interested to find out what the consequences might be. But there were so many choices!

No, no. Think logically, not like a scatterbrained meatbag. Stabbing someone, while dramatic and utterly preferable, wouldn't do very much. Fights never seemed to really go anywhere, or snowball with these meatbags. They didn't appreciate violence as they should. Possibly thrown food... Yes. That could create utter chaos, what with easy collateral, universal availability of ammo, and he could have an opportunity to stab someone anyway! Perfect!

Now that his plans for bothering someone tomorrow were all set, he just needed someone to bother now. Maybe someone like that meatbag whose heat signature he could see up against the wall. He waited until he was impolitely close ( ... )


longlivetehking December 14 2010, 22:07:07 UTC
Meatbag? A twitch implied what exactly Scar thought of being called by such a disrespecting name, even if his current form wasn't anything to be proud of. How dared this man, really?! Still, it wasn't as though the stranger was any less of a 'meatbag' than he was. "My, I don't suppose you have been looking at your reflection as of late?" he countered on a condescending tone.

Considering he was waiting for a suitable meat shield in the darkness, Scar had not entirely expected someone else to approach him instead. Apparently some ignorant fool who had a remarkable manner of speech, for that matter.

This was starting remarkably well. And warthogs could fly.

"No one will see me, hmm?" he countered instead. "Then what did you just do? Pick up my scent?"


arc_wrench December 14 2010, 22:22:15 UTC
"Commentary: Meatbags always treat the designator of meatbag as a targeted insult," HK sort-of responded, appearing mostly to be talking to some sort of invisible audience. "However, the designator has been hard-coded into my systems, and I cannot and will not refer to meatbags as anything but what they are. Addendum: And I am only temporarily cursed with the awful state of meatbagness," he grumbled, giving the meatbag a deadpan (and most likely unseen) glare. "I will be returning to a far superior existence as a droid, once the head meatbag meets his inevitable screaming demise."

"Answer: I detected your heat signature." Which was, of course, entirely different from seeing someone.


tasteoftruth December 13 2010, 20:19:08 UTC
[ From here.]

There were even more people out here than usual, and some of them just waiting around with nothing better to do. The 'dream' code had been easy enough to break but there'd been much more complex, seemingly incoherent phrases flying around. Arts and Crafts. History Club. Early Christmas. How much of it was meaningless ramblings and how much had some secret deeper meaning?

Right. Focus on the mission in front of him, he like he always did. You put your emotions aside and just kept walking until you'd finished the job. After that you could have your little breakdown.


oneman_onekill December 15 2010, 07:47:36 UTC
[from here]

As he'd predicted, there were definitely more patients moving through this hallway - in fact, he thought he spotted some he knew (Hello, Mele-san and Leela-san.) - but it was still early in the night; the hall wasn't even close to crowded.

He wove his way down, so focused on looking around the hall that he wasn't quite watching where he was going...and crashed into a man walking the other way. Oops. (Or had it been intentional? The world would never know.) "Whoa--" Swiftly, Niikura moved the beam of his flashlight so that it wouldn't be shining right in the guy's face (the man's height suggested that he'd run into Recluse again), and backed up a few steps, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry, my bad."


tasteoftruth December 15 2010, 18:35:14 UTC
They all seemed to ignore him. Apparently having the doors unlocked was SOP. Badd was stupid enough to let his guard down for a half second and ignore the sounds of approaching footsteps, and that was enough for some idiot to just walk right into him. He whirled, flashlight raised to bash in someone's head--oh. Just another kid.

"Watch where you're going," he snapped, turning the flashlight around and getting a better look at the idiot with the non-bashy end. Silvery hair, a flashy dye job for a prisoner. And smiling too much for Badd's comfort. The flashlight flicked over him, finding no apparent weaponry, but he could be pocking something. Badd lowered his flashlight. "Is this the way to the women's block?" he asked gruffly.


oneman_onekill December 15 2010, 20:36:21 UTC
Oh, good, he hadn't been immediately attacked. That would have been unfortunate - more so for the other man than Niikura.

"That way?" Niikura pointed briefly in the direction he'd come from with his flashlight. "Aye, ya make a right down that way, an' then there's a door..." Why did some old guy want to go to the women's--oh, gross. His mind suddenly went to supremely unpleasant places. (Never mind that he knew the way into the women's block; that had been completely on accident.) "Ah...are ya meetin' someone there?"

Positive thoughts, Niikura. Positive thoughts. Don't jump to conclusions. Maybe...maybe he was over-thinking things.


human_sponge December 14 2010, 00:23:26 UTC
[From here.]So this was it. Peter slowly started to move toward the stairs, though there was really only one kid that was standing close to them, and there was nothing cat-like about him. He eyed the boy for a second or two, but after a few seconds he gave up on him being part of the "Search and Rescue" group ( ... )


toxicspiderman December 15 2010, 19:51:32 UTC
[from here]A girl in a skintight bodysuit that belonged in some weird-ass Japanese pornography, not this dim hallway caught his eye.  Heart-shaped face, blue hair, no visible nipples. Hell, she probably had.  Hopped off the direct-to-video screen and been stranded here.  That, plus the fact that she looked about twelve except efor the boobs (though that might be a trick of her height), made him feel slightly green.  (Anyone else would call it seasick, but S.T. didn't get seasick. Not even on a choppy night and some bad tequila, the kind that had worms to make gringos pay more. Green it was ( ... )


human_sponge December 15 2010, 22:00:14 UTC
While he should have guessed, Peter hadn't expected S.T. of all people to show up. Even though he'd been up to that hallway with him before, he hadn't seen him commenting around on the board and so he hadn't thought about it. Still, it was good to see a familiar face, even if the man was a bit on the odd side. His heart was in the right place, so that was all that really mattered to the nurse. Ex-nurse. Whatever it was ( ... )


toxicspiderman December 16 2010, 03:44:09 UTC
S.T. didn't like it either, but if he wanted to put his head in the sand, he'd have stayed at Mass Anal. Work on his 401K for a few years, and then switch to golf. (Maybe not. The things they did to those greens should have every top executive buying stock in hazmat boxers. Pity it didn't actually stop the fuckers from reproducing.) If no-one was outraged, he wasn't doing his job. Even if it was his own side he was pissing off.

"I wasn't sure I'd be along, so I didn't promise anything I couldn't deliver. You met this R. Aoyagi before?" He drew the last name out, like A-OK with an extra syllable or two.


neuepolitik December 14 2010, 04:40:46 UTC
[From here.]

For a moment, Ludwig had to consider waiting here. His brother often went with him, and he also had made some arrangements with Austria as well, but... after last night, he wasn't sure if he wanted to meet with either of them tonight. Not when they'd undergone such a... disturbing sight.

No, for tonight, Ludwig wanted to stop thinking about such things and focus solely on getting to where he needed to go. In this case, that would be upstairs- he'd done enough searching outside of the Institute, it was time to focus on the interior portions he hadn't investigated yet. The second floor was a gigantic question mark to him- he'd just have to take a look and see what he could obtain for himself.


neuepolitik December 14 2010, 21:17:24 UTC

poorexample December 14 2010, 05:21:05 UTC
[From here.]

As Castiel moved into what he considered the main hallway, he did everything he could to keep his gaze on the stairs ahead of him rather than looking at the other patients who were scattered around. It was usually around this spot that people would meet up; it was here that he'd run into Orihara, for instance. So long as he looked like he was already busy, it was likely that no one would try to get his attention or ask him for anything.

That was the plan, at least, and it worked well enough. The moment that he set foot on the first stair that would take him up, he increased his pace.

[To here.]


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