Night 53: Main Hallway 1-West

Dec 12, 2010 18:47

[from here]And again, quiet. Silence broken only by far off footsteps and the creak of a building settling. There was more in the darkness, Ayanami knew this, but currently nothing had stepped forward to show itself. This night was too similar to another, and her hand raised to her neck without meaning to. There was nothing like trauma in this, she ( Read more... )

leela, kirk, sechs, s.t., senna, tsubaki, badd, kaito, the doctor, sora, uhura, rei, amaterasu, renamon, claude, guybrush, niikura, taura, claire bennet, peter parker, snow, ruby, dean winchester, xemnas, hk-47, minako, stefan, kairi, tsukasa, watson, peter petrelli, mele, kibitoshin, lightning, castiel, erika, sync, the scarecrow, sasuke, sanosuke, aidou, kaworu, yukari, morgan, scar (tlk), rubedo

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longlivetehking December 13 2010, 18:58:15 UTC
[From here]

Following the next hallway, Scar eventually reached the main hallway. While it usually had many patients simply waiting, tonight the area was disappointingly empty. He supposed he truly was early tonight, though it limited the choice of potential meat-shields.


The former lion picked a wall and leaned against it, keeping an eye on the patients walk in and out of the area. There, he waited in the darkness for someone that looked remotely suitable (and free).

Thanks to the absence of his torch, he couldn't make himself visible even if he wanted to...

[For the crazy robot!]


arc_wrench December 13 2010, 20:11:18 UTC
[Crazy robot incoming from here!]

HK moved quietly, not carrying a glowrod, as always, distracted by his thoughts. He just couldn't decide what he wanted to do to ruin Landel's day tomorrow. Certainly he had to do something, and he wasn't afraid of consequences. In fact, he'd be interested to find out what the consequences might be. But there were so many choices!

No, no. Think logically, not like a scatterbrained meatbag. Stabbing someone, while dramatic and utterly preferable, wouldn't do very much. Fights never seemed to really go anywhere, or snowball with these meatbags. They didn't appreciate violence as they should. Possibly thrown food... Yes. That could create utter chaos, what with easy collateral, universal availability of ammo, and he could have an opportunity to stab someone anyway! Perfect!

Now that his plans for bothering someone tomorrow were all set, he just needed someone to bother now. Maybe someone like that meatbag whose heat signature he could see up against the wall. He waited until he was impolitely close ( ... )


longlivetehking December 14 2010, 22:07:07 UTC
Meatbag? A twitch implied what exactly Scar thought of being called by such a disrespecting name, even if his current form wasn't anything to be proud of. How dared this man, really?! Still, it wasn't as though the stranger was any less of a 'meatbag' than he was. "My, I don't suppose you have been looking at your reflection as of late?" he countered on a condescending tone.

Considering he was waiting for a suitable meat shield in the darkness, Scar had not entirely expected someone else to approach him instead. Apparently some ignorant fool who had a remarkable manner of speech, for that matter.

This was starting remarkably well. And warthogs could fly.

"No one will see me, hmm?" he countered instead. "Then what did you just do? Pick up my scent?"


arc_wrench December 14 2010, 22:22:15 UTC
"Commentary: Meatbags always treat the designator of meatbag as a targeted insult," HK sort-of responded, appearing mostly to be talking to some sort of invisible audience. "However, the designator has been hard-coded into my systems, and I cannot and will not refer to meatbags as anything but what they are. Addendum: And I am only temporarily cursed with the awful state of meatbagness," he grumbled, giving the meatbag a deadpan (and most likely unseen) glare. "I will be returning to a far superior existence as a droid, once the head meatbag meets his inevitable screaming demise."

"Answer: I detected your heat signature." Which was, of course, entirely different from seeing someone.


longlivetehking December 15 2010, 21:19:48 UTC
"Gee, I wonder why they'd consider such a term an insult," Scar deadpanned. Well, he supposed this particular fool was not originally human if his words were anything to go by; apparently one of those 'in-organics' from the sound of it. Still, there was hardly any reason to be so rude. Or odd for that matter.

Perhaps not everyone was gifted with common sense.

Scar actually did see the glare just fine, thanks to his for now superior-to-humans vision. He simply returned the favor with a glare of his own. "Was there anything else? Or did you simply drop whatever you were doing only approach me just to enlighten me on my apparent error?"


arc_wrench December 15 2010, 21:30:27 UTC
"Agreement:" HK began, fully knowing he was only agreeing with the words and not the actual sentiment, "I don't know either. It's simply an accurate description of their fleshy state. The fact that they dislike it is their own problem."

How interesting! It seemed the meatbag could actually see him. That was quite atypical. "Suggestion: Have something interesting and potentially life-threatening happen to you? Meatbags are excellent at getting themselves into trouble, after all." In translation, of course, HK was looking for entertainment. Usually that involved killing something, but he hadn't decided on what at the moment.


longlivetehking December 17 2010, 11:44:59 UTC
Perhaps the sarcasm had completely gone over the poor fool's head, perhaps the poor fool was only pretending. Be as it may, the other patient's lack of braincells was hardly any of his concern.

"Assuming that I share this remarkable talent of getting myself into trouble; pray tell, what would this interesting and potentially life-threatening thing happening to me be?" Scar asked, raising an eyebrow at the suggestion. To say he began growing suspicious would be an understatement.


My sincerest apologies, I had an attack of Final Exams D8 arc_wrench December 22 2010, 23:52:29 UTC
"Suggestion: Do anything tonight. Statement: All of my usual partners are no longer here and I am bored." And angry. Mustn't forget angry. After all, he'd just been made a Decepticon, and then Lugnut suddenly disappeared! Ever since his first day, he'd at least had a fellow assassin or sociopath to bicker with and kill things together in a wonderfully dysfunctional display of raw killing ability and maladjusted personalities.

HK missed them. Even, maybe, SubZero. Just a little.


No worries <3 Exams are more important than RP longlivetehking December 26 2010, 10:23:13 UTC
Oh dear, the poor little fool was bored. Scar almost pitied him. Almost.

The slight problem was, however, that the former lion had left his room with as much direction as this idiot apparently had. But there was no need to share this small piece of information.

"Anything? Such as running around aimlessly like headless little chickens?" he commented dryly, raising an eyebrow. Perhaps he was being needlessly difficult, but that hardly mattered as far as he was concerned.


Re: No worries <3 Exams are more important than RP arc_wrench December 27 2010, 07:59:27 UTC
"Query: A species that can survive in a headless state?" He knew of some very primitive meatbags that could do as such, but oh, how fun it would be to have that feature in sentients! Yes, it would make kills a little more complicated, but entirely worth it!

After the minor distraction of this lovely idea, he turned back to the actual subject at hand, a little glint of happy sociopathy still in his eyes. "Affirmative: Yes. A direction can be suggested, if you are out of ideas, meatbag."


longlivetehking December 27 2010, 21:14:25 UTC
"...I take it you are unfamiliar with the term 'figure of speech', then?" Scar responded. Though considering all he had seen in this institute, perhaps there actually existed headless creatures. Other than the cockroach. But that wasn't quite the point, really.

"Pray tell, what do you have in mind? I may be actually interested." Keyword: may. He wasn't quite certain whether he'd like anything this idiot came up with, but perhaps he could be surprised.


arc_wrench December 28 2010, 01:11:01 UTC
"Statement: Figures of speech do not spring out of nothing, although the logic may in fact be tortured and generally typical for a meatbag," HK responded, "And I find it more amusing to irritate meatbags with overly-literal interpretations of their statements." When he wasn't out killing meatbags, he was killing their sanities. It suited him.

"Suggestion: The second floor has many useful areas, not the least of which the kitchen, in which sharp objects can be procured," HK already had a surplus of sharp objects, but it never hurt to have too many. Unless you fell and stabbed yourself with your own weaponry.


longlivetehking December 28 2010, 23:52:05 UTC
"Why, thank you for these pieces of knowledge! I wouldn't know what to do without it," Scar deadpanned. Though he could understand the need of some to irritate others it wasn't as though he was any better himself, he had to wonder why the man felt the need to explicitly state so. That could hardly be an advantage.

And perhaps he could be surprised. This idiot at least appeared to have a brain. Still, there was a kitchen upon the second floor? He had seen many areas already, but not one that looked like the one on the first floor. Well, he supposed he had nothing better to do. Provided that the sharp objects wouldn't be used against him, that is.

"Not an entirely useless suggestion. Very well, I'll come along."


arc_wrench January 3 2011, 07:59:44 UTC
"Gratitude: You are welcome, meatbag! And do not worry. I've been told the senility gets worse as you age," HK responded with all the maturity of his three years. Really, there were so many slow-moving, easy targets when it came to insulting meatbags, sometimes he just went with a simple one. Like reminding a meatbag of their fallibility and mortality through an insensitive comment about their age.

"Suggestion: Then watch the back," HK started walking. "Otherwise if a meatbag decides to attack from behind, it will eat you first, and then I will kill it while it is distracted."

[To here]


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