Female Showers - Day 19

Oct 26, 2006 15:40

Lust hadn't minded being ushered out of the dining hall in the least. She was still irritated over the fact that the woman from last night seemed so close to River. It was ridiculous to be jealous over such a thing, but Lust found herself unable to help it. She had precious few personal connections in this place, and in a strange way they were ( Read more... )

inara, revan, scholar ling, dante, lust, kaylee

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Comments 24

soulofdiscord October 27 2006, 03:25:53 UTC
There were... very, very few people here. But on the positive side, there were no nurses either; if it had been a waste of time, Scholar Ling would have seen if the guardians here were any challenge. As it was, she saw that woman from before, and deciding to shower next to her.

...as an aside, showers were an absolute fascination to the Scholar. She knew about plumbing, it was something that had been installed in the Palace due to the ingenuity of Lord Lao, but to have it sent out for whatever common peasants might need it was truly an interesting thought. Perhaps, the Nameless had no respect for station or power?

Regardless, Ling compared favorably to the other woman; insofar as they seemed to be hardened from the same kiln. Flattering features, soft skin, dark hair, full lips... interesting. That woman was almost like the Silk Fox, and that comparison only made Ling wonder.

"Tell me," she said as she turned on the water, "did your hunt go well last night?"


lustful_thing October 27 2006, 03:45:03 UTC
"Well enough," Lust said, turning to look at the dark haired woman beside her. She had taken off so abruptly the night before. Not that Lust minded - she had never been fond of traveling in large groups. Too much discussing and organizing needed. She tossed her hair behind her shoulders, letting the heavy mass hang down her back. She had never needed to shower in her former life, never worried about dirt or bodily secretions. Her hair alone took as long to wash as her body.

But this woman seemed an able fighter and not prone to hysterics or fear. That earned her some respect from Lust, who had no time for those who dithered and whimpered and couldn't help themselves.

"And your own travels?"


lapis_inferno October 27 2006, 04:55:32 UTC
"I'm not going in." Dante growled under her breath, staring into the shower with wary eyes. As enticing as the thought of cleaning her increasingly-filthy body was, she knew she couldn't do it. There was no way she could possibly reveal herself to the other women, not like this, with all of them in one place. She simply wouldn't allow it ( ... )


soulofdiscord October 27 2006, 05:11:55 UTC
"A great deal happened in a short amount of time. That young man, Kyo, was a disappointment. A sad waste of precious time."

...there was no oil. There were no herbs. How did these pathetic people live with mere soap?

"However, I did see a fair amount in the time that I had. Perhaps," she added with a faint smile, "an exchange for that information? I'm afraid that simply divulging such secrets goes against the truth of the Way."

She paused, though, and simply stared at the newcomer. Pathetic, simpering, whining... Ling's features creased into a frown of displeasure as she gazed at Dante. "Quite the contrary, it would be most inconvenient for me if she were to stop. Why don't you leave the two of us to an important conversation? Shower alone, if you do not wish for others to see."


revansremnant October 27 2006, 03:27:58 UTC
Her stop at the bulletin board had been a whim of desperation, a hope at some sort of validation of her memories. The results weren't reassuring.

Yes, the Mandalorian War was real, it wasn't a figment of her scattered mind, trying to piece things together wrongly. It was also "ancient history" and "not very relevant". Of interest only to scholars. Which would explain why someone like RC 1136 wouldn't have heard of it, he'd been raised to fight in his own war, he didn't need to know about irrelevant, trivial history.

She tried to recall what Ashi and Alex had explained briefly, that not everyone was from the same piece of the universe - or even the same piece of reality.

Chusa knew that there couldn't have been a way for the Republic to sped decades growing Clones for a war that wasn't. There'd been no Seperatists... no breakaway systems.


Right?Her own mind mocked her with it's emptiness ( ... )


soulofdiscord October 28 2006, 02:56:31 UTC
((Coming from here, when it's completed.))

That had been... most informative. Scholar Ling's mind was buzzing with new information, carefully taking it apart and comparing it with what she already knew. There were already discrepancies, flaws that she would have to file smooth... but there was certainly potential. A great deal of it, so much that could be done.

Now she wanted to speak with the woman she had seen before, the one with the interesting spirit. There, too, was somewhere she was needed, and her voice was as calm and polite as ever when she stood next to Chusa. Ling had just showered, but... she went through the motions again, deciding that the grime of such a common place might as well be thoroughly dealt with. "Did you watch, last night? Did you learn?"


revansremnant October 28 2006, 03:27:42 UTC
Chusa looked up from where she'd been quietly cleaning herself and gave the dark eyed woman a careful look.

"A few things, yes. About myself, about this place and what it can do to even those who are friends with each other."

Cemented that in stone really, no matter who you were allied with, come the night, those who were called by the intercom, became your enemy. And even though the morning's conversation with RC 1136 had thrown doubt on the truth of what memories hse possessed, she knew that no matter who she was, death wasn't a stranger... it might even be an old friend.


soulofdiscord October 28 2006, 03:56:58 UTC
A nod of approval; that was a start, and Ling was glad to know that the other woman wasn't one to shrink away from a hard truth. "You learned much, then. The spirit is a fickle thing, and even those with a strong will can be forced to obey. The results speak for themselves, do they not?"

"However..." She looked at the other, musing quietly. "You had both the resolve and the skill of a warrior, so I must test you. To whom does the blame fall, for that young man's death? You looked at his end unfliching; can you also look at the truth behind that deed in the same manner?"

It was just like in the past, when she had another and was educating them along the Way. Perhaps, in time, this one could learn the intricacies... she had the beginnings, at least. A beginning was all that was truly needed.


ifandmaybe October 27 2006, 12:28:50 UTC
Her brief reunion with River was swiftly broken up as the announcement called for another change in schedule. Even as she'd been escorted away, the girl's words rang clear in her ears.

"I hoped I was the only one."Inara closed her eyes and forced herself not to worry too much on the subject. River needed taking care of, but, at the same time, the girl had obviously proven herself more than capable of taking care of them all on her own. The fact that she'd managed to attach herself to a small group already seemed proof enough of that fact. Still, River Tam was a subject that was never entirely clear to anyone, and Inara supposed she should find the time to speak with Lust and that other man later ( ... )


just_shiny October 27 2006, 20:57:13 UTC
Kaylee was extremely comfortable in her own skin, and showering with other women didn't phase her in the slightest. However, showering with strange women in an Alliance prison that pretended to be some sort of hospital after being told that she was ill and that Kaywinnit Lee Frye did not exist sort of put her on edge.

She approched the showers slowly...not out of modesty, but because she was searching the other women for anyone remotely familiar.

But--there. In the corner. Kaylee sure knew THAT person!

"Inara! Zen me le*? Where are we? Is anybody else here? Simon? The Captain?" Without any sense of propriety, she reached out and embraced the slippery Companion. "I'm so glad I found you."

[*What's going on?]


ifandmaybe October 30 2006, 13:43:36 UTC
"Kaylee?" Inara turned around so quickly at the sound of that familiar voice that she nearly lost her balance. The same relief and fear filled her instantly as she confirmed that the voice did indeed belong to her companion. How many of them had been unfortunate enough to land a spot in Landels?

Mal...The Companion embraced the younger woman gladly, trying to offer her a comforting smile as she knew how difficult a place like this must've been for someone like Kaylee. It was difficult enough for Inara to deal with; she simply had the training and poise to pretend that it wasn't ( ... )


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