Female Showers - Day 19

Oct 26, 2006 15:40

Lust hadn't minded being ushered out of the dining hall in the least. She was still irritated over the fact that the woman from last night seemed so close to River. It was ridiculous to be jealous over such a thing, but Lust found herself unable to help it. She had precious few personal connections in this place, and in a strange way they were ( Read more... )

inara, revan, scholar ling, dante, lust, kaylee

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soulofdiscord October 27 2006, 03:25:53 UTC
There were... very, very few people here. But on the positive side, there were no nurses either; if it had been a waste of time, Scholar Ling would have seen if the guardians here were any challenge. As it was, she saw that woman from before, and deciding to shower next to her.

...as an aside, showers were an absolute fascination to the Scholar. She knew about plumbing, it was something that had been installed in the Palace due to the ingenuity of Lord Lao, but to have it sent out for whatever common peasants might need it was truly an interesting thought. Perhaps, the Nameless had no respect for station or power?

Regardless, Ling compared favorably to the other woman; insofar as they seemed to be hardened from the same kiln. Flattering features, soft skin, dark hair, full lips... interesting. That woman was almost like the Silk Fox, and that comparison only made Ling wonder.

"Tell me," she said as she turned on the water, "did your hunt go well last night?"


lustful_thing October 27 2006, 03:45:03 UTC
"Well enough," Lust said, turning to look at the dark haired woman beside her. She had taken off so abruptly the night before. Not that Lust minded - she had never been fond of traveling in large groups. Too much discussing and organizing needed. She tossed her hair behind her shoulders, letting the heavy mass hang down her back. She had never needed to shower in her former life, never worried about dirt or bodily secretions. Her hair alone took as long to wash as her body.

But this woman seemed an able fighter and not prone to hysterics or fear. That earned her some respect from Lust, who had no time for those who dithered and whimpered and couldn't help themselves.

"And your own travels?"


lapis_inferno October 27 2006, 04:55:32 UTC
"I'm not going in." Dante growled under her breath, staring into the shower with wary eyes. As enticing as the thought of cleaning her increasingly-filthy body was, she knew she couldn't do it. There was no way she could possibly reveal herself to the other women, not like this, with all of them in one place. She simply wouldn't allow it ( ... )


soulofdiscord October 27 2006, 05:11:55 UTC
"A great deal happened in a short amount of time. That young man, Kyo, was a disappointment. A sad waste of precious time."

...there was no oil. There were no herbs. How did these pathetic people live with mere soap?

"However, I did see a fair amount in the time that I had. Perhaps," she added with a faint smile, "an exchange for that information? I'm afraid that simply divulging such secrets goes against the truth of the Way."

She paused, though, and simply stared at the newcomer. Pathetic, simpering, whining... Ling's features creased into a frown of displeasure as she gazed at Dante. "Quite the contrary, it would be most inconvenient for me if she were to stop. Why don't you leave the two of us to an important conversation? Shower alone, if you do not wish for others to see."


lustful_thing October 27 2006, 05:17:37 UTC
"A great deal always happens in a small space of time here," Lust said, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. She nodded to what Scholar Ling was saying, understanding well the desire to make a trade of information ( ... )


lapis_inferno October 27 2006, 11:40:43 UTC
Dante growled under her breath, absolutely livid at the other women's behavior. She resisted the urge to shoot Lust's companion a hateful glare, instead reserving all her loathing Lust, making a point to smile sweetly at her before slinking away into the corner. She hated to admit it, but Lust was right, and she had no choice but to shower and be done with it.

Loosening her hospital robe, she whimpered slightly, careful not to let the others see. It had been years since any human had seen Dante's "condition", though she figured the doctors had also seen her body when she came to this place. The very thought made her want to scream. Tears of anger licked at the corners of her eyes, but she quickly shoved them aside, not wanting to expose her weakness even further by letting them catch her cry. She wouldn't give Lust that satisfaction.

Facing away from the others, she let her robe fall, painfully conscious of the smell that wafted through the air as she snuck into the shower and as far away from the others as possible. Oh, Lust, she ( ... )


soulofdiscord October 27 2006, 12:09:58 UTC
There were only a few things, in Scholar Ling's experience, that caused such corruption in a human. Ghostly possession, demonic taint... or the twisted curse of cannibalism. Considering the woman's simpering demeanor and pathetic manner, Ling guessed it was the latter. And in that case, her plight did but one thing for the woman.

Ling laughed. A cold, derisive chuckle; utterly amused by Dante's despair and vindicated by her weakness. Ling had long ago found that politeness only got one so far; in this case, emphasizing her disdain by showing that she had no fear or indeed any respect for the other was far more easily accomplished with her tone and the way she turned away as though finished with Dante. She no longer held any interest for the Scholar ( ... )


lustful_thing October 27 2006, 16:06:56 UTC
Lust raised her eyebrow at her dark haired companion and cast a look to her Master, huddled in the corner in an attempt to hide her condition ( ... )


lapis_inferno October 28 2006, 16:20:39 UTC
Dante sniffed in indignation, squinting as she tried to read the words on the other women's lips through the streams of water rolling down her face. She hated secrets, and she hated them even more when it was one of her pawns telling them. Dante had been the only one allowed to keep secrets! A soulless monster like Lust had no right to keep things from her master, the one who raised her to look human and taught her how to behave in the world. And yet now the roles were switched, and Dante had become the one on the outside, excluded from the lives of everyone she had once controlled. It wasn't fair, and she hated it ( ... )


soulofdiscord October 28 2006, 16:35:55 UTC
As for the whispered secrets, about the warnings that Dante had subverted governments and toppled entire empires, and about skills that she alone could master... it merely brought a smile to the Scholar's face, and the gentle phrase, "As have I." Perhaps the other woman was worthwhile to know, but it was just as likely that Dante was a two-bit manipulator, one who sought power but did not contemplate on the nature of that power. The fact that her body was so hideous, compared to Ling's flawless form, was proof enough of that fact.

Besides, if she was someone worth knowing, Ling would discover it all in the fullness of time. Having her riled would be a means to that end ( ... )


lustful_thing October 28 2006, 16:44:34 UTC
"Their experiments come in a wide variety," Lust said, her eyes focused on the tiled wall in front of her. "Giving powers, taking them away, altering them. Manipulating a person's physical body - there seems no limit to the power of these experiments ( ... )


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