Day 53: Sun Room, Morning

Nov 26, 2010 14:48

With breakfast finished and a new acquaintance made, the Scarecrow's mind turned to his other friends. The disappearance of Depth Charge's friend had brought back memories of how he'd felt when Kaiji went missing: helpless, useless, as though he should have and could have done something more to find him. If only he had his brain, then maybe he ( Read more... )

leela, kirk, s.t., gambit, tsubaki, anise, minato, the doctor, goku (dragonball), niikura, taura, claire bennet, peter parker, snow, lunge, lana skye, ruby, mello, soren, brainiac 5, xemnas, minako, stefan, tsukasa, watson, mele, damon, two-face, erika, tifa, the scarecrow, matt, maya, ishida, yukari, zack, kratos, rubedo, haseo, jo, bella, scott pilgrim, kaito, aigis, elle, izaya, austria, claire littleton, sora, prussia, chuck, leon (so2), buzz, dean winchester, guy, kairi, venom, depth charge, kibitoshin, ilia, lightning, rita, castiel, katniss, riku, yomi, aerith, sai, yue, claire stanfield, edward cullen, ema skye, mccoy, scar (tlk)

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Comments 555

tasteoftruth November 27 2010, 00:46:14 UTC
Breakfast left matters a bit clearer. He was in some kind of loony bin, which explained why no one believed he was Tyrell Badd and why the nurses didn't listen to a single thing he said. If one of the random patients had claimed to be, say, Phoenix Wright, Badd wouldn't have believed him either. At some point he'd find an opportunity to get to a phone and call Gumshoe, security around here wasn't particularly tight, but that wasn't as important as figuring out what was going on.

Badd took up a relaxed position on one of the couches. With 'where' answered, what was left behind were the questions of how and why. It was still a gigantic slip-up to send a perfectly sane criminal to a psychiatric institute rather than just putting him back where he came from. As stupid as the pencilpushers could be, they couldn't fail this badly. Someone had done this intentionally.

...was the ring really powerful enough to put him here? And if so, what were they hoping to accomplish?



gargantuanlaugh November 28 2010, 17:54:38 UTC
Gant checked the bulletin as soon as the shift changed, but nothing had been left for him, as usual. Well, he didn't blame anyone for not checking up on him. He was quite capable of keeping himself out of trouble... most of the time. Or at least keeping others from knowing the trouble he had created. But anyway, he was glad to see Lana was posting messages again, at least. That left him without doubt that she truly was okay. Not that he didn't take Harvey's word for it, but every night offered its own dangers. He would just rather she not be one to succumb to them here. She was more useful to him alive than dead, after all ( ... )


tasteoftruth November 28 2010, 18:31:03 UTC
Oh no. Of all people to be here it had to be him. Badd reluctantly turned his head towards his former boss.

"Gant," he said, voice cold as arctic winter. Gant looking well and happy, which in itself was annoying. Nobody who violated their badge so violently deserved a moment's comfort. "How'd you manage to swing an insanity defense, you old scumbag?" The man was depraved, but Badd was pretty certain he wasn't all-out crazy.

Badd hadn't been fond of Gant even before SL-9 went down. The man was far too friendly and laughed too much, and Badd didn't trust anyone who laughed at inappropriate times. After Gant's promotion he'd grown more bothersome (what with having to actually follow his orders) and after his arrest he'd lost what few positive aspects Badd thought he had. Skye hadn't deserved what she got and what he'd done to her sister was just...disgusting.

Hurting kids was one of the few things that made Badd deeply consider leaving the justice system out of the proceedings entirely.


gargantuanlaugh November 28 2010, 20:49:22 UTC
Gant pouted at the cold reception. Everyone was so moody today. "Now that's not a very nice thing to say, Baddo! After all the years we've known one another, that's all you have to say when meeting an ally here ( ... )


vsyourface November 27 2010, 00:55:32 UTC
Scott leaned next to the bulletin board, pulling the crumpled note out of his pocket for the fifty-millionth time. He still hadn't seen any sign of the old lardbutt anywhere. That should have been a really, really, really good thing, too, and for the most part, Scott actually was glad.  No more room fires, no more diving behind couches during shifts, no more threats to Knives... Still, he had been happier about less evil people bursting into coins and such. Was he really just going to miss the bulletin feud that much? Really? Seriously? Or was it just because he was a character Scott knew from his childhood, evil or no? Whatever it was, the prospect of Porky actually being dead sat weirdly with him. That was just what he needed on top of his Fourth Wall and Brain-Breaking Nightshift Sundae: a possible death he didn't know what to feel about ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

vsyourface November 27 2010, 09:47:28 UTC
A blinking white arrow zeroed in on Peter's arm, with a caption reading "SLING?!*" right above it. Below, on the opposite side, a small black box with an editor's note read "* - ouch". At least, that was how Scott perceived Peter's entrance, anyway. How come no one else viewed the world this way again? So much more conveniently organized ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

osakapwnzu November 27 2010, 01:55:33 UTC

So he'd told a tiny, tiny lie to Kaito, but it was for his own good--Heiji plead the preservation of life. Shinichi had come up to talk to him the day before he'd been attacked, Kaito shouldn't be next. Not at least until he'd had a chance to talk to Okita and get some kind of angle on the situation. Figure out what to do before it happened again.

And yet he wasn't seeing Okita until lunchtime and Kaito was on the lookout for Heiji. And he didn't have anywhere to hide. His nurse was refusing to take him back to his room ("You've spent too much time in there lately, Harley! Interaction is the key to happiness~"), and he didn't have an Arts and Crafts room to hide in either. So what would keep Kaito away from him?

Heiji rushed over to one of the armchairs in the corner and lay down in it as though he were sleeping. Catching up on stuff: like sleeping.

[For Kaito~]


flashyaudacity November 28 2010, 01:42:19 UTC
Between the situation with Yukari and Hattori dodging questions on the bulletin (first today was bad to meet up, then it wasn't bad but he was just busy?), Kaito's mood had already deteriorated from the cheery place it had been when he'd headed to breakfast. He was pretty sure his nurse was going to comment on that, too, the next time he saw her.

He spotted Hattori spread across a couch and frowned. "'Catching up on stuff'," he grumbled under his breath. "Right."

If the detective was planning on sleeping right now, he was going to be sorely disappointed. Kaito headed straight for the couch his friend was draped across, coming to a stop by him and crossing his arms. Confident that Hattori wasn't actually asleep (yet), he demanded, "What's your problem, Hattori? You check up on me on the board, but then can't spare some time to talk ( ... )


osakapwnzu November 28 2010, 03:41:55 UTC
Iiii'm asleep. I'masleepI'masleepI'masleep!

He totally wasn't though. He was just doing a very bad job of pretending to be, and no doubt Kaito had already picked up on the fact that Heiji was faking it. He was talking to Heiji after all, instead of just stalking off to hunt him another day.

At this point, he had the option of just ignoring Kaito, pretending that he was pissed or something random and didn't want to talk. But when Kaito brought up that, he really didn't have a choice. He couldn't let Kaito think that he was ignoring him because Shinichi thought Kaito was a notorious phantom thief.

"," Heiji said with a heavy sigh. He rolled over and made room for Kaito on the couch. "It's worse'n that. That jus' sucks, it isn' life-threatening."


flashyaudacity November 28 2010, 04:07:32 UTC
Hattori may have finally cracked open his eyes and moved to make room on the couch, but Kaito didn't budge from where he was standing.

"No life-threatening," he repeated incredulously. "Right. That's easy for you to say; you're not the one being accused of being a famous thief."

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Maybe he was getting a little too defensive over this (sure, there probably really were worse things than Kudou having tried to out his identity), but Hattori was being evasive, and not in the fun, magical way. Kaito wanted a straight answer without having to ask the right question.

"But if that's not it, then what is? I've barely seen you in days, so it sure seems like you've been avoiding me."


guardiancomplex November 27 2010, 02:04:48 UTC
Well, that was interesting, but not very productive.

So the ring was like some kind of teleportation ring--that took the wearer and their group to the last place they were when the stone was broken. But when Touya had awoken and found the ring still on his finger, there was no stone to break. It had to be replaced with something... Maybe Yue remembered, because Touya hadn't been paying attention until after he'd found the ring ( ... )


not_rly_fai November 27 2010, 17:31:17 UTC
Breakfast was left untouched, but Yuuhi was left with more than enough food for thought. The nurse escorted him from the table, clicking her tongue at the uneaten food. His smile was brighter though, and the nurse didn't even seem to notice how empty it seemed. She led him to the Sun Room, which was already starting to get crowded ( ... )


guardiancomplex November 28 2010, 05:24:08 UTC
To say that Touya was surprised by Fai's sudden approach and seating was an understatement. And it all happened so fast that Touya was unable to protest or ask just what the nurse meant by arguments with Aiden. She was gone before Touya could open his mouth. Instead, he just watched the nurse go, his face a mix of surprise and disgruntlement.

"Good morning... I've been okay," Touya said cautiously. "Am I supposed to be playing something with you?"


not_rly_fai November 29 2010, 04:36:08 UTC
The hasty seating didn't help much in garnering Touya's good favor. If he'd had his choice, he wouldn't spent the next few shifts sleeping in his room, but the nurses had other plans apparently. Touya at least, didn't seem to share Yue's cool demeanor and rapid fire questioning that'd made breakfast such a joy. Not that the attitudes might not change if Yue decided to share what he'd learned.

At Touya's question though, he shook his head, acting just as confused. In part, he was. The nurses seemed to know just who to pick for him to sit with to ensure his day was as stressful and difficult to hide from as possible.

"Not sure. Sometimes the nurses can be so adamant about playtime. Not that I mind a game once in a while," he shrugged, "but it looks like we're stuck with eachother for a bit. Might as well make the most of it. Do you know 20 questions? I spy? I'm thinking of something... grey."


fuzzy_diablo November 27 2010, 02:14:09 UTC
That was an interesting night, to say the least ( ... )


train_tracer November 27 2010, 23:17:32 UTC
Claire had discovered the bulletin board. What a day of discoveries! First, he'd woken up and discovered himself in a mental institute where he was not supposed to be. Then he had discovered waffles. And now, he had discovered the fun of bulletin boards! It was a novel thing to him, communicating through slips of paper on a community board like this. Everything was public, but that made things many times more interesting, he decided. He'd already had fun looking around all the other posts and replying where he felt the need to. Or rather, replying when he felt like it ( ... )


fuzzy_diablo November 28 2010, 05:13:07 UTC
Kurt had been contemplating counting steps or something like that, when he heard someone sit down near him and scoot closer. He looked over his shoulder and saw that someone he'd never seen before was approaching him. Kurt always liked meeting new people (when he looked like everybody else), especially people who were friendly off-the-bat.

"Hi," Kurt said, swiveling easily in the armchair until he was facing the other guy. "How's it going?"


train_tracer November 28 2010, 13:38:54 UTC
"Fine, I guess! This place is quite entertaining!" Good! This guy seemed like he was willing to talk! Maybe he could get some questions answered here then. The bulletin board seemed to only be useful for a limited amount of information gathering. It seemed the institute they were at censored anything that was too conspicuous of the patients. To be expected! Claire could deal with that!

Claire got straight to the point. He knew what he wanted, after all, and he was going to get it.

"So! Who are you? Oh, and have you been here a while, because I've got some questions and it'd be rather pointless if you're new like I am."


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