Day 53: Sun Room, Morning

Nov 26, 2010 14:48

With breakfast finished and a new acquaintance made, the Scarecrow's mind turned to his other friends. The disappearance of Depth Charge's friend had brought back memories of how he'd felt when Kaiji went missing: helpless, useless, as though he should have and could have done something more to find him. If only he had his brain, then maybe he ( Read more... )

leela, kirk, s.t., gambit, tsubaki, anise, minato, the doctor, goku (dragonball), niikura, taura, claire bennet, peter parker, snow, lunge, lana skye, ruby, mello, soren, brainiac 5, xemnas, minako, stefan, tsukasa, watson, mele, damon, two-face, erika, tifa, the scarecrow, matt, maya, ishida, yukari, zack, kratos, rubedo, haseo, jo, bella, scott pilgrim, kaito, aigis, elle, izaya, austria, claire littleton, sora, prussia, chuck, leon (so2), buzz, dean winchester, guy, kairi, venom, depth charge, kibitoshin, ilia, lightning, rita, castiel, katniss, riku, yomi, aerith, sai, yue, claire stanfield, edward cullen, ema skye, mccoy, scar (tlk)

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osakapwnzu November 27 2010, 01:55:33 UTC

So he'd told a tiny, tiny lie to Kaito, but it was for his own good--Heiji plead the preservation of life. Shinichi had come up to talk to him the day before he'd been attacked, Kaito shouldn't be next. Not at least until he'd had a chance to talk to Okita and get some kind of angle on the situation. Figure out what to do before it happened again.

And yet he wasn't seeing Okita until lunchtime and Kaito was on the lookout for Heiji. And he didn't have anywhere to hide. His nurse was refusing to take him back to his room ("You've spent too much time in there lately, Harley! Interaction is the key to happiness~"), and he didn't have an Arts and Crafts room to hide in either. So what would keep Kaito away from him?

Heiji rushed over to one of the armchairs in the corner and lay down in it as though he were sleeping. Catching up on stuff: like sleeping.

[For Kaito~]


flashyaudacity November 28 2010, 01:42:19 UTC
Between the situation with Yukari and Hattori dodging questions on the bulletin (first today was bad to meet up, then it wasn't bad but he was just busy?), Kaito's mood had already deteriorated from the cheery place it had been when he'd headed to breakfast. He was pretty sure his nurse was going to comment on that, too, the next time he saw her.

He spotted Hattori spread across a couch and frowned. "'Catching up on stuff'," he grumbled under his breath. "Right."

If the detective was planning on sleeping right now, he was going to be sorely disappointed. Kaito headed straight for the couch his friend was draped across, coming to a stop by him and crossing his arms. Confident that Hattori wasn't actually asleep (yet), he demanded, "What's your problem, Hattori? You check up on me on the board, but then can't spare some time to talk ( ... )


osakapwnzu November 28 2010, 03:41:55 UTC
Iiii'm asleep. I'masleepI'masleepI'masleep!

He totally wasn't though. He was just doing a very bad job of pretending to be, and no doubt Kaito had already picked up on the fact that Heiji was faking it. He was talking to Heiji after all, instead of just stalking off to hunt him another day.

At this point, he had the option of just ignoring Kaito, pretending that he was pissed or something random and didn't want to talk. But when Kaito brought up that, he really didn't have a choice. He couldn't let Kaito think that he was ignoring him because Shinichi thought Kaito was a notorious phantom thief.

"," Heiji said with a heavy sigh. He rolled over and made room for Kaito on the couch. "It's worse'n that. That jus' sucks, it isn' life-threatening."


flashyaudacity November 28 2010, 04:07:32 UTC
Hattori may have finally cracked open his eyes and moved to make room on the couch, but Kaito didn't budge from where he was standing.

"No life-threatening," he repeated incredulously. "Right. That's easy for you to say; you're not the one being accused of being a famous thief."

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Maybe he was getting a little too defensive over this (sure, there probably really were worse things than Kudou having tried to out his identity), but Hattori was being evasive, and not in the fun, magical way. Kaito wanted a straight answer without having to ask the right question.

"But if that's not it, then what is? I've barely seen you in days, so it sure seems like you've been avoiding me."


osakapwnzu November 28 2010, 04:42:57 UTC
"Yeah, I have been avoiding you. Y'wanna know why?" Heiji asked, significantly pissed that Kaito thought somehow Heiji was overreacting to a hair-monster-possessing-ghost killing one woman, and then going after his best friend. Yeah, he was totally overreacting. After all, it wasn't like people didn't drop dead around him--he should've been completely used to his friends being hunted down and systematically killed!

"Because a friend of mine, Sen, had her neck snapped by some kinda ghost and then went after me. I heard it comin' after me the night you came to ask if I was okay. I nearly drowned when I wasn' near water--my lungs jus' started filling up with water when I was sittin' on my bed talkin' to Himura. Oh! And y'know what else is awesome? It attacked Kudou too.

"So yeah, forgive me if I'm not entirely convinced that y'couldn' possibly be attacked jus' by talkin' t'me. 'S like a goddamn virus or somethin ( ... )


flashyaudacity November 29 2010, 05:15:45 UTC
Hattori was obviously getting angry, and Kaito's own irritation was spiking with every word the detective said.

"What do you think I am; psychic?" he countered defensively, trying to control his voice and volume. Poker face; he had to stay in control. "Newsflash, Hattori: I might be able to read your mind during a card trick, but I'm not really reading your mind. How was I supposed to know what was going on when you didn't tell me anything?"

He couldn't fault Hattori for thinking that he'd made the best move-even if he completely disagreed with it-but acting like Kaito should have just... known what had happened? That he had a problem with.

"I'm not going anywhere," he said evenly. A long moment passed before he finally took a seat, however, arms still crossed and staring Hattori down.


osakapwnzu December 2 2010, 04:40:21 UTC
Heiji glared back at Kaito, though his heart really wasn't in it. He'd just wanted to protect them from what was happening to him, he didn't want to yell at anybody or alienate anyone. He just didn't want Kaito to be the one choking on nothing, or Shinichi to end up with the next broken neck. But he thought that if he told Shinichi or Kaito, they would take it as him being overly sensitive. But the image of Sen dying was burned into his mind. It would never go away.

He looked back at his knees, then rubbed his face with his hands.

"You're right, you're right," he muttered. "I'm just so... freaked out I don' know what t'do."


flashyaudacity December 5 2010, 23:39:11 UTC
Kaito finally looked away from Hattori and sighed. "Look, I'm not telling you that you can't... avoid me if that's what you want to do," he said, a part of him wondering why this situation wasn't reversed. He was the phantom thief here; shouldn't he be avoiding detectives instead of being the one the detective was avoiding?

Oh, how things had changed...

"But don't just cut me out of the loop if you do, okay? There's always a chance I could help, but I can't do anything if I don't know what's going on."


osakapwnzu December 6 2010, 02:17:56 UTC
"I never wanted t'avoid anybody. I jus'... didn' wanna see anybody else die 'cause of whatever's followin' me. Sen was bad, but if it were you 'r Okita-han 'r Kudou..."

He'd fall apart, no question. Heiji wore his heart on his sleeve, he was friends or friendly rivals with just about everybody. He couldn't help just trying to like people. He hated avoiding his best friends, he really did, but it would kill him to lose one more than it did to miss out on socializing until he figured out how to get this thing off of him.

"I dunno if anybody could help. Unless y'know an exorcist," Heiji said with a weak smirk.


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