. . . but I'm just a tad pissed off right now. I was doing a quick scan of the news headlines before logging off the work computer (trying to stay at least somewhat current) and found an article about the abortion restriction laws that look very much as if they're going to pass in Oklahoma right now
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Comments 43
What the fucking hell is this shit? That's insane!
I'm sorry, but what the hell do these lawmakers have against people with female reproductive organs?
Well, it's all Eve's fault the world is the mess that it is, so clearly, all women always should be made to pay for that. I have actually heard people try to argue something along those lines.
Supporting research into more effective contraception?
Now, that's just crazy talk. Next you'll be saying it's all right for women to enjoy sex.
Yeah, that was my first thought.
Now, that's just crazy talk. Next you'll be saying it's all right for women to enjoy sex.
Or even -- gasp! -- have sex without being married, and without the express purpose of reproduction! Horrors! *eyeroll*
to punish women for having sex, and to control women.
Because let's face it - it has NOTHING to do with "the children." They couldn't care less about the children. It's all about control. If they cared about "the children" they'd also be working toward adoption reform and better social services for these scared women that they claim they want to "save."
You mean it's going to be legal for doctors to lie to women? As if the first part isn't bad enough - yeah, cause of course all women need to have information rammed down their throats because they're too stupid and selfish to make the 'right' decision otherwise - but legalised lying?
I'm with measi. Punishment and control. Because clearly women shouldn't be having sex, and god forbid they enjoy it.
I hope all sensible women move out of Oklahoma and leave the men with only each other and the cattle.
Contraceptives? Gasp. The shock. The horror. I work in a Catholic hospital, and do you know, their pharmacy won't fill prescriptions for contraceptives? I can kind of understand the policy decision that the procedure for getting one's tubes tied won't be performed there, but filling a prescription for medication prescribed by your physician?
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