. . . but I'm just a tad pissed off right now. I was doing a quick scan of the news headlines before logging off the work computer (trying to stay at least somewhat current) and found an article about the abortion restriction laws that look very much as if they're going to pass in Oklahoma right now.
Up front, yes, I'm pro-choice; but regardless of how one feels about abortion, check out the section of the proposed legislation I've bolded below:
"One of the measures requires women to undergo an ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the fetus before getting an abortion. The other prohibits pregnant women from seeking damages if physicians withhold information or provide inaccurate information about their pregnancy.
Supporters said the second measure was aimed at preventing women from discriminating against fetuses with disabilities."
(Source) So, let me get this straight -- under the guise of protecting the unborn, these people think it's reasonable to make it legal for a physician to lie to a patient about medical matters? I'm sorry, but WTF?!?!
That's even "better" than Utah's proposed
criminalization of "reckless" miscarriages (which was later
withdrawn, thankfully).
I'm sorry, but what the hell do these lawmakers have against people with female reproductive organs? It seems to me that there are a lot better, more productive ways to go about reducing the number of abortions without penalizing people simply for having girly bits. (More support for single moms -- during and after pregnancy? Supporting research into more effective contraception? Public programs to educate women and their partners about avoiding unwanted pregnancy, and to help provide them the means? Hello?)
*grumble!* Sorry, just had to get that one out of my system.