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daleysebastian January 12 2014, 07:38:41 UTC
"I am funny, when I feel like it," Sebastian shrugged. That, though, was mostly for show. Funny wasn't something Sebastian could remember having ever been called. When Reid said it, though, Sebastian kind of wanted it to be true.

What even. How was Reid able to pull something like that off? Sebastian was really going to have to actually think this through. Later, though, because right now, there was a question to answer.

Trying not to smirk, Sebastian shrugged. "You got something convincing to offer?" This conversation had turned around quickly, and they hadn't even left the doorway.

... )


daleysebastian January 18 2014, 04:55:00 UTC
"Do you believe me?" Sebastian asked, voice nearly getting caught up in the way he wanted to grin. Reid was easy, really. So far, Sebastian realized that he didn't have to even do anything half the time. It was a little hilarious, but Sebastian liked it.

He wasn't going to say it to literally anyone, but he liked the way Reid looked at him, his eyes seeming to get darker with every shift of his glance.

Reaching up, Sebastian wrapped his fingers around Reid's wrist near his own chest, thumb idly stroking over the thin skin over his pulse.


reidinggg January 18 2014, 05:03:58 UTC
Reid's breath caught in his throat for a moment at the brush of Sebastian's thumb. Merlin, he really was easy, at least when it came to this one. Which, really, how fair was it even considering he was all over there looking like that. Reid had never even stood a chance.

Still, he swallowed, blinked, twitched his fingers against Sebastian's chest, holding on as tightly as he could to his fraying self-control. His hips jerked forward slightly and he took a half-step back in despite himself, stopping just short of making contact again.

"Does it matter?" he asked, sarcasm mixing with genuine softness both in his tone and his expression.


daleysebastian January 18 2014, 05:20:29 UTC
Maybe it was the tiny twitch of his hips or the way his tone shifted. Seriously, how was Reid that expressive with his voice and actual expressions? It wasn't even fair, the things he could pull off.

Either way, Sebastian reached out to curl his fingers around Reid's hip, hooking in his belt loop. "Do I lose half the mystery if I say yes?" It mattered, somehow, what Reid thought. Sebastian might not want Reid believing him to matter, but it was like leaving. Reid showed up and made things happen that Sebastian couldn't hardly make sense of.


reidinggg January 18 2014, 06:10:50 UTC
Reid's lips twitched up despite himself, a small huff of laughter passing his lips. "You lose half the mystery, you're still left with more of it than most people can safely manage-"

Still, that had been about as close to 'the correct answer' (more 'correct' than he'd ever expected, really) as he felt he was ever likely to get from Sebastian. And with the way his belt loop was being tugged at and how those eyes were staring right through him, he really didn't have the will power to hold out any longer.

He followed the pull at his hips, stepping in again and promptly meeting Sebastian's lips with his again, perhaps a little more desperately than he would have hoped. He grabbed at Sebastian's side, fingers curling against the curve of his ribs.


daleysebastian January 18 2014, 06:30:53 UTC
Sebastian's lips twisted into a small, relieved smile. Why he wanted to be an enigma was beyond him. Sometimes that was the impression people created of him, but he didn't try to do it on purpose. With Reid, Sebastian liked that it seemed to make him interesting.

It was easy to meet Reid's lips with the same sense of desperation, hand coming up to slide around the side of Reid's neck and grip on his hip going harder like grasping a lifeline.


reidinggg January 18 2014, 06:59:43 UTC
Reid's hips bucked against Sebastian's, still very much enjoying the position of implied power that came with having him pinned back against the door. He groaned against their intertwined tongues for a moment before pulling himself again, dragging his lips across the stubble dotting his jaw, dipping his head to trail along the sharp line leading up to his ear.

"Don't think that conversation's over, by the way," he managed to breathily mutter before snagging Sebastian's earlobe between his teeth. He continued down the side of his neck, his hands simultaneously working their way up, all nails and firmly pressing fingers, beneath the hem of Sebastian's shirt.


daleysebastian January 18 2014, 07:07:41 UTC
"Course not. Not trying to distract you at all," Sebastian managed to mutter. If the whole thing was punctuated by groans in multiple places, that wasn't his fault, no not at all.

His hips jerked against Reid's, still holding Reid as in place as he could. His hand caught in Reid's hair, twisting the strands between his fingers as his head fell back to thud against the door.


reidinggg January 18 2014, 07:40:04 UTC
"Not even- the least bit- distracted," Reid muttered, his words half-muffled and caught between breaths as he sharply nipped along the line of his neck. He worked his hands further up Sebastian's sides before impatiently pulling back and firmly yanking the shirt over his head, immediately latching his lips back on to the dip at the bottom of his throat once that unnecessary barrier had been discarded.


daleysebastian January 18 2014, 07:49:23 UTC
Sebastian laughed, low and deep, at Reid's urgency but mostly at the absurdity of how this had turned around so quickly.

Once Reid's lips were on his throat, though, Sebastian suddenly had the need to get at more of his skin. His hand fisted in the back of Reid's shirt, fabric sliding up so he could graze his nails up Reid's back. He pushed him back just long enough to throw the shirt vaguely in the direction of his. Then he was biting at Reid's lips, chasing the sting with his tongue.


reidinggg January 18 2014, 14:54:59 UTC
Reid gladly let himself be shrugged out of his own shirt, a groan catching in his throat at the snag of Sebastian's teeth. He leaned in, hips nudging forward, greedily chasing more skin-on-skin contact as his hand curled back around Sebastian's side, nails leaving pale streaks across his skin.


daleysebastian January 19 2014, 07:33:10 UTC
His breath hissed at the sting of nails. He stroked his tongue over Reid's, already starting to forget the previous conversation. His urgency to leave was replaced with a completely different kind. His fingers stroked down Reid's chest and side respectively, tracing random patterns until his fingers caught in Reid's waistband, jerking them together in a tighter grind as he thumbed against the button.


reidinggg January 20 2014, 02:54:13 UTC
Reid squirmed beneath Sebastian's wandering hands, his skin tingling at the touch. The groan at the back of his throat turned into more of a growl at the sharp tug on his waistband, and he nudged his hips into Sebastian's hand, both baffled and endlessly pleased by how easily Sebastian could have him practically begging.


daleysebastian January 20 2014, 03:47:53 UTC
Thumb hooked at the button, Sebastian turned his hand to press along Reid's length through the fabric. Sebastian might like prolonging things and teasing, but Reid always had him three steps away from losing any sense of control he had.


reidinggg January 20 2014, 07:08:16 UTC
Reid's breath caught in his throat, his head dropping back slightly at the much more direct contact. His own hand slipped down to Sebastian's hands, nails raking around from his sides and down the entirely too enticing stretch of muscle that dipped from his stomach down past the waistband of his jeans.

He didn't bother with hesitation before working through the button and zipper, hips reflexedly bucking against Sebastian's hand as his own similarly slipped between layers of fabric.


daleysebastian January 20 2014, 15:32:12 UTC
Sebastian's head dropped back - connecting with the door with a dull thud - briefly as his breath rushed out in a bit of a groan. There were always too many, too thick layers in the way.

He raked his nails over Reid's side before getting both hands on Reid's waistband to fuss with the buttons. It was made all that much more difficult when his hips jerked instinctively toward Reid's touch.


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