Ships That Pass in the Night

May 24, 2009 18:12

Title : Ships That Pass in the Night
Author : dalehead
Pairing : Ian McKellen/Gerard Way
Rating : R for swearing
Summary: A singer meets an actor….
A/N : For Lexi.
A/N 2: Part of Ian X 70

Ian is weary. He stands at the bar, his scotch in front of him and thinks it’s a long way to his room. It never ceases to amaze him how popular he’s become, not just on account of Rings but from playing Magneto too. He has been mobbed every time he leaves the hotel and it’s strange coming, as it does, after a long and some might say illustrious career.

“Excuse me…”

Ian can’t believe it. This is a high end hotel and there is a guy holding out a battered copy of The Two Towers, opened at Chapter 5, The White Rider.

“Would you mind signing for me…”

Ian glances into a face that is deserving of a second look. Long dark hair, a pallor that suggests late, late nights, a body aroma that is not altogether fresh and a pair of dark eyes that are lit up rather too brilliantly.

“Rings was awesome man, awesome, I saw it …” Ian shuts off and lets the boy prattle on. It would appear he doesn’t need to answer anyway, lets his eyes glaze over, lets his mind wander, thinking about this and that, thinking that he will be meeting a lot of old friends very soon. Thinking this time he’ll have a crack at Hugh Jackman or die in the attempt. There is a long pause as he realises the kid has asked him a question.

“Sorry,” he smiles his most charming smile. “I didn’t quite catch that,” playing the older actor who might be a little deaf.

“You aren’t listening to me are you?” and damnit if the boy doesn’t look quite upset. “This is like a big thing for me dude, and you’re not listening.

He reminds Ian of Lij, all eyes and tragic looking. He sighs. “You’re right, it was intolerably rude of me.”

“I was wondering if you’d like to buy me a drink?”

“Haven’t you had enough?”

“Yes but I want more.”

Fair enough. Ian nods to the bar tender. “Shall I put this on your bill Sir Ian or on yours, Mr Way? The barman looks disapprovingly at the young man. Ian is annoyed. “On mine please,” he picks up his drink. “Let’s go and sit down over there,” he leads ‘Mr Way’ to the squashy sofas that litter the bar area. It is late and they are the only people still standing, or sitting even, Ian chooses a shady nook away from any possibly prying eyes. This is an hotel, who knows who might turn up.

It is in this way they both miss a dishevelled looking guy who comes out of the lift, clearly looking for someone…

“I got locked out,” the boy said. “Sir, I got locked out Sir,” he drops to his knees. “Can I blow you?”

Ian blinks.

“First of all, call me Ian, secondly, tell me your name and then we’ll talk about whether you should blow me and why you’ve been locked out of your room.”

The boy sighs. “I’m Gerard Way,” he pauses, looking at Ian expectantly.

“Well Gerard Way, why were you locked out of your room?”

“Because Bert is a meanie and cos I stole his stash.” Gerard doesn’t look particularly repentant.

“So if I allowed you to blow me, or if I took you upstairs to fuck you, I’d be taking gross advantage of a much younger man.”


“Well Gerard Way, you’re over the age of consent yes?”


“And you’re going to shower and clean your teeth before I fuck you or let you near my cock.”

“What are you saying?”

“That you smell dear boy.”

“And I can call you Sir?”


“And you’ll call me boy?”

“Yes boy.”

“And you’ll get in the shower with me.”

“Come on Gerard Way, you’re beginning to try my patience and at this rate, we’ll be here all night.” Ian stands up. “We’ll go to my room.” He holds his hand out to the boy.

“Don’t want to be here all night, want you to fuck me, then m tired, really tired, wouldn’t mind getting some sleep, if that’s okay, cos I am really tired, really tired, wouldn’t …” he stops. “I said that already didn’t I?”

“Come on darling,” Ian reaches for Gerard’s warm greasy hand. “Let’s get you upstairs.”

Ian’s room is on the first floor. He hates long lift rides and he likes to know he could, if necessary, get out of the window and down to the ground floor, it’s his own personal phobia. Luckily his agent and “people” have long since given up trying to persuade him otherwise.

“Take your clothes off,” Ian has zoned out from Gerard’s gentle chuntering, having realised that answering is not a prerequisite. He shuts the door, goes into the bathroom and turns the water on in the shower stall. “Shower then a spot of Bedfordshire for you my boy.”

“I want you to fuck me.”

“We’ll see,” is all Ian will say. He helps Gerard undress, nose wrinkling at the smell of unwashed boy who takes drugs, drinks and doesn’t change his clothes often enough.

“You’re coming with me,” Gerard looks up pleadingly. “Please?”

“Sure,” Ian begins undressing too, ignoring the sharp intake of breath as he drops his pants to reveal his large, his very large, cock. “I know, I know, I’ve heard it all before, although there is a note of pride in his voice as he ushers the boy into the bathroom and under the warm spray. “Tell me after you’re clean,” he adds as Gerard opens him mouth to speak.

He follows, making sure there are towels within reach and that he has everything to hand. He can see Gerard wants to speak. “Not a word from you until you’re clean,” picking up shower gel, Ian begins to gently wash Gerard. He is painfully thin though Ian suspect that’s more to do with the chemical substances he imbibes rather than lack of sustenance.

“S’nice,” Gerard remarks, his body relaxing for the first time that day. “I like this.”

“Good,” if this boy stays awake long enough to get fucked, Ian will eat his hat. He slowly cleans every inch of Gerard, every nook and cranny, every secret dark place. He is a little surprised at the colour of the water than washes away, rubbing his hands over Gerard’s skinny body until…

“There…” he is done.

“Want me to do it to you?” Gerard yawns.

“No darling, I’m done, let’s get you dry and pop you into bed,” Ian helps Gerard out of the shower, wraps a big fluffy towel around the boy’s thin hips.

“But…” Gerard is almost asleep on his feet. “But …”

“Never mind, that,” Ian wonders how it is when he’s miles from home he still manages to pick up some stray who isn’t been looked after very well. The bed is already turned down, and as soon as Ian has dried between Gerard’s toes, he pushes him into bed and tucks him in. “Go to sleep now,” Gerard looks so young, too young for Ian. He turns the lamp down.

“Fuck … later…” and Gerard is asleep, a moment later he is snoring, loud stentorian snores.

“Never again,” Ian mutters as he gets into bed. He is surprised when a moment later the still sleeping boy snuggles right up to him, pressing his face against Ian’s skin, thus muffling his snores. It would appear Ian is going to get some sleep after all. He turns the light off and settles down, arms wrapped around Gerard.


Predictably when he awakes he is alone. The bed is slightly warm so he guesses Gerard has only just gone. Peering at the clock, he sees it’s only just on 7.

“That young man owes me,” Ian says aloud then turns over and goes back to sleep.


Having finished his breakfast, Ian is just on his way to the smoking area to have a cigarette before he moves on to the next junket when he spots a familiar figure.

“Gerard,” he calls and crosses over to one of the sofas in order to speak to the boy. He walks into a man mountain.

“You’re not going nowhere, dude,” the mountain speak, his hand resting uncomfortably on Ian’s arm.

“I suggest,” and Ian’s tone is glacial. “You take your hands off me, I doubt New Line would like one of their prize possessions interfered with.

Seeing there is about to be some sort of debacle, another man mountain, this one a New Zealander, who is hired to keep an eye on Ian, crosses the foyer with amazing speed.

“Take your hands off Sir Ian,” he growls.

Ian begins to chuckle. “All right, that’s enough,” he looks at both men. “I just want a quick word with that young man, I have no idea who he is but I am sure I pose no threat to his wellbeing. ,” he steps away, trying not to laugh at the two minders who are almost nose to nose.

“Ian,” Gerard comes over. “It’s okay Worm, Sir Ian is a friend of mine,” he smiles shyly, sheepishly almost. “Thank you,” he speaks quietly. “For last night,” he stands on tiptoe and kisses Ian’s cheek chastely.

“Gee,” a man’s voice calls, there is something peremptory about it.

“Good bye darling,” Ian also speaks quietly, stands for a moment watching as Worm and Gerard cross the foyer. Ian decides he’s had enough. He turns the other way and walks towards the lift accompanied by Nick who is still looking miffed.

He can’t help but wonder if he’ll ever see Gerard Way again…

ian x 70

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