Characters: Bolt and Pearl Fey; possibly open to others in the Library Hotel (ask please?)
Content: Bolt wants to find some less psychotic roommates, and agrees to meet Pearl.
Location: The Library Hotel
Time of Day: Morning
Warnings: Teeth-rotting cuteness is likely?
Better off staying someplace else )
"Really? I had no idea!" The similarities basically extended to hair color, from what Ty Lee could remember of Mia. It had really been a while since she'd seen the mayor. Maybe she and Pearl could take Bolt on a visit. "Mystic Mia? I thought she was just the mayor. Does she communicate with spirits?" That would have just been another level of interesting. Even more reason to try to help her or just get acquainted with her in general.
Her cousin was the mayor and a mystic? That sounded like something Harry would know; like magic. Bolt's brow furrowed a bit. "I thought she had said at the meeting that she wasn't in charge and had no special powers..." At least, that's what he thought he recalled when he showed up there. But maybe there was something he missed. He had no clue what how it would be possible for someone to 'communicate with spirits.'
Suddenly, though, Mia was much more interesting. "Wow... she never said anything about that!" And by extension, so was Pearl. Ty Lee would have to spend a little more time with the Feys, wouldn't she. "How does your channeling work, exactly?" she asked, bending her knees down into a squat and peering at Pearl. While she did that, she extended her hand carefully to pet Bolt.
"So it's sort of like powers being passed down from generation to generation..." Bolt mused to himself. That was the closest equivalent he could think of it, anyway. This was interesting information, however...he wasn't aware that Mia had those kinds of powers. And it was nice to see that Pearl had a real devotion to her family. That was always something that he could get behind.
Then Ty Lee bent down to their level. Bolt flinched a little at first, but then walked forward a step so that Ty Lee could pet him, too. Coming here definitely seemed to be a good idea after all.
And without knowing it at all, Pearl had just given away her mother’s motive for everything she’d done, though of course the little girl had no idea that her mother had been behind any of it and would have been completely appalled by the very idea.
Without even noticing it, her petting was getting a bit harder. Probably not enough to hurt Bolt, but that's what Ty Lee did when she was worried.
While Pearl seemed okay, something looked to be upsetting Ty Lee...he would've been able to tell even if she wasn't petting him harder. When people got upset or afraid, something about their smell changed, and dogs could pick it up.
Probably the petting would've been a bit nicer if it were just scratching behind the ears or a full-on hug, but as it was the harder petting made him duck down a tad lower. "Uh, hey..."
That didn't keep the little girl down for long and soon she rose on the balls of her feet and bounced on them. "But Mystic Maya will be the best Master," she continued, love and affection for her older cousin obvious in the way she said this. "I know she can do it."
Not being the most observant person sometimes, Pearl didn't notice that there was anything wrong with Ty Lee as she bounced on her feet.
And she also noticed that Pearl didn't really comment on anything she'd just said. Well, no big deal. Really, it was probably for the best. It was a lot more trouble than it was worth to try to explain. "I don't know a lot about Maya, but if she's as strong as you say she is, we might have to get together and talk about these things." Ty Lee was legitimately interested in that. The spiritual side of a city like this was no doubt fading fast.
Pearl did seem very focused on her sister. While Bolt had only seen her a little around the network, she seemed a little strange. Still, he imagined that he'd meet her sooner or later, if he was going to be staying here. "At least she seems...enthusiastic about it," Bolt finally offered. Maybe you needed that sort of attitude for dealing with spirits.
She would have said a little more on the subject, but Bolt had taken to sniffing around and the sight distracted her for a little bit. She didn't really know what else to say, though, so she just watched for a little before it occurred to her to ask what he was sniffing for. Pearl had never actually been around a dog before.
"Does something smell good?" she asked curiously, wondering what could have caught his attention like that.
Another sniff and something came to her, but it was a strange smell. Something she'd never smelled before. "There's something. It's kind of... musky? I don't recognize it." It was the coffee, but she didn't know that. "I don't know how to describe it, either. Do you smell what I'm talking about, Bolt?"
"...Smells like coffee, I think." He hadn't smelled it that much, but it was something you recognized pretty quickly. He looked up again when he realized that Ty Lee had said so. People didn't generally use their noses to find anything. "What, you smell things, too?" It seemed like everyone here had a myraid of talents that you wouldn't suspect at first glance.
“Mr. Diego likes coffee,” she told them, still watching. “He drinks it all the time…” She remembered seeing him around the courthouse a bit and he never went anywhere without a mug full. “Is that what you’re smelling?”
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