The Mighty Have Fallen - [ACTIVE, VERY OPEN]

Nov 14, 2008 18:39

Characters: The body of Cloverfield; any and all characters that want to investigate
Content: Cloverfield is dead. What is there to discover?
Location: Along the southernmost tip of the island
Time of day: Starting in the morning
Warnings: Just giant dead monster and all grossness associated with it thusfar; will be updated as the thread develops ( Read more... )

jayne cobb, minako aino, cloverfield, harry dresden, drusilla, fawful, kaywinnit lee "kaylee" frye, bill nye, leon kennedy, flute, suki, cloud strife, sokka, sara sidle, flonne, ron delite, thomas raith, riza hawkeye, seymour guado, laharl, riku, kotarou inugami, evey hammond, abarai renji, jaster rogue, rosette christopher, stitch, sephiroth, zack fair, negi springfield, toph, katara, akutare, wolf, sora, daisukenojo "beat" bito, fran madaraki

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Comments 142

sortalonewolf November 15 2008, 04:17:19 UTC
"... No way." Kotarou whispered in awe, approaching the monster and starting to walk around it. He'd never really got a look at the monster before, and he'd never thought he'd see it like this - and from poison! Despite how cool this great dead thing was, the situation was more than a little disturbing.

More importantly, Kotarou was suddenly hit with the depressing realization that he'd never even get so much as a shot on the thing when (or if) he regained his full power. "Mannn..." That'd have been so awesome. What a waste. As cool as it was to finally see the monster, he couldn't enjoy it due to the bad mood he was now in. He nudged the side of it roughly with his foot, then reached out to touch it, imagining what it would feel like if he'd had the opportunity to actually fight it.


cloverlovesit November 15 2008, 04:20:28 UTC
The monster's skin was cold, extremely solid, and felt like hard rubber. The closest comparison would probably be dolphin skin.


welshonionmage November 16 2008, 01:34:40 UTC
Negi panted as he ran towards the scene. He just had to see for himself even if he did believe the reports (why would someone lie about it being dead after all). Among the many people standing around and looking at the large thing was Kotarou. He wasn't very surprised to see him here though he was a little surprised to pick him out of the crowd so quickly.

"Kotarou! Hey," he shouted, running to stand by him and look up at the monster. He looked to Kotarou, "Can you believe it?"


sortalonewolf November 16 2008, 01:55:42 UTC
"Negi?" Kotarou turned to get a look at his rival. Okay, maybe he wasn't in such a bad mood after all. "Pretty cool, right? -- I wouldn't have believed it if it wasn't here, That's pretty wild- It's such a waste though, doncha think?"

He pressed a pointed ear against its massive body and listened, as if there was still some chance its heart was still beating and it had just been knocked out, "Have you touched it, though? It's weird, like some kinda... I don't even know."


hawkeye_shooter November 15 2008, 04:53:28 UTC
Riza stood on the street, feet from the monster. She could only stand and stare at the large body...dead. It seemed so surreal. She'd been here for months, fighting off crabs and scraping for food and weapons all for it to end like this.

It...really almost seemed anticlimactic.

The woman took a deep breath. She had her shotgun with her just in case...she knew it wouldn't do anything against the monster but it looked like she wouldn't need it. The military woman took cautious steps towards the beast, quickly covering her mouth and nose as she drew closer to the stunk horribly.

She had to be sure. She had to see for herself no matter what the others were saying on the journals which was why she was here. Riza moved cautiously and the longer the monster showed no signs of moving she reached out, carefully and slowly, and placed her hand on the was so big.

Her eyes moved up, studying it's massive jaws, "How the hell did we manage to poison this thing?"


meester_kennedy November 15 2008, 08:37:13 UTC
Leon had given the perimeter a thorough looking through before he approached the bulk. Granted, he knew better than to approach large, dangerous things that were presumably dead, but he figured there'd be a little warning before it started moving again.

He spotted the Lieutenant and walked up beside her. All those months of dodging it, all those missiles that had crashed down onto the city, the firebombing, and everything short of nuclear weapons had been used against the thing. But they ended up having to get at it from the inside. Sounds like an infiltration mission.

"Hey," he said to Riza. He got a little closer to the monster and ran his fingers over the flesh. Then, he pulled his knife and tried to cut into it. He wanted to see what kind of skin this thing had if it could take that kind of battery from the best weapons a superpower had.


cloverlovesit November 15 2008, 17:23:03 UTC
The knife didn't so much as put a scratch in the extremely dense, smooth skin. Any more pressure, and he'd probably break the knife before he harmed this natural armor. If he wanted to make any kind of cut in it, he'd probably have better luck trying from the inside.


hawkeye_shooter November 15 2008, 21:15:49 UTC
Riza glanced over her shoulder when she heard someone approach, it was Leon. "Hi," she replied, she didn't really know him well enough to strike up a conversation or anything like that. True, they had survived the Intrepid mission so she at least had respect for him for getting through that.

She watched with curiosity as he attempted to cut into the beast with no luck, "It's been through a lot I think you'll need something a bit stronger to cut into it." It was still pretty amazing though, even though it was dead they still couldn't touch it. She smirked, "I suppose you could always try a grenade on it now." She was teasing of course though she realized after she said it that Leon might actually be the type to take her seriously.


rocktothetoph November 15 2008, 05:12:36 UTC
Toph sat on the ground as she pulled off her boots. She knew there would be one SURE way to tell the monster was dead...or so she hoped anyways. Toph figured that if she could detect a humans' heartbeat then it would be no problem to detect the heartbeat of the beast.

The blind girl set her shoes aside and stood up. Her feet felt the cold instantly but she didn't care. She had to focus on why she was here. Letting out a breath, Toph walked closer. Toph stood still, just a few feet from the monster. The shape loomed taking up most of her 'vision.' She stood and waited...would she feel a pulse beneath her feet or was this really the end?


cloverlovesit November 15 2008, 06:29:14 UTC
The skin felt cold, hard and smooth, like rubbery dolphin skin. There was no heartbeat for her to detect. But even if there was, it was unlikely that it could be felt through the skin, which was almost a foot and a half thick and denser than lead.


rocktothetoph November 15 2008, 23:40:56 UTC
The blind girl closed her eyes and let out a breath, there was no heartbeat that she could feel. Toph took a step back, just standing there and letting the monster's large mass be echoed back to her in the vibrations of the earth. She couldn't think of a single creature this size back home...even Appa would have been dwarfed by it.

She was glad it was over...that there wasn't the fear that it would step on her or hurt her friends again. didn't feel as much of a victory as she had thought it would. Perhaps it was the way it had gone down. Toph wasn't one for subtle things like poison and deceit, she was very head on and would have preferred to have taken down the monster like that. Probably not one on one but at least with the power of everyone combined or something.


warriorsuki November 16 2008, 01:36:53 UTC
Suki had been delayed a little, but she headed out almost as soon as she told Toph she would be outside looking at the monster. She was dressed for the cold weather and carried her sword just to be on the safe side. Hurrying down the streets, she made her way to where the beast had caved.

And there it was, lying on the ground with a bunch of people around it, poking, prodding, and kicking at it. She knew Aang wouldn't like this, but she wasn't sure what to think. On the one hand, he had a point about it being life and all, but on the other hand it had done so much damage to the buildings and hurt so many people...

They deserved this victory, right?

The Kyoshi Warrior spotted someone familiar near the monster then and she headed over. "Toph?" she called softly to her friend.


patchwork_phd November 15 2008, 06:26:07 UTC
Fran seemed all too eager to finally encounter the monster close up with very little at personal risk. She had brought with her a small bag full of plastic bags and small flasks, as well as a fairly clean shard of metal that she could use for scrapings if so inclined.

Best to start surveying the monster up close. She didn't have a glove, but if the parasites had been able to latch onto the creature without problems, Fran barely thought one necessary when she reached out and touched the skin of one of her legs.


cloverlovesit November 15 2008, 06:36:25 UTC
The skin felt much like dolphin skin: cold, hard, rubber, and very solid.


patchwork_phd November 15 2008, 06:49:41 UTC
Fascinating. No wonder she had been so resilient. Skin like that would serve as natural armor. She had probably come from the deep, or at least deeper than most... Fran had never felt skin like that on any land animals. A scraping wouldn't work; that much was certain.

The interesting bits, though, were further up on the body; Fran wasted no time in bringing herself to Clover's head, and specifically, next to the red sacs. She was a bit more reluctant to touch those, but went on regardless.


cloverlovesit November 15 2008, 06:56:50 UTC
The skin here was much softer and more yielding than the rest of the body, although still quite thick. It felt a little like leather.


voiceofserenity November 15 2008, 06:43:20 UTC
Glad for her way with words, Kaylee walked excitedly toward where the monster's body had been reported. A radio was strapped firmly to her hip, easily reachable if she needed it. She hoped they wouldn't. That'd just be one more thing Jayne would razz about later, after all. As the monster came into view, however, this train of thought flew from her mind.

From the semi-safe distance, Kaylee watched the monster with as much curiosity as when she had seen the whale's carcass. What an impossibly huge creature the whale had been! And now?

Well, Big Mommy certainly wasn't a kitten.

She itched to get closer, but knew the others with her wouldn't let her. So she hung back, trying to take the absolutely ginormous corpse in, even from this far back.

"Bigger'n an Alliance ship..."


huff_puff_wolf November 15 2008, 08:17:59 UTC
Like the rest of Manhattan, Wolf had come running when he'd heard both from the network and outside his window that the monster had keeled over dead. It probably was a bad idea to get this close to it so soon after it dying (he knew that sometimes animals would play dead to protect themselves) but the prospect of it actually being dead was too intriguing to pass up.

After making sure Giselle was okay (she seemed so upset!) he rushed down to investigate on his own. As he approached, the stench of it hit him hard, and he had to cover his nose for a moment. It definitely smelled dead. He skidded to a halt beside a woman he didn't know...she looked just as shocked. "Huff puff! Can you believe it?!"


voiceofserenity November 15 2008, 08:56:54 UTC
Believing for a moment that it was one of her companions who had stopped next to her, Kaylee fumbled for her binoculars to get a better look. There were plenty of people swarming around it, though each one looked ant-like compared to the monster itself. Amazing, that something that large existed...

When the man next to her spoke, however, Kaylee turned her head. She didn't recognize him--hell, who knew how many people she didn't know in this place?--but she nodded at his words slowly. "I'm havin' a hard time of it, but she's starin' me dead in the face. Can't really deny that..."

She held a hand out toward the man and smiled. "Name's Kaylee." It was always good to meet new people, giant stinking corpse or no.


needsgrenades November 15 2008, 21:43:23 UTC
Jayne was wearing a disgruntled scowl as he slowly came into closer proximity. He didn't entirely trust this thing to be dead, not yet. Hell, it might just be sleeping for all he could tell. Pulling out his knife, he poked it a few times to see if it would move.

It didn't budge.

Reassured that it wouldn't be moving anytime soon, he wandered back over to Kaylee and Wolf, looking back at it over his shoulder.

"That thing," he said, gesturing toward it with the knife, "who killed it and why didn't they do it sooner? It don't seem dangerous no more."


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