Worried for you - (Active / OPEN)

Oct 18, 2008 12:15

Characters: Aang, Suki, and anyone who wants to hop in
Content: Aang needs a walk and Suki shows him around
Location: Starting close to the Gaang's location and moving onward
Time of day: midmorning?
Warnings: None so far.

Suki had been worried. )

aang, suki, katara

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Comments 7

tidebender October 19 2008, 16:22:24 UTC
Katara was working on her morning chores, mulling over everything that had been going on lately. Today, that encompassed trying to get the week's rations for her, her brother, and anyone else she could. The sack she carried was extremely heavy with non-perishables, and she was glad she was almost back.

The young waterbender spotted her friend, looking worried. "Hi, Suki." She paused. "You're meeting with Aang today, aren't you?" she guessed.


bendingquarters October 20 2008, 03:40:10 UTC
Aang had been slow to getting outside the complex, mainly because he was still new and had missed a few key turns in the halls. He grinned as soon as he spotted Suki- and it seemed to only get wider when he spotted Katara as well.

Right, this place may be dismal, and certainly not the best in terms of their current situation, but at least they were all together.

"Suki! Katara! Hey!" And time to try to keep on the bright side of things. He could bear a grin- as long as he didn't think too hard on recent events. Right, that grin was goign to be a bit shaky for awhile.

((ooc: Sorry guys! My internet crapped out on me this weekend D: But it is fixed, and awesome!))


warriorsuki October 21 2008, 16:13:08 UTC
Suki turned as she heard someone approaching, face breaking out into a small smile as she spotted Katara. "Hey. Yeah, I'm just waiting for him now."

She would have said a little more, but then Aang himself appeared and her smile widened a little. Good. It appeared he was either in good spirits or faking it really well. Either way, it would be easier for her to cheer him up this way, especially with Katara around.

"Hey Aang. Ready for a tour of the big city? Would you like to come, Katara?"


[Sorry, meant to do this last night] tidebender October 23 2008, 17:12:11 UTC
"I hope he's..."

Katara's reply to Suki was cut short when she noticed the warrior's expression change. The girl turned to see Aang, quiet on his feet as always. A smile spread across her face. It seemed she'd barely gotten to even talk to him since he got here. "Hey, Aang." Katara greeted him with a welcoming hug, happy to see him.

"Sure, if you don't mind, Aang." Katara ended her reponse to Suki by looking at the Airbender. Not that she expected him to turn her down. They'd been known each other since the day he emerged form the iceberg.


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