Behind the Barbwire Fence (Prologue)

Jul 05, 2010 16:11

Title: Behind the Barbed Wire Fence
Author: VillesBaby
Pairing: Vam
Rating: R,NC-17
Summary: Its Nazi Finland during WWII.
Disclaimer: Dont own a thing.
Author's Notes: This is an inspiration from the movie "The boy in the striped pajamas" and its personal.

The year is 1941 and there is a war going on between the worlds. At this moment Germany and its Nazis are occupying Finland. Due to the Finnish government refusing to submit under the control to Adolf Hitler and his power, the Germany military as invaded and placed all protesters and unwanted persons into concentration and labor camps. Everyone else joined, fled or died.

The Valo Family upon the invasion of their beloved country refused to bow to the cruel, unnatural, inhuman ways and as punishment where sent to the East Helsinki Concentration camp. The camp was called, “Veri Helvetti” it means “Blood on Hell” in English and it stood by its name with sickening pride, it was pure hell and there was all ways blood on the grounds, bodies, clothes and living quarters of the slaves of this place they were now forced to call home and their finally resting place for many. There were four members of the Valo family, Kari the father, Anita the mother, Ville the oldest son and Jesse the youngest son. Ville was 23 and Jesse was 15, their parents were in poor and failing health from the harshness of their new living, Kari passed after only 2 months in the camp and Anita passed not long after. Their parents death pressed Ville to become a parent and care giver to his little brother, when they were the little food they were given Ville would go without and give his share to Jesse.

But 3 years after entering the Concentration camp things for the two siblings were about to changes drastically.

p.s I am done with Sleepy Hollow, Sor-we.

Plz Tell me what you think about this. Its running idea of a story I want to try out.

behind the barbed wire fence (chaptered)

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