Sleepy Hollow Chapter Nine

Jul 03, 2010 20:40

Title: Sleepy Hollow
Pairing: VAM
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Detective Margera goes to investigate a series of killings in the mysterious village of Sleepy Hollow.
Disclaimer: Just a gurl that loves Ville and Bam along with the cool movie "Sleepy Hollow".
Warnings: Killings, gross things, dismemberment, language and sexual content.
A/N: The General cast list so you know who is who from the movie and in the story:
A/N: Burning in Hell

Ville and Bam had arrived in West Chester, PA almost three months after the turn of the 1900’s. Bam got a job in a local police station still as a detective and Ville got a job at a bakery. Both we completely content with each other in all ways. Those it was hard to hide their relationship and that fact that Ville was a murder back in Sleepy Hollow; everything went well for the couple. They made good money, had a lovely home on 12 acres of land where they could be alone and had great friends that understood and accepted them.


Ville fell back against the couch, he had been a long day at work and all the standing was killing his feet. No sooner had Ville’s head fell back against the couch, Bam busted into the house screaming his name. “I’m in here, Bam!!” He yelled back. “Ville,” He yelled coming into the living room with his hands in the air, “What, Bammie?” Ville asked lifting his head. “Someone burned down the orphanage I was in!!” Bam yelled. “Really? Hallelujah!!” Ville proclaimed standing up and smiling. Bam kicked him in the shine, “Fuck, I mean how horrible. Is everyone ok?” Ville asked in such fake concern Bam slapped him. “Yes and no, the kids are ok, but all the Nuns burned to death.” Bam explained collapsing onto the couch in Ville’s spot. “That’s bad karma.” Ville said putting his hands on his hips. “I have to figure out who did it.” Bam said rubbing his face. Ville sat down on the coffee table, “No, you don’t.” He said rubbing Bam’s knee. “Yeah I do, Ville, It’s my job.” Bam protested. “I know who did it.” Ville said looking up into Bam’s baby blues. “You do? Who did it?” Bam asked sitting up. Ville chewed on his lip, Bam shook his head, his mouth open slightly. “No, Ville. Please tell me you didn’t do it.” He begged, “You promised me not to kill anyone again.” He shook, tears falling from his eyes. “I had too, Bam. I had to get them back for what they did to you. For them making you wake up screaming at night with nightmares of what they did, for the scars they gave you physically, emotionally and mentally. I promised you not to kill, but I promised to protect you first.” Ville told Bam holding his face in his hands and wiping the tears from his eyes. “T--Tell me what y--you did.” Bam sniffed.

Ville’s POV

I got off work for lunch, around noon and went down to the orphanage you grew up in. I went in and snooped around. A nun stopped me and asked what I was doing. I told her I was looking for the restroom. She told me it was down the hall and she take me to it, as we walked down to it I asked where all the kids were and she told me all of them were out at another orphanage while this one was fixed up and that it was only her and the other Nuns.

So we got to the restroom and I used it. When I came out she was gone, I went around locked all the doors but the one in the kitchen, I lit the grease and oil pans in the kitchen until they got out of control just enough, locked the kitchen door and got out a high window in the kitchen and left. After I did all that I went back to work.

Normal POV

“Oh, Ville.” Bam sighed still upset. He wrapped his arms around Ville’s neck, “It’s my job as the person that loves you to take care of you and protect you, Bam. At any cost.” Ville whispered in his ear. “What are we going to do?” Bam asked pulling away from Ville. “I have to come up with some reason to the fire.” He said, his face twisted in fear and worry.

Ville sat in his spot for a while, thinking of a story for Bam. “Tell them the truth.” He finally said. “I can’t tell them the truth you’ll go to jail. They might even kill you.” Bam said shaking his head. “Leave out that I did.” Ville said, “Tell them that it was an accidental kitchen fire.” Ville said. “And when they ask why the doors were locked?” Bam snapped slightly. “It was known that they were renovating, they locked the doors to keep people out, while they did so.” A smile spread across Bam’s face, “You’re evil, you know that?” He said, “You’re an evil person that’s going to hell.” Ville smiled with him. “Yeah, well you’re coming with me so as long as I have you I don’t give a shit where I go.” He told Bam kissing him deeply.

sleepy hallow (chaptered)

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