About 20 hours after flinging my poo-filled email at Hermanos I relieved him at the end of his shift. Nothing was said. I could feel the tension. He was pissed. Once again I found a project had sat much of the day.
"I think it's bullshit this MTA project sits idle all day when you have help but I'm capable to keep it running at night when I'm alone
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Comments 6
Three of us do. And when we three complain about why, if they are mandatory, we are the only ones doing them, the Boss Lady makes excuses for the others.
I am seriously getting ready to apply for another job...
My resume has been updated for at least a year. If the economy were better I would have mailed it out to see if there's an opportunity elsewhere. Unfortunately this valley has few companies doing what we do. I'm thinking I should send it out regardless of the recession. I moved here months after 911 when business was not-so-good.
I've considered relocating again but personal issues, like my son, make that more challenging than it was in 2002.
You've been ready to move on at least as long as I have.
I have no problem being busy. It makes the hours pass and before I know it 5 AM is here.
I know what you mean by the weather and I agree nothing will change as long as our company culture remains as it is.
Back east I worked for two companies with profit sharing programs. There were fewer deadbeats in those companies and when they popped up other employees were more willing to call them out. "Your slacking cost everyone money."
As stressful as this is .... I know I'll come out in the other side being better for doing the work and speaking up. It just won't be pretty.
I must go to bed now. This has been a wierd day. I slept from 2:30 to 6:30. I watched a movie then did 3 hours of yard and pool work I did not get done yesterday. Now I must sleep a few hours before cooking dinner.
My studies in HR management had forever cured me of wanting to work in the business world.
If you know of a another world for me to work in and make a good wage, I'd listen.
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