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Comments 5

elle_white August 1 2010, 01:01:22 UTC
Hahaha, the duels in Utena are amazing to me because they're not realistic. They're all about the psychological states of the characters and their insecurities. I actually think that's pretty cool and fascinating.

Yes, Juri and Shiori's story in one of my favourite plot lines in Utena. And Juri is also one of my favourite characters, so I was looking forward to you watching this ep.

Oh, the next episode is awesome! I love it so much! It's pretty hilarious!


cypsiman2 August 1 2010, 01:12:04 UTC
Oh, agreed, most definitely! This is just the first time where the physics part of my brain just really breaks down and cries...and then I hush it and give it a differential equation to solve.

Shiori, huh? And Juri's story does look like it will be fascinating.

Freaky Friday usually is!


koi_no_soshan August 1 2010, 09:12:11 UTC
I at first was sure that Juri was in love with Shiori, then was confused by the inclusion of the boy, and then had my first instinct confirmed as correct at the end ^^;

That's true about Miki and Juri... I'd never actually thought about it that way before! And that's going to become a common theme, the student council meetings being held right in the middle of a crazy surrounding and weird goings on. I think there was one point where a whole ball game was going on for no explained reason and none of them batted an eye. Heck, Touga and Saionji do a freaking photo shoot during one of the meetings in the last arc of the series!

You remind me that I need to find somewhere to get the OST. Or hurry up in my recordings of the youtube videos, but Audacity is so glitchy...

Don't think too hard about physics in SKU, please don't. It will just give you a headache. In fact, don't think too hard about logic in general.

I think you'll enjoy next episode, too ;) Utena is the first series I've seen which has such consistently good filler.


cypsiman2 August 1 2010, 17:06:59 UTC
Mind twins!

Well, you've got to find a way to make all the exposition and the philosophical pontification visually entertaining, right? And I've noticed that Miki doesn't seem to be doing the thing with the stop watch anymore. Any idea on what's up with that?

*Makes grabby hands in the direction of the OST*

Don't worry, like I said, I have my ways of keeping that part of my brain occupied.

I just...in the Fairy Tail anime, they do a Freaky Friday episode, and I swear, the best part is when Grey ends up in Lucy's body, and spends the whole time complaining about lower back pain! XD


koi_no_soshan August 1 2010, 18:50:36 UTC
They certainly do a good job of it! They also utilize stock imagery very well- it's beautiful, and you're also so busy trying to work out the symbolism that it's hard to grow tired of it. I never grew tired of any of the 'stock' scenes before a new one replaced it, certainly.

And Miki will keep doing his stop watch thing, don't worry ;P There's one very amusing scene in which Nanami imitates him, then holds up hers and asks him what the meaning behind his constant stop watch-ing is! She receives no response, and feels rather like the viewers, I expect.

*does so as well*

Good to hear!

Ah, that sounds awesome! I've never heard of any anime actually commenting on unrealistic proportions like that!


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