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Comments 6

oneplusme July 30 2010, 06:19:29 UTC
I have a feeling the shadow play in this episode may well have been about the way people tend to idealise their childhood memories (memory is certainly a defining theme of the series: Utena with her Prince; Miki with his sunlit garden; etc.).

Gah. You realise you're probably going to make me watch the whole darn series over again, don't you? Even the crack-addled Nanami episodes. Heeeeelp!


cypsiman2 July 30 2010, 06:23:47 UTC
...That works, it really does. 'Cause again, I mentioned Tsuwabuki's memory and how it was idealized too, so that fits in pretty well.

Sorry, no help coming from me. You'll just have to suffer through this awesome series once more.


junglefowl26 July 30 2010, 16:45:15 UTC
Looking at your title, I thought for a second this was a Yu-Gi-Oh GX episode.


cypsiman2 July 30 2010, 16:48:13 UTC
Yu-Gi-Oh GX WISHES it could be cracky like this! But instead, it just fails. All, the fucking, time.


elle_white July 31 2010, 01:13:22 UTC
And it only gets crackier from here...

The Shadow play was interesting in that episode from what I can remember. It was about unrealistic and romanticized ideas about others, I think.

Romanticizing people is a very prominent theme within Utena and its often explored the crackiest ways possible in the Nanami Tsuwabuki episodes. The kids tries so hard!

Now I have a strong urge to rewatch this show! SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE NOW?!


cypsiman2 July 31 2010, 05:41:58 UTC
And I look forward to it!

Hmm, another interpretation I should look into.

Ah, he's a darling little guy. He really needs to find himself a healthier show to be in, 'cause while I like this show, it's not the sort of world I'd actually want to live in, you know?

And I regret NOTHING!


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