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Comments 24

inthekeyofd October 26 2007, 02:19:44 UTC
I thought the blonde was more trying to cozy up to Sam, you know if he takes over he'll remember how she helped him..get in good with the boss and such.

Or there's a power struggle in Hell and she wants to sort of use Sam to her advantage.

Sam, being like Superman, mild mannered librarian by day...hot kicking ass take charge don't give me any guff by night.

Yeah, I could see that.

Now I have to watch more of the show..I'm a little distracted at the moment.*smile*


cynthia_arrow October 26 2007, 04:17:48 UTC
Yeah, I definitely see her as jockeying for position. But I think it would also be cool if she were trying to propell him into being the leader. Because he'd SO fall for it. :)

Sam as Superman... Mmmm....



crickets October 26 2007, 02:28:18 UTC
I am all about shiny and interesting!

I find Ruby 10000000x more interesting than that brunette number they had annoying the piss out of me last ep.

And I also liked Kasey. I like the things she said, what she revealed to Dean, and the fact that she didn't want him killed. It's making me think of Buffy where the evil things had a choice, generally speaking. Whereas until this season on SPN, they haven't. Evil is evil. Etc. etc. They played the line with a couple storylines of misguided/lost spirits of genuinely good people, but the demon thing is new. I like it.


cynthia_arrow October 26 2007, 04:19:42 UTC
Well, last season at least Sam was playing up the evil-things-aren't -always-evil angle (like with the cow-sucking vampire), so it seems like he's primed Dean for being more amenable to friendly demons. But, yes, that's what made Buffy so interesting--ambiguous evil. I welcome it in the SPN world. :)


crickets October 26 2007, 12:19:52 UTC
I totally agree. Bring on the ambiguity.


crickets October 26 2007, 12:25:41 UTC
WAIT! What if Ruby isn't Lucifer. What if she's God? He was mentioned in this episode as well. Wasn't there some movie about how God and the devil worked in tandem? And how the rivalry between them was some kind of cosmic... buffer? LOL. I think I just made that cosmic buffer part up because I couldn't think of what I was trying to say. But it sounded cool damnit!

Maybe the battle has to be waged proper in order to keep things aligned. What if got wants this? What if this is a test? Yeah! A test from GOD.

(Ummm, I think I have lost my mind... lol)


ficangel October 26 2007, 02:36:35 UTC
I loved Casey SO HARD (and was so glad that I was wrong about the Sin thing). I would have loved for her to stay around forever and ever. How is that girl not famous? She is hot and can match steps with JENSEN ACKLES, COME ON.

And I love the blonde demon just about equally, if not more so because she's a semi-regular.

Ruby clicked for me hard this episode, and a lot of that was because the actress seemed to click with her character for the first time. Enlightened self-interest, I don't care, I can't wait to see how long this is going to play out.

I wouldn't mind at all if he took control of a whole demon army and partnered for life (and death?) with the blonde demon, so they could strategize and fuck like rabbits and in general be awesome.

Perfect storyline for me? Ruby gets the demon out of her so that she's not quite so ethically problematic, but keeps the badass. She can stay around FOREVER if she does that.


cynthia_arrow October 26 2007, 04:23:59 UTC
You're so funny. You just can't abide the ev0l, can you? I bet you didn't ship Spuffy. ;)

It's funny that I didn't notice how good she was--I'm used to noticing the guest acting, but only because it's sometimes not stellar. When someone's not bad, it flies under my radar...in a good way. But you're right.

Ruby! That's her name. I forget. I think you're right--she clicked in this one. Hell, the whole production/directing/acting thing clicked. It was lovely.


ficangel October 26 2007, 13:37:27 UTC
You're so funny. You just can't abide the ev0l, can you?

Hee. I really, really can't. I have no problem (and am in fact eagerly anticipating) Sam freaking out over some Boy King of the Demon World revelation, having a night of hot, kinky demoness sex, and then having angst about it, but if Ruby is going to be a long-time part of the show and have anything that's not a tenuous tolerance with the boys, then she needs to not actively suck. Because if the boys do develop more than a tenuous tolerance with someone who enslaves an innocent person with her very existence, then it puts their status as heroes at serious risk.

And yet, I don't have this problem with Bela, mostly because Bela is more self-interested than actively malicious, so it's only a tiny little hop-skip-jump to her seeing something that shocks even her, joining Team Doesn't Suck, and answering Dean's glare with, "I deliberately shot not to kill, stop being a big baby about it."


arabella_hope October 26 2007, 02:48:32 UTC
I kinda LOVE Ruby,man. But I like the demonesses pretty much all around, so...

(I just. Bobby SHOT her. So they've kinda sealed her fate, ya know?)

And DARK!SAM. Oh, how I want it.

I found the convo in the basement to be wonderful, as well as both their desires to not completely do away with the other.

I wish I could ponder with you more, but the main thing is...i agree, 100%.


ficangel October 26 2007, 03:35:33 UTC
I didn't realize that until someone pointed it out after the episode for me, and DAMNIT. I will live in happy AU land where she is rushed to the hospital and somehow makes it (whatever, Grey's has penis fish, it could happen) so that she can have a really cool scar and a world of awkward tension with Sammy. Because I Say So.


arabella_hope October 26 2007, 04:11:46 UTC
I saw your comment - but I didn't want to burst your bubble :(

Though, for me, her evilness is what makes her...someone I enjoy.

(super_kc has a theory on her BEING Lucifer - which is possible, though it would be silly to give it away through such heavy foreshadowing so soon)


cynthia_arrow October 26 2007, 04:26:19 UTC
Ooh, I WANT your icon. Perfect and lickable at the same time. :)

I WANT DARK!SAM, too, LOL. Dear Lord, I might be getting SPN bunnies again, finally.

*randomly glomps*


isis2015 October 26 2007, 04:24:36 UTC
I adore Dean lolling around in a basement with a fucking brilliantly interesting demon (who's just his type--sexy, brunette, smart, cool, and understands Family), talking about things that hit character, plot, and mythology all at once in a major way...without the convo seeming contrived and forced at all.

I'm a sucker for situations like that, where two people who are on opposite sides of an issue (I realize it's more than an issue here but I'm lacking a better word) are stuck in the same place for an undetermined amount of time and dig deep into their beliefs and what exactly makes them so different. Philosophical debates get me man. I know there was a Buffy where something like this happened (maybe an Angel too) but my brain isn't working. All I know is that I was glad to see something like that conversation happen on this show and be that good ( ... )


cynthia_arrow October 26 2007, 22:44:13 UTC
Oh, yeah, I'm totally a sucker for situations like that, too. Really, the most compelling part of the episode was that series of scenes in the basement.

But my love of the younger Winchester apparently leads me to distraction, especially when it's Sam + potential POWER. Mmm.



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