SPN 3.04 "Sin City"

Oct 25, 2007 20:48



I ADORE gray areas.

And I ADORE the writers monkeying around with religion.

Gray areas + spiritual matters = a very happy Kate (which is, BTW, why Lost still fascinates me, despite it's problems with plot and character)

I adore Dean lolling around in a basement with a fucking brillinatly interesting demon (who's just his type--sexy, brunette, smart, cool, and understands Family), talking about things that hit character, plot, and mythology all at once in a major way...without the convo seeming contrived and forced at all. (The situation is forced, but the convo? Nope.)


(And the priest and the bartender sucking face? Perfect.)

And I love the blonde demon just about equally, if not more so because she's a semi-regular. Is she one of the ones that was ready to accept Sam as leader? Is she still trying to groom him to take over? If so, does she want to make him more like the demons, or does she honestly want that Sam-ness to be what's in control of the world? Suddenly, I'm unsure about the demons' agenda. I know I shouldn't fall for this weren't-not-entirely-veil things hook, line, and sinker, but yet it's so compelling that I can't help it.

As much as I love Dean, and I appreciate the hell out of the way the writers have constructed his character, I'm rather in love with what they're doing with Sam right now. (Surpise, I know. *snorts*) You know, as long as he stays SAM, I wouldn't mind at all if he took control of a whole demon army and partnered for life (and death?) with the blonde demon, so they could strategize and fuck like rabbits and in general be awesome.

Really, this is why some of y'all hate me. Anything shiny and interesting, I'm all over it, even if it seems bizarre. I know this girl might eat him for dinner, or the character might get boring. All I'm saying is I like the way things are going so far. Even if they head straight to angst-ville.

Fallen angels. That's all I'm saying. Sam doing it with a fallen angel. As enamored as I am of seeing him running around aiming guns at people, if he was a fucking take-charge leader type, my ovaries would not survive it. :) I'm not saying I want Sam to go over to the Dark Side, but if this season should happen to involve him becoming a bad-ass (of the still admittedly librarian-type), I'd be so, so happy.

It's possible, just possible that I have a bit of a powerful!Sam kink. :)

Oh, Kripke, you make it hard for me to treat your show like brain candy when you do such things.

fandom: spn: s3, sam of rock salt in shotguns

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