more ramble about my new Smallville obsession...and picspam!

Jun 29, 2007 00:29

I have found the hottest thing on the face of the fucking planet: Clark Kent on Red K.

(I realize this is not a particularly new discovery, but I've finally seen it for myself, and, really, it can never be reiterated too much IMHO...)

smallish self-indulgent picspam from 'Unsafe,' because I can't help it, it's like a sickness )

picspam, fandom: smallville

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Comments 21

lunar47 June 29 2007, 07:48:48 UTC
woah, now why don't i own season 4? That's it, too many people have been talking about Smallville for me not to watch it. My sis owns seasons 1 & 2 and that is what I will be doing this weekend.


cynthia_arrow June 29 2007, 16:46:12 UTC
Go for it! It will renew your faith in good ol' boys, and Clark and Lex are very pretty to look at. And if my reaction is typical, it will possibly also make you yell at the TV--but in a fun way, like being at a football game. ;)


zelda_zee June 29 2007, 07:49:25 UTC
I have no idea what Red K is, but I think I would like it.

Clearly, I'm insane.

What in the hell has happened to me lately?

I'd put some thought into an answer for you, except I really need to wrap up my mega-long and porny Chris/JC fic. But yeah, YOU are clearly insane.


cynthia_arrow June 29 2007, 16:59:28 UTC
Red K is red kryptonite, which makes frustratingly mild-mannered and do-gooding Clark Kent into a bad-ass--a big walking id with superpowers. I like to think it's a gift to fangirls who are not in the innocent, adolescent-love phase of their lives. ;)

Speaking of that, I still can't get over you porning Chris Kirkpatrick, but that's probably my boyband-loving brain talking, the one that was 19 when then man was like 30, so he was clearly not the most viable candidate for my NSYNC fantasies, LOL. That and he's, you know, fucking goofy. Of course, I'm gonna read your fic anyway. But I hold you responsible if you make me like him too much.

But, yeah, obviously I'M the crazy one. ;)


keyweegirlie June 29 2007, 10:06:45 UTC
Hee! I LOVE Red-K Clark, he's my favorite. *evil grin*

In fact, I just watched "Unsafe" tonight as well, and I loved it again...have you ever seen the episode where he first gets infected with the Red-K? Now that's an episode to watch. ;D

Now as to what's happened to you lately....easy, you've been sucked into the darkside with the rest of us. *giggleS*



cynthia_arrow June 29 2007, 17:03:29 UTC
I've seen just random bits of Red K Clark...when I didn't care so much about the show. I've not seen the one where it first happens to him. It's a catch-22, because it's hot as hell, but then it just gives him more angst and, c'mon, the guy tries to be fucking perfect, so he doesn't deserve all the angst he has!

Yeah, yeah, yeah...the dark side looks mighty nice.

(BTW--I'm gonna work on your Jared/Mike, but you gotta know that of all the pairings out of that foursome, I think that one seems like the most counterintuitive. But I ought to have you something later today or tomorrow. :) )


keyweegirlie June 29 2007, 19:34:31 UTC
It's definitely a catch-22, but at the same time i think it's kinda great that the extra angst gets thrown at him. Then again, I'm sorta an angst whore. *shrugs* You should check out the beginning of season 4, Clark has been in infecting himself with Red-K for an entire summer and he's living it up in's kinda awesome. ;)

The darker side is always fun to play with.

(it's ok Sweetie...if they're too hard or strange for you, you don't have to write those two. You could always just surprise me if you wanna. *shrugs*)



cynthia_arrow June 29 2007, 19:38:48 UTC
Oh, no. I can do it. They're pretty and they're both fun-loving guys, and this is just random porn, after all. I was just thinking that of all the pairings between the four of them, this one makes the least sense to me. But who knows--I used to think Jensen/Mike sounded bizarre. ;)


ellel June 29 2007, 10:43:07 UTC
a small part of me was quite worried about whether Clark would actually lose his virginity in such a manner and how much that would screw him up
Good thing Alicia removed the neckless before they went all the way-but that was WOW HOT! Don't worry about Clark's virginity-he is going to lose it with the love of his life and it will be beautiful and sensual.

There is no Clark like Clark on Red K!My fav was S3 Ep.1 when he was truly dark and dangerous.ROAR!;P

What in the hell has happened to me lately? Anyone?
You really thought you can resist the power of teh pretty,huh?


cynthia_arrow June 29 2007, 17:07:59 UTC
It's all Tommy's fault. And Mike. Too pretty. I'm even starting to find the bald head sexy, lol.

Lana? *sighs* Actually, I don't hate Lana yet (having seen a tiny handful of episodes from seasons 2, 4, and 6), but I've been told it's just a matter of time. But I guess I'm glad he has the perfect first sexual experience. That's fitting for a guy who is pretty much perfect. :)

I really do need to add season three to my netflix queue. But I'm a little wary of going much beyond that, to when Lex starts being an asshole. As much as I love Lex, I have this feeling I'll be too overprotective of Clark to deal with him very well after a certain point. (I know that's the point of the show, 'cause he's a villain now, but that's...hard.)


ellel June 29 2007, 21:09:10 UTC
I'm even starting to find the bald head sexy, lol.
I know!And how creepy is that?

but I've been told it's just a matter of time.
I seriously have no idea why everyone hates her that much. She is a Mary Sue, TOO perfect and demure and all that,but what else can you expect of a based on comics leading lady?
She is not Chloe,but I am OK with her,really.

S3 was better than S4 IMO and even Jensen can't change that;)
And as for Lex,I am still not there-at the point where he becomes a villain and Clark's archenemy,I just made it to the middle of S5.


alissabobissa June 30 2007, 03:24:22 UTC
Hee hee! You finally understand my love of Tom Welling/Clark Kent! Especially Red K Clarky!

That last pic killed me dead. Guh.

I was actually yelling at Mama Kent at the end of that episode. She's giving Clark the guilt trip about letting his ass get teleported to Vegas to marry a crazy girl, but IT WASN'T HIS FAULT. He was on the Red K, Mama Kent! Back off my boy. *growls*
Awww, your boy. Cute. But yeah, I still can't believe she laid all that guilt on him and MADE HIM CRY! That beautiful man crying like that is just too much for me. How dare she give him the disappointed speech!


cynthia_arrow June 30 2007, 04:44:38 UTC
I could understand if it was the "why did you trust her to get close to you?" speech, but getting mad about his going to Vegas and marrying her--when she knows damn well he can't do anything about his behavior when he's dosed with the Red K--just makes me grumpy. (Normally, it's Papa Kent I'm all pissed at for putting too much pressure on him. I only put up with such nonsense from Papa Kent because he's hot ( ... )


alissabobissa June 30 2007, 15:14:19 UTC
First, watching the show out of order is hell. The freak of the week eps would be okay for that, but there is actually some show mythology and a whole bunch of relationship stuff going on that's important. Just the way some relationships change so dramatically so fast while others slowly turn and still others stay the same but with new depths. Papa Luthor is SUCH an interesting character in his ambiguous transformations.

The boys have to let him in the club! But wait a minute. Lee is not only in the club but president? I thought he wasn't allowed admittance because he was neither big nor dumb. *iz confused*
Who exactly is in the club, I can't figure out all seven. :)

Anders and Chief have been looking for a plausible excuse to change the humans-only clause...


cynthia_arrow June 30 2007, 18:14:46 UTC
Well, the original emphasis of the club has drifted just a little bit. First of all, their secondary classification is (tall) dark & handsome (because they've all got dark hair and most of them dark eyes). And, really, the handsome's in parenthesis, too. C'mon--Galen Tyrol? Not universally hailed as a sex symbol ( ... )


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