more ramble about my new Smallville obsession...and picspam!

Jun 29, 2007 00:29

I have found the hottest thing on the face of the fucking planet: Clark Kent on Red K.

(I realize this is not a particularly new discovery, but I've finally seen it for myself, and, really, it can never be reiterated too much IMHO...)

And keep in mind that these aren't even his most lacivious faces (they didn't turn out in screencaps...damn lighting).

*dies and iz ded*

Srsly, dude.

I've been watching random Smallville episodes (oh, how I love watching for the pretty and not the plot...okay, so I'm beginning to find myself contemplating character, not just Tommy's chest and Mike's ass, but don't tell anybody, LOL), and I saw "Unsafe" (season 4) tonight.

Dear LORD, how hot is Tom Welling when he's playing naughty!Clark all assertive and impatiently horny and putting his enormous hands on some cute little blonde thing! It's probably a good thing Clark's only been like that a few times in the show's history, because if he was like that every episode, my ovaries would explode.

Almost as good as sexgodvirgin!Clark? Woobie!Clark. No, I mean more woobie than normal. Poor boy only wants to be able to find someone to love, who knows his secret and understands him; someone who will teach him to ice skate and for whom he can reheat hot chocolate with his heat vision as a romantic gesture. ;) I was actually yelling at Mama Kent at the end of that episode. She's giving Clark the guilt trip about letting his ass get teleported to Vegas to marry a crazy girl, but IT WASN'T HIS FAULT. He was on the Red K, Mama Kent! Back off my boy. *growls* He's got enough angst and intimacy issues as it is.

Dear lord, I think I'm developing a protective streak for the big naive gorgeous woobie, rivaled only by my protective streak for another big naive gorgeous woobie: Sam Winchester. Evidence: despite the overwhelming hotness of shirtless Tommy ripping off a girl's corset, a small part of me was quite worried about whether Clark would actually lose his virginity in such a manner and how much that would screw him up. Clearly, I'm insane.

What in the hell has happened to me lately? Anyone? Bueller?

picspam, fandom: smallville

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