
Apr 17, 2019 13:25

Today I took off work to oversee movers as they took the furniture from M's apartment and moved it into my house. In preparation she had thrown out or donated many of her possessions, and we moved many of the survivors over in the last few months. As you would expect after eight years in the same apartment she still has many bins of things to go through, most of which are currently ensconced in my basement. Or I guess more accurately, our basement.

My dog and hers were exiled to daycare for the moving festivities. I think they're going to freak out when they come back and find the living room full of furniture! Clearly, we have a lot of rearranging in our future to find the optimum setup, and there's still substantial cleaning at her apartment and a small number of things to move.

Sarcastic quote from my neighbor on learning that she was moving in: so when are you moving out?

Also - it's been five years and one month she M was first referenced in a post, and five years and six weeks since we had our first date, which involved We Were Promised Jetpacks.

life changing events, moving

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