So every since the start of 2011 I've made it a point of trying to always post something on Sundays. In 2011 it was the
I started talking about the states I had and had not been to. I originally went with states because it gave me a clear goal of posting every Sunday for an entire year. In 2012 I went through the
songbook. Once I finished that I took care of a few followup posts on states, but now I've reached the end of those.
So now it's time to pick another Sunday series. Any of these would be a bridge until 2013, when I have some very clear ideas on what my Sunday series should be. This means I only need at most 10 more posts, and more probably only 8 since I'm traveling for a few of them. I've got a few options:
1- I could pick up the sadly delayed
13 Years Later film series that I tried back in 2010. I got through three intro posts and eight film posts before that spun out. I was having a lot of trouble keeping focus and finishing posts; it was a definite "perfect is the enemy of the good" situation. Of course, this would be an ongoing project, but maybe ten posts to end the year would kickstart it.
2- I have a half-formed mental plan for a series on designing a piece of software, based on
#6 on this list. On the other hand, I can't imagine most of the people who read this would really be interested. I can probably fit this in ten posts, but then I've been really wrong about that before.
3- I own a lot of CDs. Many of them I haven't listened to in a long while. I'm throwing around the idea of picking one CD every week and listening to it. Actually, not just listening, active listening. Then I'd write about it. This does sound like the kind of potentially huge project that would go off the rails, so I'm inclined against it, or at least against the writing portion of it.
4- I haven't done year in review summary for movies since 2009, which means that I have 2010 and 2011. Embarrassingly, I've actually thought about these posts, I just haven't done them because they'd be either huge or multi-part or both. I can probably squeeze in 10 posts pretty easily.
Does anyone have any opinion on what they'd rather read about?
This, of course, assumes that someone is actually still reading. Livejournal is dying, haven't you heard, but here I am nearly nine years after I started. Originally I joined to follow a few friends from college, but the only one of those friends who still posts (and possibly who still reads) is
eirias. Essentially everyone else I read who still posts with any regularity is someone I met through
theferrett or
catvalente (mostly at her wedding), which basically means a bunch of people I've met once.
This doesn't mean I'm going to stop writing, mind you. But I've often thought about it. It's a sad fact of life that a throw away comment on Facebook gets seen by a lot more people. If I was just doing this for the page views I would have stopped long ago. As it happens, I enjoy the writing and think I've gotten substantially better at it thanks in large part to LJ, so I'll keep on going.