32 Jessica Jones 8 Lost 7 Jane the Virgin 4 Mr. Robot 3 Shadowhunters 2 each Pushing Daisies, Sherlock, The 100, The Shannara Chronicles, Veronica Mars 1 each Sense8, Stock, The Little Mermaid
001-010 The 100 011-015 Doctor Who 016-020 The Avengers & Captain America 021-025 Agent Carter 026-035 Hawkeye (Comics) 036-040 Pushing Daisies 041-045 Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit 046-055 Misc.TV
001-012 Supernatural 013-022 Doctor Who 023-029 The Vampire Diaries 030-044 Teen Wolf 045-049 Game of Thrones 050-059 The Borgias 060-069 The Hour 070-095 Misc.TV 096-105 Harry Potter & The Dark Knight Trilogy
001-015 Shameless 016-021 Supernatural 022-035 The Vampire Diaries 036-055 Misc. TV and Film (The Hour, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Teen Wolf, My mad fat diary, Hannibal, Sherlock)