Fanfiction || You're My First, My Last, My Everything || Jane/Maura || Part Seven

Mar 22, 2011 05:12

Title: You're My First, My Last, My Everything
Author: Sapphire Smoke cuzimastripper
Beta(s): tamswitter & alassante (chapter 5 only)
Fandom: Rizzoli & Isles
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jane/Maura
Length Thus Far: 64,766 words
Summary: The first time is always the easiest to remember, but the hardest to get to.
A/N: First Rizzoli & Isles fic! I found there just isn't enough 'first time' fics for this fandom (that I've seen anyway - most tend to have an already established relationship between our two girls) and since that is my writing fetish I decided to give it a shot. I'm incredibly long winded though and like to draw shit out, so this will probably be a long one lol. And I know the title is sap!fest but my creativity in titling is lacking today, haha.

A/N: As I said in my other R&I fic - I have no good reason for abandoning this fandom and you're free to throw stones. This is kind of a filler chapter while I figure out what I'm doing, but I hope you enjoy it anyway ;)

First Experimentation

The first time Maura and Jane experimented in the bedroom was the next morning.

Jane and Maura didn’t get much sleep last night, but neither seemed to care. It was Saturday, so they had the day off, and they took advantage of that as much as they could. Jane lay on her back, Maura nestled into her side, head on her breast. She’s been tracing lazy circles on her girlfriend’s abdomen for the better half of the last hour, knowing they should both get up and get some breakfast to refuel but having no desire to leave the comfortable confines of her bed and the woman beside her.

Then Jane’s stomach growls.

“Ughhh,” Jane groans, eyes closed. “I don’t wanna move. We should just get an IV drip and stay in bed forever.” Maura smirks, lifting her head up to look down at the brunette beneath her; she was easily the most gorgeous woman she had ever laid eyes on.

“It’d probably lead to bad habits,” Maura tells her, cocking her head to the side and giving her girlfriend a sly smile.

“What? How? It’d be perfect, Maur. We could be naked all the time…” she grins at her, running her fingers over the dips in Maura’s waist, making the ME squirm a little because her light touches were beginning to induce knismesis. Maura purses her lips together, trying not to giggle at her light tickling, which makes Jane grin widen as she leans up, kissing her lightly on the lips before whispering across them, “I could make you cum multiple times a day… Maybe forever, if I wanted to…”

“Technically you couldn’t make me have an everlasting orgasm, Jane. It would be imposs-mmff.” Maura’s words are cut short by Jane’s lips on hers again and she giggles, knowing Jane just did that to shut her up. She didn’t want her ruining her fantasy that she was able to do such miraculous things.

When they break, Jane places a finger on Maura’s lips, making sure she doesn’t have another retort. “It’s called suspension of disbelief, Maura. Embrace it.”

“Actually,” Maura mumbles around Jane’s finger before moving it away from her lips to be able to spout off her knowledge. Sometimes she wonders if she’ll explode if she can’t get things like this out of her system; she seems to not have the ability to suppress the impulse. “Suspension of disbelief is only a term used in literature; it has no bearing on reality. It-Jane!” she squeals as her girlfriend flips her over so she’s lying on her back, Jane hovering above her before she gives her a wicked grin and her fingers are suddenly everywhere.

And no, not in the good way.

Maura laughs and squirms as Jane tickles her, trying to push her off, but to no avail. “Stop trying to ruin my fantasy!” Jane exclaims, laughing as she tickles her girlfriend into submission. She has her pinned with one hand while her other one scrambles up and down her abdomen and sides, making Maura feel like she’s surely going to implode if she keeps this up.

“Jane! Jane, stop, please!” Maura begs through her laughter, continuing to squirm. “If you keep using gargalesis as a… as a form of payback you’re going to make my… detrusor muscle contract and I’ll… I’ll micturate! Please! I’ll stop ruining your fantasy; I promise!”

Jane does stop, though only because she looks like she has no idea what Maura just said to her. “What?” she asks, laughing. “Was that English?”

Maura struggles to get her breathing back to normal as she takes a hold of Jane’s hands, making sure she won’t do that again, pulling her down as she plants their hands on the bed. She looks up at Jane hovering over her and giggles, reiterating, “I meant you would cause me to urinate myself if you continued to tickle me like that.”

Jane snorts as she laughs. “Sometimes I don’t know why you don’t just say it to me simply in the first place, Talking Google.”

“I was under a strenuous situation! When that happens I’m more likely to express myself in the first way I know how,” Maura defends, pouting a little. Jane leans down and kisses her pout, then takes her bottom lip in between her teeth and nibbles on it. Maura giggles.

“You consider being tickled strenuous?” Jane asks as she pulls away, sounding amused as she moves to lay half on top of her, tangling their legs together beneath the sheets.

“Well, yes,” Maura answers, turning her head a little to look Jane in the eyes. “I’m required to use great exertion and will power so as not to urinate myself in the process.” Jane just laughs and shakes her head.

“You’re great at pillow talk, you know. Urination. That’s one for the books. I’m so turned on I don’t even know what to do with myself.”

“You were that one that was tickling me!” Maura protests, narrowing her eyes at Jane’s sarcasm. “And besides, we need to get up and have breakfast; your stomach was experiencing Borborygmus earlier.” Jane just stares at her blankly. “It growled,” Maura explains.

“But I don’t want to get up,” Jane wines, burying her head in the crook of Maura’s neck. Maura smiles, amused, at least that is until Jane begins to kiss the tender skin on her neck, allowing her tongue to blaze a path to her ear. “I vote we have sex again,” Jane breathes, her voice sending a shiver down Maura’s spine.

Maura bites down on her lower lip as Jane’s hand slides up her abdomen, coming to rest on her breast, her fingertips brushing lightly over her nipple. The sensation shoots through every nerve ending of her body and makes the ME suck in a sharp breath, closing her eyes as she revels in Jane’s touch. She knows they should get up, but she supposed it wouldn’t hurt to wait a little longer…

Maura turns her head, capturing Jane’s lips in a fierce kiss as she tangles her fingers in her dark hair, grasping it firmly like she’s afraid she’ll slip away from her. She knew it was a ridiculous notion - after all, Jane was finally beginning to accept who she was and the relationship that they had together, but Maura supposed it would take a while for her fears to fully leave her. Jane pulled away from her once; it was entirely possible that she could again, even if the chances seemed slim now.

She knew Jane loved her, it wasn’t a question of that, but sometimes fear is a hard thing to get rid of.

After the slowness that was last night, Maura wanted to ignite a deeper passion within her lover. While she enjoyed making love to Jane - it was utterly perfect - she suddenly had an urge rising in her that she was having trouble suppressing. She’s wanted to do something like this since the first night they really got together in that cabin and now seemed like a perfect as time than any to experiment with… other aspects of their sexuality.

As Jane kissed her deeply, Maura slid her hand between their two bodies, cupping Jane’s burning center and sliding her fingers on either side of her clit, pinching it gently as she gets her fingertips wet with Jane’s desire. The brunette takes her lips off of her to groan deeply, closing her eyes in pleasure as her hips twitch slightly from her ministrations. But Maura doesn’t linger down there. She brings her fingers up to her lips and as Jane opens her eyes to see why she stopped, she slides them seductively into her mouth.

“Christ, Maura,” Jane breathes, watching her intently as Maura sucks her juices from her fingers. She grinds her hips into her, her breathing becoming shallower. Maura smirks, enjoying the way she can make Jane completely turn to mush in a matter of mere seconds.

When Maura slides her fingers out of her mouth she tells her in a seductive whisper, “We can have sex on one condition.” She slides her hand down Jane’s backside, her fingertips lightly tickling her oversensitive skin.

“Anything,” Jane breathes.

“We use one of my toys.”

Jane purses her lips together, looking up at her through her lashes. “Which one?” she asks, not having a clue how wide Maura’s selection truly is. Maura smirks.

“I’ll let you decide.”

Maura gets off of Jane, making the detective emit a small sound of protest from the lack of contact. As she climbs out of bed she can feel Jane’s eyes on her as she makes her way to the closet, reaching up to get the plastic box from the top shelf.

“You have a fantastic ass, you know,” Jane mentions, desire in her voice as she watches Maura get the box from the shelf; though her eyes are more focused on her lower extremities than what her hands are doing. Maura smirks as she turns around, carrying the box over to bed.

“I know.”

Jane laughs, “And so humble about it, too.” She sits up as she takes notice of how large the box is. “Jeez, Maura. Tell me you just buried a few toys underneath some stuff.” Maura blinks, not understanding what the point of that would be; then she would have to go digging for things.

“No,” she replies, opening the lid on the plastic container. Jane’s eyes nearly bug out of her skull once she takes notice of everything Maura has in there.

“Holy shit,” she breathes, reaching for the box to rifle through it; her curiosity peaked.

“Language,” Maura reminds her, but it falls on deaf ears, as always.

“Maura, you… what did you do? Rob a porn store? Holy hell, this is…” Jane can’t seem to make out the words as she starts taking things out of the box one by one, looking at them all with equal fascination and disbelief. Maura doesn’t understand why she’s so surprised; she did mention she had toys.

“Of course I didn’t rob a porn store, Jane,” Maura replies, like the idea was preposterous, but Jane is barely listening. She holds up a small object, looking a bit perplexed.

“What the hell is this?”

“A butt plug,” Maura informs her.

Jane drops it immediately.

“Why the hell would you need that?” she asks, like the idea was incomprehensible.

“Well, I don’t know. I may want to use it one day; I like to be prepared,” Maura answers. Wasn’t that logical? What if they found themselves in bed one day, wanting to try something new, but they didn’t have the proper… tools? This way, Maura would always have… well, everything. She probably won’t use it all, but it’s there if she needs it.

“Oh my god are these nipple clamps?” Jane asks as she grasps the small, silver contraptions and looking at them like they’re some kind of alien technology.

“Yes?” Maura affirms, sounding a little unsure about herself now. She doesn’t want Jane to think she’s weird. Why is it considered odd that she likes to be prepared for any situation?

“Have you used them?” Jane asks, finally tearing her eyes away from the collection of toys to look at her. Maura flushes a little, which was actually an odd reaction for her to have when it came to sexual topics. She was usually so open and forward and never had a problem with it, but now she was second guessing herself. Was this too much for Jane?

“I…” she starts, but chooses not to answer. Instead she asks, “Do you think I’m weird?” She knows how vulnerable she sounds and she hates it.

“No, no, Maura…” Jane tells her, taking notice of the look on her girlfriend’s face. She grasps her hand, holding it and explains, “Hey, baby, I don’t… I promise I don’t think you’re weird. It’s just… a little unexpected. You’re usually so… I don’t know; put together.”

“What does that have to do with my sexual appetite?” Maura asks, genuinely confused.

“I don’t know - maybe I’m just stereotyping. I guess I just expect people who like that kind of stuff to dress in all leather and be wicked bad ass.”

Maura’s mouth drops open in mock-shock. “You don’t think I’m bad ass?”

Jane chuckles, leaning in to give her a short kiss. “You’re completely bad ass,” she breathes against her lips. She chuckles as she thinks of the toys, “Clearly more than I originally thought, too.”

Maura smirks before she leans in and kisses Jane again, letting their tongues entwine for a moment before she breaks the kiss and pushes her back a little. “Come on; pick one. Unless you’d rather have breakfast…?” she lets the question linger a little tauntingly.

“No!” Jane exclaims quickly, making Maura look amused. Jane coughs awkwardly, trying to cover up her eagerness before she busies herself by riffling through the box of toys. She looks through them for a moment before she pulls out a harness and a dildo, looking a little amused. “When did you get this?”

Maura smiles; she’d been wanting to use that for ages!

“Shortly after I came out to you,” she tells her, practically all in one breath. “Do you want to use it?” She’s getting herself excited now, thinking of the prospects. But Jane blinks.

“Shortly after you-wait, did you get it then with the hope of using it with me?” Maura flushes a little and that’s all the answer Jane needs. She smirks, “Bit presumptuous, don’t you think?”

“No! It was hope, not… not that I thought you would. At that time it didn’t seem like it’d ever be likely. But I just…” she trails off, shrugging a little self-consciously. “I don’t know; I saw it online and I immediately thought of you. I pictured you wearing it and it was… sexy.”

Jane pauses and looks at the contraption a little warily. “Honestly Maur- I wouldn’t know the first thing about using it. I mean, I know you’ve wanted to and everything but part of me kinda feels like if I tried to do it, I wouldn’t be doing it as good as a guy because, you know, they have that part. Does that make sense? I’d rather not preform less than fantastically when I’m in bed with you.”

Maura cocks her head to side as she contemplates that. “You mean like how it’s next to impossible for a man to preform cunnilingus as well as a woman, because they are less aware of where the optimum areas for stimulation are?”

“Something like that.” Jane looks at her a little apologetically, “I’m sorry; I guess I just think it would be a little weird for me if I tried…”

“Well, you don’t have to be the one to put it on,” Maura tells her, trying not to sound discouraged. “Would you be interested if I was the one who used it on you?”

Jane’s eyebrows rise. “Seriously?”

“Well, why not?”

“I don’t know. I just figured you’d want me to because I’m… butcher,” Jane answers. Maura rolls her eyes.

“More butch,” Maura corrects automatically. “And I don’t know why you stereotype yourself so much. Just because I enjoy dressing up doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t be allowed to fuck you with a phallic object attached to my groin. Nor does it mean that because you like to wear slacks and carry a gun that you should automatically be the one who situates themselves into a more masculine role in the bedroom.”

Jane seems to think about that for a moment, her eyes lingering on the toy in Maura’s hands. She bites her bottom lip, as if contemplating the possibilities. Finally she looks at Maura, “You’d really do that for me? I mean, you’d want to? Are you sure?”

Maura smiles; leaning in and kissing Jane with enough force to guide her downwards so that her back was nestled atop the comforter. She slips a leg between Jane’s and presses her thigh against her center, making the brunette beneath her emit a soft whimper. She can feel how wet Jane is and the heat radiates to every part of her body. “I’d do anything for you,” Maura breathes against her lips.

“So,” she starts, just before she nips Jane’s bottom lip gently. “Would you like me to wear it?” She doesn’t give Jane a chance to actually answer though because she grinds her thigh up against her as she presses her lips to her ear, holding Jane down with a hand on her torso. “Because I really want to fuck you so hard that you have difficulty walking tomorrow,” Maura hisses in her ear, knowing her words and the way she said them was going to do something to Jane. “I want you to remember with every step what we did here in this bed… I want you to remember the way I pounded into you, making you cry out with every thrust…”

As she suspected, Jane lets out a breath that she seems to have been holding and it comes out in the form of a low, guttural groan. It sounded so primal and it excited Maura to the core. Jane tangles her fingers in Maura’s hair and turns her face towards her so she can kiss her fiercely; lips, tongue, and teeth. She arches her back, pressing her breasts to Maura’s as she wraps one of her legs around the ME’s waist, using her leverage to pull Maura’s body closer to hers so she can grind her pussy against her. “Fuck, Maura,” she breathes the moment she breaks the kiss for air. “You can do whatever you want to me…”

Maura enjoys the idea of being able to do ‘whatever she wants’, so she uses the opening to take an opportunity that she had long since avoided doing because of the repercussions. Her lips fall to Jane’s neck, sucking on the tender flesh so hard that it makes Jane cry out in both pain and pleasure; her fingernails digging into Maura’s back as she gasps, moving her hips as she tries to get more friction. “Oh fuck… Jesus…” Jane breathes, moving her head to the side to allow Maura more room.

Maura knew she was leaving marks, which is why she had avoided doing it for so long; they both worked in a professional environment after all. But she had wanted to mark Jane as hers for so long; something about it was just so incredibly sexy to her. Jane seemed to think so too; the way she was crying out every time Maura would make a new mark on her neck. Maura knows she probably hasn’t thought about the repercussions of it yet, but it didn’t matter. If worse comes to worse, Maura would just let her borrow a turtle neck.

She’d probably look adorable in one anyway.

When Maura’s lips leave her neck though, Jane lets out a grumpy sound of protest. But Maura just leans in and kisses her once, before asking softly, “Do you trust me?” Jane opens her eyes to look at her. Her chest is rising and falling rapidly, her pupils dilating in lust. She nods silently. “Then close your eyes,” Maura instructs. Jane does as she’s told without question.

Maura climbs off of her and begins to strap on the harness. It took longer than she would have liked to actually figure out which way it went, but she did eventually get it on right, making sure the vibrating nub was snuggled against her clit in just the right way. Then she reaches into her toy box and starts rifling through it, trying to find something.

“What are you doing?” Jane asks impatiently, hearing the sounds but not opening her eyes.

“Shh… have patience. You said you trusted me, didn’t you?” Maura responds, before a smile spreads across her face as she finds what she’s looking for. She moves the box off the bed so as to not knock it over during sex as she crawls back over to Jane, getting on top of her. “Don’t open your eyes yet,” she tells her. Jane squirms though, feeling the phallus drag across her stomach.

“Come on, Maura… I want to see.”

“In a minute,” Maura tells her with a little giggle; enjoying her power. She takes Jane’s hands in hers, guiding them above her head. Suddenly she puts something around both of her wrists and they snap in place, which makes Jane open her eyes and look up: her hands were now handcuffed around the bedrail.

“I… uh,” she starts, obviously turned on but a little wary of the restraints.

Maura leans down and kisses her softly. “I promise, the second you want them off, I’ll take them off, okay?” She bites her lower lip, looking Jane over. She looked so sexy lying naked in her bed and restrained. “But I just… I thought it’d be really sexy…” She looks at her a little warily. “Do you hate them?”

But Jane is barely paying any attention to the handcuffs situation anymore; her eyes are focused on the strap on between Maura’s legs. “Holy shit,” she breathes. “That’s gotta be the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life…” Maura grins, sitting up so Jane can take a better look.

“Yeah?” she prods, running her hand along the phallus.

“Fuck yeah.”

“Mmm…” Maura purrs, leaning down before she captures Jane’s lips in a passionate kiss that leaves her breathless. She lays her body flat against Jane’s, feeling the heat from her body as she teasingly runs the dildo along her slit, making Jane moan softly against her lips. “Do you want me to fuck you, Jane?” she asks, her lips dragging across her throat.

“Maura, please… don’t tease,” Jane begs, pushing her hips upwards, trying to gain more friction. She’s straining against the handcuffs as Maura latches her lips on her neck again, sucking on the tender flesh in a way that has Jane whimpering within seconds. As she’s doing it, her hand moves down Jane’s body, coming to rest between her thighs. She needed to see if Jane was ready for her or if they were going to need lube, but Jane was more than ready: she was soaked. Groaning at the feeling, Maura can’t help but play with her clitoris a little before she takes her hand away.

Jane whimpers and spreads her legs wider, more invitingly as Maura situates herself in position. She’s a little nervous about using the strap on, but she doesn’t let it overwhelm her. Licking her lips, she reaches down and switches the vibrating bullet inside of the harness on, biting her lip almost immediately to stifle a moan. God, it felt so amazing. Jane’s making impatient sounds though so she tries to focus enough to place the head of the dildo at Jane’s opening. “Are you ready?” she asks breathlessly, wanting to make sure before she just barrels in cock first.

“Maura if you don’t fuck me now I swear to god I’m going to explode!” Jane exclaims, tugging at the restraints to accent her point, her hips straining to get it inside of her. She couldn’t reach though and with another loud sound of frustration, she pulls so hard against the restraints that it ends up breaking the bed railing.

Well, clearly that wasn’t built as properly as Maura thought. She has half a mind to call the furniture company that sold it to her.

Maura almost laughs at the situation because damn Jane must have been determined, but she doesn’t get the chance because Jane seizes the opportunity of her semi-freedom and grabs Maura’s hand, pulling her towards her almost violently. They’re lips crash together and Jane moans loudly as she slams her hips into Maura’s, taking it all the way up to its hilt in one go. Maura cries out as the movement grinds the bullet against her clit, making her nearly cum.

“Fuck,” Maura breathes as she struggles to have some control over Jane’s new found dominance. She didn’t want to have an orgasm too quickly because Jane was determining the pace. So she grabs her wrists with one hand, pinning them above her head as she pulls out of her halfway, right before she slides back inside of her with equal determination. Jane gasps and closes her eyes, her head tossing to the side in wanton abandon.

“Oh, shit,” she gasps as Maura builds up a steady rhythm. “Oh my god.” She lifts one of her legs up, throwing it over Maura’s shoulder to give her a better angle, her fingers grasping at the pillow beneath her head as she moans louder with every thrust.

Maura bites on her lip, nearly splitting it each time the bullet would bump against her clit, closing her eyes tightly as she tries desperately to be better than any man Jane had ever had. She didn’t realize how much what Jane said about it would affect her until she found herself inside of Jane, but now that she was she felt like she needed to prove herself.

Maybe it was irrational; after all she was not nearly versed in the area of lesbian sex as say, well, someone who had been doing it a lot longer. Jane was her first, but it didn’t matter. Whether Jane was her first or her hundredth, she wanted to be better than anyone she had ever had. She wanted Jane to flush at the mere thought of her; she wanted her to remember every detail as if it were happening all over again as she sits at her desk in the precinct. She just… she wanted to be amazing for her.

She leans down; crashing her lips to Jane’s as she starts pumping her hips faster, harder, deeper. She groans into her mouth as her finger tighten around her wrist, liable to leave bruises when everything’s said and done. Jane emits a strangled cry against her lips and thrusts her hips to match each of Maura’s strokes. “Fuck, fuck, Maura, oh fuck,” she breathes against her lips, her back arcing as she cries out again, like she was having so much pleasure that it bordered on painful.

Maura tries to concentrate on her, but the vibrations from the bullet are starting to get to her and she’s panting against her lips, her forehead resting atop hers as she tries desperately to control herself from having an orgasm. She wants Jane to have one first. She grits her teeth and moves her head down to bury in the crook of Jane’s neck, trying not to have the pleasure overwhelm her. She needed her to cum; so damn desperately, she needed Jane to cum…

Reaching between them, Maura’s fingers find Jane’s clit and suddenly it’s over in a flash. Jane’s whole body tenses and her mouth opens in a silent O before she’s screaming, cursing, thrashing beneath her so violently that Maura tries to hold onto her. But she lets her own pleasure overwhelm her and she finds herself cumming, gasping Jane’s name into her ear as they both ride out their wave together.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Maura breathes as she comes down from her high, only to have another orgasm hit her almost immediately because the bullet is continuing to vibrate against her already sensitive clit. “Fuck, Jane! Jane!” she screams, her hands frantically trying to find the switch to stop the vibrating. If she cums again, she knows she’s going to pass out. “Get it off of me!” she begs before she closes her eyes, arching her back as her third orgasm starts to build. Her hands grasp at the bed sheets desperately.

“Shit,” Jane swears, trying to gather up enough strength to move. “Hold on, I got you-” Jane tries as she fumbles with the harness; trying to figure out how to get it off of her. But Maura’s squirming so much and the handcuffs Jane has on isn’t allowing for much movement, so she can barely get a hold on it and Maura feels herself about to explode again. She knows she isn’t going to be able to handle a third and as she screams, she can feel herself start to lose consciousness.

Then suddenly, everything goes black.

First Humiliation

The first time Jane and Maura got caught with their pants down, so to speak, was about an hour later.

When Maura finally comes to, she sees Jane’s face looming above hers with an expression of amusement that she’s attempting - yet ultimately failing - to mask as worry. “Are you alright?” she asks, trying not to laugh at her girlfriend’s predicament. “I can’t believe you passed out on me.” She purses her lips together so she doesn’t start chuckling, then creases her eyebrows like she’s attempting to come off as concerned.

Maura can see right through her though; Jane thinks this is hilarious.

“Yeah, well…” Maura replies, exhaustion in her voice as she begins to fully wake from her unexpected nap. “I can’t believe you broke my bed.” She smirks as she watches Jane’s lips turn down into a frown.

“Sorry. I’ll fix it, if you want. I have tools at my apartment…” She suddenly looked so guilty and Maura found it a little endearing.

Maura shakes her head, still smiling. “No, that’s alright. I’ll just buy a-” but as she tries to move to sit up she hisses, closing her eyes. “Okay, not moving then,” she gasps as a wave of unexpected pleasure shoots through her core.

“Are you okay?” Jane asks, her amusement being replaced by actual worry this time. “Did I hurt you?”

“No, I… everything is just… sensitive,” Maura tells her breathlessly, spreading her legs slowly so that her thighs don’t accidently stimulate her already oversensitive clitoris. But as she moves her eyebrows knit in confusion as she feels the state of the sheets. “Why am I sitting in a wet spot? Our bodies shouldn’t have secreted that much perspiration, at least not unless one of us was sick.” She hopes Jane isn’t sick; they couldn’t both afford to take off work on Monday.

“Oh. Uh…” Jane starts, trying to hide her smirk. She looks like a kid who just got told they could have a pony for their birthday. “The last time you came you, uh… came.” Maura looks confused for a moment and Jane reiterates, “You squirted, Maura. Like… across the goddamn room almost. It was pretty much the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.” Jane looks much too excited by this newfound discovery.

“Really?” Maura asks, intrigued. She’s never done that before. Of course she knew it was possible, after all it was physically possible for any woman to ejaculate, no matter how rare it actually happens. Part of her wishes she could remember it, but her loss of consciousness due to her last orgasm must have made her memory a little hazy.

“Really,” Jane affirms, still smirking as she leans down, placing a soft kiss on her lips. “I think I have a new goal now,” she whispers, grinning before she gives her another quick kiss on the lips. Maura giggles.

“As admirable as it is that you’re aspiring to goals, Jane; I don’t think losing consciousness is an acceptable consequence for ejaculating. At least not for me.”

“Well you might not always have to get that worked up to squirt. Isn’t it possible that since you’ve already done it, the next time won’t have to be so… intense?” Jane asks hopefully. Maura gives her an amused smile.

“I suppose that could be possible, but-” Maura’s cut off by Jane’s lips on hers once more.

“That’s all I needed to know,” she replies, grinning. Maura rolls her eyes; clearly she’s not going to have any hope in swaying Jane from her new goal. “Anyway, now that you’re awake,” Jane goes on, holding up her bound wrists to her. “Can I have the key?”

“Oh, right,” Maura replies. She had forgotten about the handcuffs. “The key should be in the box. I’d get up but everything is still so sensitive and I don’t want to...”

“Cum again?” Jane asks, smirking as she gets off the bed. Maura meant she didn’t want to lose consciousness again; the orgasm in itself would actually be quite pleasant. She watches Jane kneel down by the box of toys before she starts rifling through it, but because of the way her hands are bound she’s only able to take out one toy at a time, so the process is rather slow. “Jeez, Maur-you could have thought ahead of time and laid it out somewhere,” she teases.

“I was a little focused on other things!” Maura defends. “Sometimes things are a little hard to plan when you’re… naked.” Jane snorts in response and Maura throws a pillow at her, but it only makes Jane laugh harder.

“Sorry, but you have to admit it is a little funny,” Jane replies as she continues to work her way through the large box of toys.

“Yeah, well,” Maura starts, but is interrupted by a yawn. Jane looks over at her.

“Why don’t you just go back to bed if you’re tired?”

“Because we need to eat, Jane,” Maura tells her, shifting a little on the bed to get comfortable. “And besides, it’s nearly noon; if I slept any later it’ll be difficult to get my sleep schedule back to normal in time for work on Monday.” Jane makes a grumpy face at the word ‘work’ and Maura giggles. “Oh, come on; don’t look like that. I know you love your job.”

“Yeah, but I love being with you more,” Jane tells her with a little smile. They catch each other’s gaze for a short moment before Jane goes back to digging for the key. After a couple minutes she sighs, starting to get aggravated. “Maura, the key ain’t in here.”

“It has to be.”

“Well it’s not; I’ve taken everything out of the box,” Jane replies, turning to look at her girlfriend with an eyebrow raised as she gestures to the toys all around her on the floor and the empty box beside her.

“Are you sure?” Maura asks, confusion crossing her face. She was sure it was in there.

“Maura,” Jane states flatly. “We need. To find. The key,” she says slowly, as if Maura misunderstood her. It makes the ME shoot her a look of annoyance; she’s not slow. She was just sure it was in there. “I don’t want to be in these things all day.”

Maura sighs. “Have you looked under the bed? It could have fallen.”

“Maura, can you just come down here and help me look? My hands are bound and trying to fish a key out from underneath your bed could prove to be problematic.” Jane no longer looks amused and Maura scrunches her nose up as she thinks.

After a moment she relents, “Alright. Just… give me a second.” Maura purses her lips as she moves, testing to see how sensitive her clitoris still is. Finding it still sensitive but much more manageable, she carefully swings her legs over the side of the bed and stands. The friction from her thighs meeting makes her bite her lower lip, however after she takes a couple breathes she finds the sensations aren’t as intense as her mind is working them up to be.

Jane chuckles as she watches her. “You okay, killer?”

“Shush. This is your fault,” Maura retorts with an amused smile as she kneels down next to her.

“Actually, those last two you had wasn’t my doing. I have to admit though, I’m a little jealous,” Jane teases. “I was outdone by a vibrator.” Maura rolls her eyes as she gets down on her stomach, her hand reaching out blindly into the darkness for the key under the bed.

“It technically wasn’t a vibrator. It was just a… bullet. Which vibrates as well, so I see your point, but usually ‘vibrators’ are phallic shaped so…” Maura pauses, deciding to stop rambling, and goes on to make her point; “I seemed to have miscalculated how much it would affect me.” She continues to search for the missing key, but it seems to be in vain. Maura squints as she looks under the bed; she wishes she could see. “I need a flashlight,” she informs Jane as she gets up, walking over to her closet.

Jane sits back against the bed and looks at her, amused. “I would have thought you of all people would have factored that variable into the… sex equation.” She smirks as she watches Maura grab her flashlight off the top shelf.

When she turns around, Maura gives her a sarcastic look that seems only amuse Jane further. As she drops to her stomach against to look for the key, she tells her, “I was a little preoccupied. And besides, when I bought it I never thought I’d actually be able to use it.” She turns on the flashlight and shines it under the bed. “Regardless, I believe it does have different speeds. I’ll have to look on the packaging for next time; I think I’ll be able to handle it if it isn’t as… intense.” But then Maura sighs, stopping her search under the bed. “It’s not down here,” she tells her.

“Well, now what?” Jane asks as she watches Maura hoist herself up to a sitting position. Maura purses her lips together, thinking for a moment.

“Well, I could try to pick it with a bobby pin,” she suggests. Jane laughs, but then stops automatically when she sees the look on Maura’s face.

“Wait, you’re serious?”

“Of course I am.”

Jane tries not to laugh again. “Maura, no offense, but what would you know about picking a lock?”

Maura shoots her an indignant look, “Apparently, enough to surprise you,” she replies as she gets up off the floor, heading into the bathroom. Jane purses her lips, knowing that she unintentionally insulted Maura.

“Hey, no, I didn’t mean-”

“It’s fine, Jane,” Maura replies shortly, cutting her off as she grabs a bobby pin out of the top drawer and walks back into the bedroom.

She understood why Jane thought she wouldn’t know; after all, she’s book smart and that doesn’t usually tend to mesh with street smart. However, what Jane seems to not understand is that there are a wide variety of things that can be learned from books. Not that Maura read a book about lock picking, but she did have a book that explained the mechanics of handcuffs, along with other things. She found she enjoyed learning how things worked.

However, whether that actually translates into successful lock picking remains to be seen. But Maura was sure she grasped the basic concept at least.

As she sits down next to Jane on the floor, the brunette holds out her cuffed hands to her as Maura uses her teeth to pull off the plastic tip and bend the tip to a ninety degree angle, while flattening the rest with her hand. When she has it the way she needs it, she slips the curved tip into the lock and begins to fiddle with it.

There’s silence between the two women for a moment before Jane tells her. “Maura - and I say this with all the love in the world - you are never handcuffing me again.” She rests her elbows on her knees so she doesn’t have to continue to hold her arms out to Maura, and watches her attempt to pick the lock.

“I just misplaced the key; the chances of this happening again are very slim,” Maura informs her, then bites on her tongue a little in concentration as she tries to feel around with the bobby pin. “You’re over reacting.”

“Maura, I’m stuck in handcuffs,” Jane informs her, like Maura wasn’t already acutely aware of the situation.

“Yes, Jane. I know.”

“Do you even know what you’re doing?” Jane asks when she notices that Maura doesn’t seem to be getting anywhere. “Have you ever done this before?”

“Well, no…” Maura admits, “but I know that I have to insert the bobby pin into the upper cut out of the lock pointed towards the cuff’s direction of travel.” Off of Jane’s confused look she reiterates, “The way the lock needs to be turned in order to release the cuffs - in this case, left. Then once I have the pick resting under the handcuff’s housing, I just need to add a little tension. That motion should recreate the key’s raised area pressing against the locking mechanism, which in theory will release the cuffs.”

“In theory, huh?” Jane responds flatly.

“Well if you’d like to try, be my guest,” Maura retorts. “But I hardly think the angle you’re at would provide much room for estimating the proper pressure you’ll need to get the mechanism to release.”

Jane sighs, but doesn’t retort. She’s silent for a moment as she watches Maura attempt to get her loose, then finally she says, “I’m sorry; the cuffs are starting to rub my wrists raw and it’s making me a little… snappish.”

“I should have gotten the fuzzy ones,” Maura replies, frowning a little. She knew she should have, but she liked these ones because, well, they reminded her of Jane’s standard issue cuffs.

Jane shakes her head though. “Hell no. I will not be seen wearing anything fuzzy, even by you.” That makes Maura giggle, but she doesn’t reply because she’s pretty sure she’s almost got the cuffs undone now.

But then the doorbell rings.

“Oh, what now?” Jane grumbles as Maura looks up from what she was doing. “Who the hell is that?”

“I don’t know; I’ll go see,” Maura replies as she stands up. Jane, however, doesn’t find this an acceptable solution.

“What? No. You can’t just leave me like this, Maura!” she protests, waving her hands around erratically to further prove her point.

“Jane, it’ll only be a second,” Maura tells her patiently as she grabs a robe from her closet and slips it on. She leans down, giving her grumpy looking girlfriend a quick kiss on the lips that only results in Jane making a sound of annoyance. “Just stay in here; when I come back I’ll bring us both a sandwich so we can eat before we try getting those off again,” she tells her before she makes her way out of the bedroom.

Her bare feet cross the living room and Maura wonders momentarily who it could be; she wasn’t expecting company and Jane was usually the only one who dropped in unannounced. When she opens the door though and finally sees who it is that’s interrupting her time with Jane, she quite literally freezes.

Maura stares at the visitor for a moment before she realizes she probably looks awkward just standing there, not saying anything, so she clears her throat before she tries to muster up a smile. “Oh, hi… Mrs. Rizzoli.”

Out of every scenario that she could have guessed, Jane’s mother turning up on her doorstep was not among them. Maura could count at least forty different ways this could turn out badly and it made her nervous.

“Maura, dear, how many times have I asked you to call me Angela?” Angela replies with a warm smile. The way she smiles makes Maura feel a little conflicted; on one hand Angela Rizzoli had always felt like a second mother to her, however on the other, she was now bedding her daughter and she was afraid that she would no longer smile at her like that if she knew.

For all of her assurances to Jane that her coming out would turn out fine, it seemed that Jane had passed on a little bit of her paranoia to her; which really wasn’t helping matters now that she’s confronted by the inevitable fact that today might be the day it happens, whether either of them want it to or not.

Maura prays Jane stays quiet. She’d rather deal with this under controlled circumstances, which right now was anything but.

“Sorry; Angela,” she corrects herself. Maura tries with more effort than is probably required to act normally and she asks, “Is everything alright?” After all, Jane’s mother showing up on her doorstep wasn’t exactly normal.

Angela sighs and answers, “I’m not sure. Do you mind I come in?”

Maura tries desperately to think of a reason why Angela couldn’t come in that didn’t include ‘No, because your daughter is naked and handcuffed in my bedroom.’ She couldn’t lie unless she was willing to induce a panic attack, which would probably defeat the purpose of lying anyway seeing as it would be obvious that she had. But no excuse that is even a half-truth comes to mind and Maura can’t stand there much longer without saying anything, so she stupidly says, “Of course.”

Angela smiles at her and walks inside her house and Maura lets out a long breath as she turns to close the door behind her, desperately trying to figure a way out of this. Her brain doesn’t seem to be supplying her with an option though so she has nothing left to do but join Mrs. Rizzoli on the couch, hoping she won’t be here long.

“Would you like anything to drink?” Maura asks, trying to be polite.

“Oh no, dear. I’m fine,” Angela tells her with a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Maura frowns a little, noticing her demeanor.

“Are you worried about Jane?” she asks, figuring that would be the most likely reason why she was here.

Angela sighs a little. “Janie hasn’t been herself lately; both her father and I have noticed that she’s started to… pull away. Frank thinks its depression but I’m not about to send my daughter to one of those fruity little doctors like to throw pills at people like it’s a proper substitution for happiness.” She scoffs, like the idea that psychiatrists even have medical license is ridiculous. “She also stopped bringing you over for dinner - that is whenever she even bothers to show up for it herself - which at first I thought meant you two were in a fight, but Frankie tells me you two are fine.” Maura bites the inside of her cheek, hoping she doesn’t ask why she hasn’t come over. “And when Jane does come to dinner, she barely even touches her gnocchi, which isn’t like her.”

Maura stays quiet, waiting for Angela to finish.

“I just don’t know what to do with her. She won’t talk to me; every time I ask if something’s wrong all I get is attitude. Her father won’t even broach the subject because he believes that if she wants to tell us what’s going on then she will, but I know my Janie and I know that sometimes she needs that little extra push to get her to open up.” Angela takes a breath, then asks, “Have you talked to her lately?”

“I…” Maura starts, thinking of Jane in her bedroom. “Yes.”

“Has she told you what’s been bothering her?”

Maura takes a moment to think about how to word this. “She… yes, she has. But… I think it’s something you should be discussing with her, not me,” Maura tells her apologetically. Angela seems to understand that.

But then suddenly Jane shouts from the next room, “Maura, what the hell are you doing? The sandwiches can wait; come get these things off of me!”

Angela turns in surprise to first the bedroom, then Maura, who tries desperately not to look as embarrassed as she feels. “Um, excuse me for a moment,” she fumbles as she gets up off the couch, making her way to the bedroom.

“Janie?” Angela asks, like she was trying to make sure what she just heard was actually her daughter’s voice.


Maura then hears a crash from inside of her bedroom directly following that exclamation and she shoots an apologetic look to Mrs. Rizzoli. “I’ll only be a minute,” she tells her before dashing into the bedroom and closing the door behind her. The sight that greets her would be funny, if not for the situation.

Jane was on the floor, apparently having tripped over the box of toys after the sound of her mother’s voice startled her. She looked completely terrified. “Maura, what the fuck?” she hisses, eyes wide.

“I know, I’m sorry! I didn’t know how to get rid of her,” Maura apologizes as she helps Jane to her feet. “Um, uh…” she stutters, trying to figure out what to do in this situation. Her hands start waving erratically and Jane just stares at her dumbfounded before Maura exclaims, pointing at her naked body, “Let me get you a towel.”

“Fuck a towel, get me a robe!”

“Jane, with the way your hands are bound you won’t be able to put a robe on,” Maura tells her as she runs into the bathroom and grabs the first towel she sees, then proceeds to wrap it around Jane’s torso to cover her.

“Oh, but a towel is a better alternative?” Jane snaps. “God, I can’t let my mother see me like this…”

“Well that situation might be unavoidable, so I suggest you think of a convincing lie because you know I can’t,” Maura tells her as she secures the towel, making sure it won’t fall off of her. She knows Jane is freaking out, but she doesn’t know what else she can do for her. They were quite literally backed into a corner.

“Janie?” comes the voice of Angela Rizzoli from the other side of the door.

“Look, I’m not coming out!” Jane shouts, looking flustered. “I’m… I’m sick!” She coughs (overdramatically, Maura might add) for effect and Maura holds out her hands like ‘what?’ and Jane shrugs, shaking her head erratically as she points to her mother on the other side of the door.

She has no idea what she’s doing either; she’s just saying the first thing that comes out of her mouth.

“Jane, come out of there,” Angela replied, voice firm. “I know you’re not sick and I know you’ve been avoiding me, and quite frankly I’m getting tired of it. Things don’t just magically work themselves out, you know. In this family we talk about what’s bothering us, or have you been away from home too long that you’ve forgotten?”

“Ma, I swear I’m-”

“Jane Francesca Rizzoli, don’t make me come in there!”

Maura’s eyes go wide and she starts shaking her head, pointing at the sex toys that littered the floor. That would definitely be a worse alternative than Jane exiting the room of her own accord.

“No, don’t do that- just… hold on a second!” Jane practically shouts, looking completely overwhelmed. She shoots Maura a helpless look and the ME wishes she could do something, but this situation seemed to be completely out of both of their hands. She supposed they could make a quit getaway out the window, but with Jane’s hands being bound, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to make it without hurting herself.

“Jane, now,” Angela states; she’s not kidding. Apparently she’s done taking the patient mother route, since that seems to have been getting her nowhere.

Jane takes a breath - looking like she’s preparing herself for the worst - before she opens the door and steps out in the living room. Maura follows and closes the bedroom door quickly, making sure Mrs. Rizzoli couldn’t take notice of the toys scattered all across the bedroom floor. She then flattens herself against it, hoping her face doesn’t look as guilty as she feels.

“Uh, hi, Ma,” Jane greets, shifting her weight uncomfortably. “This isn’t what it looks like,” she tells her quickly, motioning to the handcuffs and the state of her attire. “Obviously.”

Angela stares at her daughter; towel-clad and bound and she raises an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. “Jane…” she starts slowly, “is there something you would like to tell me?” Her eyes land on Maura and the ME quickly looks down at the floor, trying to hide her blush.

Suddenly she felt so much like a teenager getting caught having sex in her parent’s bed. She was hoping this conversation would have come about maybe over dinner, while they’re both clothed. Something like that, she could handle. But this? No, not even Maura could not handle this. This was humiliating.

“I was teaching Maura how to handcuff someone properly and we… lost the key,” Jane lies, much smoother than Maura would have expected for how badly she’s freaking out inside.

“And you’re in a towel because…?” Angela prods, not looking the least bit fooled.

“Because I took a shower before. Jeez, Ma. You don’t have to overanalyze everything,” Jane retorts, trying to brush it off as nothing.

“Jane,” Angela says flatly, “Contrary to what you might believe, I was not born yesterday.”

Jane opens her mouth to retort, but Angela doesn’t let her. “I can not believe that you would hide something this important from me and your father!” she practically shrieks, which makes Jane wince and Maura take a small step behind Jane. “Are we so insignificant to you that you can’t even be bothered to pick up the phone and let us know that you’re in a relationship?” Once again, Jane tries to respond but isn’t allowed a word out. “I swear, sometimes I think you and Frankie don’t respect us at all! We gave birth to you; the least we’d like to know is when something significant happens in your life!”

Angela continues, on a roll now, “And I’ve raised you better than this, Jane Rizzoli! Your rudeness lately has been completely unacceptable. You haven’t invited poor Maura to dinner in weeks and I’m sure she misses my gnocchi; don’t you, dear?” Angela finishes, shooting a pointed look at Maura.

“Uh,” Maura stutters, feeling put on the spot. But she answers honestly, “Yes, I do…”

“See!” Angela exclaims loudly, making Jane practically jump. “And fine, I can understand you being hesitant about telling your father something like this, but I, I,” she stresses, pointing to herself, “have been prepared for this day since you started climbing trees and joined the softball team!” Jane’s jaw drops, looking offended that her mother just stereotyped her. “Oh, don’t look at me like that; especially not after I find you half naked and handcuffed in another woman’s house.”

Jane flushes a deep crimson. “Ma-”

“It just hurts, Jane,” Angela tells her, pulling the guilt card which instantly works from the look on Jane’s face. “It hurts that you don’t trust your own mother enough to tell me that you’re dating someone your father and I already think of as a daughter. Did you really think we’d love you any less?”

“I…” Jane starts, but falls silent. She looks completely overwhelmed. “Ma, I…” But then she seems to switch to an emotion better known to her - frustration - as she exclaims, “Damnit, Maura can you please get these things off of me?!”

Maura looks a little taken aback at the outburst but quickly says, “Sorry, yeah…” as she grasps the bobby pin that was still sticking out of the lock as Jane thrusts her hands to her.

“Jane, don’t take your frustration out on Maura,” Angela scolds. “This isn’t her fault. It wasn’t her job to tell me what was going on; that responsibility fell on your shoulders.”

“Look, I’m just- this is too much for me right now!” Jane exclaims, using too dramatic of a gesture that Maura has to practically go chasing after her hands to try to unlock the handcuffs. “You don’t understand what I’ve been going through in the last month, okay? You don’t! I was going to tell you, I swear I was, but I’m still trying to get used to this myself! This isn’t about you, this isn’t about Pop, and it isn’t about whether I love you or trust you enough or whatever else you think it is, alright?”

“Jane, please stop moving,” Maura requests, trying to get the handcuffs off of her. It was proving a little more difficult now that Jane was distressed. But she tries to concentrate, knowing it’ll give Jane more of a piece of mind if she at least had them off.

“And don’t stand here and tell me that I should have known you’d be okay with it,” Jane continues, on a tirade of her own now, though she does still her hands for Maura’s sake. “All you’re ever on about is how I need to settle down and find a husband and have kids. Ma, you practically force fed me any man you came across! You nag and nag and nag about this shit and then you wonder why I didn’t run straight over to your house the second Maura and I slept together?!”

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the lock clicks and the cuffs fall away from Jane’s hands. “Oh thank god,” she breathed, rubbing her raw wrists with her hands.

Maura sneaks back into the bedroom for a moment to grab Jane a robe and she can hear Angela even through the door. “All your father and I have ever wanted is for you kids to be happy, Janie. I pushed men on you because marrying your father and having you, Tommy, and Frankie were the happiest moments of my entire life. I just wanted that for you, can’t you understand that? And you never spoke a word to me about being attracted to women, or even Maura no less, so how was I supposed to know?”

“I don’t know; I didn’t even know I was attracted to women until Maura!” Jane exclaims, far past frustrated now. She seems to take a breath though once Maura comes out, holding a robe. “Thanks,” she says softly, giving her a grateful smile as she slips it on, securing it tightly before letting the towel drop to the floor. She picks it up with a sigh and places it on the armchair a few feet away from her. She pauses for a moment, her hand resting on top of the towel before she turns to her mother. “Ma… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but I… I just wasn’t ready yet. I guess I was just scared.”

“Jane,” Angela starts, taking a step towards her daughter. She places a comforting hand on her cheek and tells her. “I love you. No matter what direction you choose to go in life, I’m always going to support you.”

Jane purses her lips for a moment before she turns to look over at Maura. She holds out her hand to her and Maura smiles, walking over to take it and stand by her girlfriend’s side. “I love Maura, Ma,” Jane tells her mother honestly. “Like… more than anything. It’s crazy.”

Angela smiles, “I know, honey.” She turns to Maura, grinning at her before she pulls her into a side hug that nearly crushes her, but it felt too nice to care. “And thank god you picked Maura; I don’t know what I would have done if you brought home some female wrestler type.”


“What? Is it my fault that I wish my daughter would indulge in her beauty more? This way Maura has a better chance of convincing you to do something with your hair at least,” Angela tells her, running her fingers through Jane’s long locks. “It’s so pretty, I wish you would put forth a little effort with it and stop letting it just hang there so lifelessly.”

Maura giggles at the indignant look on Jane’s face.

“My hair is fine!” she protests, swatting her mother’s hands away from her. Angela sighs in that motherly way that implies both disagreement and patience.

“And you’re both coming to dinner tomorrow night,” she informs them. Jane opens her mouth, but Angela doesn’t let her get a word out. “No, I’m not going to hear your excuses, Jane. You and Maura are going to come over and have a nice family dinner; you are going to tell your father what is going on, you are going to stop keeping secrets, and we are all going to be happy, is that clear?”

“But Pop-” Jane tries, sounding worried, but she gets interrupted.

“Don’t you worry about your father,” Angela tells her. “He might be the head of the household, but I’m the neck that can point him in any direction I want.”

By the look on Jane’s face, Maura could tell she was praying that that was true.


tv: rizzoli & isles, character: jane rizzoli, genre: femslash, character: maura isles

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