Come into my parlor, except there are no spiders here. Or flies.

Jun 15, 2010 18:04

The apartment on X's side of the Milliways front door is small but clean, furnished almost entirely in black IKEA. The kitchen is off to the immediate left, behind an angled doorway and separated from the living area by a small counter/wall. To the right is a coat rack, which happens to have a very beautifully embroidered reversible coat on it. There is a pair of fingerless knitted red gloves hung on a second hook, as well. The bathroom is a few feet down, tucked into a corner alcove.

X's fishtank, with a post-it reading 'Avengers Assemble'stuck to the side, is off to the back left, away from the radiator and the window. The television is toward the right, and on the wall next to (and above it) are a collection of photographs. There's a low bookshelf under the window, and seated in the windowsill are a collection of colored glass bottles. There is a cat tree tucked into the opposite corner -- it looks well-used.

X flicks a quick look back at Bruce, then slips to the left, toward her bedroom. It only takes the slightest push to open the door --

And that's when Farrah and Steve McQueen tumble out, Farrah leaping for X's shoulder and Steve dashing for the front door. He stops short upon realizing that he missed his chance, furiously grooming himself for a second before padding toward the kitchen.

Someone is going to feed him, right?


"I have to feed my fish," X says. Carefully.

"It will not take long."
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