Mar 19, 2010 22:46

Okay this is very random and so very  "/cool story bro" but it makes me happy so whatever.

I did extremely well on my English presentation today!!! Like, totally kicked butt and everybody got their asses handled.

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disney, fuck yeah, real life, epic win, i'm a dork, booyah, the little mermaid, bleach:manga, epic lulz

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Comments 12

hope_assassin March 19 2010, 21:55:23 UTC
Congrats on your presentation! I'm really glad to hear it all went well! :3 I don't believe any sane teacher could possibly hate you, so it's good this one doesn't either. :3

Wow, you have quite the Little Mermaid obsession going on, huh? xD Then again, I'm not really the one to talk, with all my ups and downs all arounds with my fandoms. xDDD *gives thumbs up* Ride the wave, gal! Ride it while it's there, that's all I can think to say. xD

Thanks for reminding me about Bleach by the way - I read the Naruto but I had forgotten about Bleach coming out as well. It was a very... hmm, odd chapter. I felt the same way you tried to convey with this pic you posted - very Raito-like of Aizen. xD;;; I almost expect him to say that Ichigo is actually Kaien's reincarnation or something.

....Would that make Isshin a Shiba? O,o;


cutepoison89 March 19 2010, 22:21:05 UTC
Thank yoouu, i'm so relieved it's over! Oh believe me,this one can. I feel like her life ambition to ruin my life.

Oh yeah, i've been a crazy TLM fan ever since I could remember. I would draw,very badly,Ariel all the time (I think I even had my own Little Mermaid comic, I remember finding it a year ago and laughing my ass off at that monstrosity) sing the songs at the top of my lungs,which annoyed my parents to no end (XD) play with mermaid barbies and also wishing to be a mermaid when I grew up,however that would happen :D So yeah, it was pretty deep. Still is,apparently.

The reason for this manip was that he actually said "Just as I planned" in the chapter and that got my wacky brain working XD
Well, you never know with Kubo. He is the master at trolling after all.
...Isshin as a Shiba is weirdly intriguing 0_0


hope_assassin March 20 2010, 09:13:10 UTC
That's really cold of her then. She needs to get a life or a hobby. Because what she's doing now is just sad.

Wow, that's so awesome. :D Kind of like my infatuation with The Lion King then. :D I've always adored that film and even now I can watch it endlessly, even though I can quote the dialogue word for word. xD Being a kid was awesome. :D

Yeah, exactly - it's why I thought of Raito as well. I think Tsugumi Ohba has ruined it for villains all over manga and anime world with that particular character - the phrase would never be the same. xDDD

Well, you never know with Kubo. He is the master at trolling after all. Major rofl at this. xDDDD So painfully true though... ;_;

Lol, right?! I want him to meet with Kuukaku so we can see how she reacts. He (Isshin) seems oddly reminiscent in facial features to Kaien, doesn't he? More so than to Ichigo, wouldn't you say? xD


cutepoison89 March 20 2010, 09:29:35 UTC
Oh the Lion King is definitely up there with my favorite movies of all time! Disney owns my soul,for real.
And yes, being a kid was awesome! I don't ever wanna let go of my childhood memories and obsessions <3

LOL yeah, this has become such a meme, I will never be able to take that sentence seriously XD

You know i'm really interested in Isshin's back story. For example,was he a captain back in the day or a regular shinigami? How he met Urahara,Ryuuken (i bet they were such BFFs then,like Ishida and Ichigo now)Masaki and decided to stay in Karakura. And I want them to show up in manga already, Kubo!Kthxbye.


alice_rm March 21 2010, 20:40:57 UTC
Congratulations!!! 8D

And those gifs lol I spent at least 3 minutes staring Ariel lol

About Bleach, I don't read it anymore, but that picture made me to read that chapter xD....LOL WHUT AIZEN? D8 seriously?!


cutepoison89 March 22 2010, 20:19:06 UTC
Aw, thank you :)

She is pretty mesmerizing, isn't she? XD

LOL yeah, his line was too priceless not to manip XD


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