Okay this is very random and so very "/cool story bro" but it makes me happy so whatever.
I did extremely well on my English presentation today!!! Like, totally kicked butt and everybody got their asses handled.
I was so scared I would screw up because I finished it this morning and only had a few hours to memorize it, not to mention that it was worth 20 points so it was pretty damn important. The teacher absolutely loved it (and she usually hates my presentations,the bitch) and she's even going to enter it in some kind of contest along with other really good presentations my peers made! The woman couldn't stop praising me and finally getting her approval felt so good, because I was convinced that she hated me and the feeling was mutual.
In other totally random news,my Little Mermaid obsession is back with a vengeance. I can't stop listening to the Broadway soundtrack again (I found the whole show on youtube, it's UH-MAH-ZIIIIIIING!! Like,seriously, every TLM fan NEEDS to see it!) , downloaded the tv series, which I remember watching every Saturday or Sunday morning along with Aladdin when I was a kid. Ah,those were the good old days. Also i'm pretty sure i'll be making icons soon.
I couldn't find any Under tha Sea gifs (and just 2 TLM in general) For shame, fandom!
Oh yeah, about this week's Bleach:
Yeah, that's pretty much it. It just had to be done. Very badly made,but gets the point across XD