Hello, my name is Cveti and i'm an internet addict

Feb 01, 2010 18:20

No seriously, I'm not even kidding anymore.
I can't stand being away from it for more than a couple of hours and it's driving me completely insane!! Right now I'm supposed to be studying for my "correction" exam (I have no idea how to say this in English) because being the lazy ass that I am, I failed the regular one and right now i'm doing the ( Read more... )

epic fail, i wish i knew how to quit you, real life, i suck, interwebz

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Comments 10

satin999 February 1 2010, 16:43:21 UTC
Oh, i understand you so well, it was basically me a week ago, i knew i should have been studying, but i just couldn't bring myself to do this except for the day/night right before the exams, fortunatelly i had only 2 and i was very smart lucky and got A and B, which are great considering the amount of time i spent on preparation xD i'm such a tv/internet-holic :B
oh and i don't know how to name this "correction" exam in English either, i get what it is (it is what we call "пересдача" in Russian), but i haven't come across the term for this in English (might ask my English teacher tomorrow)
and Good luck btw))


cutepoison89 February 1 2010, 19:35:09 UTC
Whoa,an A and a B? You are very smart! You probably have a good memory and/or can improvise well. Both of which I don't.
Yeah,I'm actually wondering if they even have them in the US/UK.


satin999 February 1 2010, 19:47:02 UTC
i think i just try to remember basics at lessons and then refresh it with "last minute" re-read)
i think they have something like this, maybe a bit different procedure but the fact remains, i doubt all of their students pass exams with first try


hope_assassin February 1 2010, 19:13:01 UTC
I know well what you mean. Still, I shall keep my fingers crossed that you manage to pass the exam despite that.


cutepoison89 February 1 2010, 19:40:04 UTC
Thanks :hugs: It's just,this has never happened before. I mean,sure,I've been lazy and doing everything the last minute,but when it came to exams that mattered I would sit on my butt and study. Now I don't think I care enough and i'm just really disappointed in myself :( Hopefully I will pass the exam...


hope_assassin February 1 2010, 19:55:12 UTC
I've had similar stories, only when it really gets close I start panicking and speed-learning. Maybe you're going through a rough patch in your education? I really don't know but I hope that it lets go of you before things can get too bad. Dx;;; *hugs you tight and keeps fingers crossed for your next exam, sending you moral support in a Spirit-like weirdo way* xD


alice_rm February 1 2010, 21:05:17 UTC
First of all, hello new friend!! 8D

Second, I understand you so well...and I have that face exactly while studying microbiology lol still, I hope that you both of us will pass the exam!


cutepoison89 February 1 2010, 21:26:57 UTC
Heeey, I adore your icons,they're awesome!
Thanks and good luck on your exams as well :)


naviji February 2 2010, 03:36:56 UTC
I know how you feel, love, ive been there. To be honest, the best thing to do in these types of situation is to first get away from those things that distract you...a computer in your case. If you choose to study in a place where there are other things that will catch your interest more, most likely the last thing you will want to do is to study. I know it sounds reeallly dull, but you should try and get away from these distractions by going to the library, or if you hate the silence there, to a cafe or somewhere that has some activity, but not too much that you would get easily distracted.

I found it amazing that being in a library or such sort of encourages you more to try and focus on the studying you are doing...maybe its just being in that type of environment or just not having those distractions around to go to XD


cutepoison89 February 4 2010, 09:30:23 UTC
Thank you Navi dear,your idea really helped! :hugs: I did get away and manage to learn something.


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