Hello, my name is Cveti and i'm an internet addict

Feb 01, 2010 18:20

No seriously, I'm not even kidding anymore.
I can't stand being away from it for more than a couple of hours and it's driving me completely insane!! Right now I'm supposed to be studying for my "correction" exam (I have no idea how to say this in English) because being the lazy ass that I am, I failed the regular one and right now i'm doing the same thing I was doing then - NOTHING. I mean what the hell is wrong with me?! I know it's important  and I know I should goddamn study yet sometimes I don't even care. I can't even read the damn lectures,because they are so boring! Not to mention because of my uber short attention span I always end up doing anything other than what I should be.

I basically look like this:

Further proof - I shouldn't even be on the laptop at this moment. In conclusion, I really really suck.

epic fail, i wish i knew how to quit you, real life, i suck, interwebz

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