In which there are waterworks

May 10, 2012 20:45

Baekhyun comes back one day only to find that the dorm has been closed off due to flooding.

He sighs as he wonders off, knowing that crowding around the entrance wouldn’t help with anything, and idly wonders if Chanyeol has anything to do with this.

He is so preoccupied with the sudden worry that plagues him, that it’s 5 steps into water and realizing that his shoes are soaked that he snaps out of his thoughts. Blinking, he frowns, going forward to investigate - maybe he’s discovered a new leak, and if he reported it quick, the school staff could deal with the problem quicker. Also, maybe this is Chanyeol’s fault, in which there’s a 98.9% chance that it is, so Baekhyun feels that it would be his responsibility to help since… well… there’s no reason since Chanyeol is just clinging to him, so maybe Baekhyun feels that this is a calling from the fates or something.

Yeah. Stinky sort of destiny he’s stuck with if that was really the case - but with all the shit in his life, he’s sort of used to it.

But for once, Baekhyun discovers that this time round is the 1.1% chance and that Chanyeol is not behind this. Instead, he discovers another boy, huddled in the corner, who seems to be the source of all the water.

Baekhyun blinks, taking a step closer, and the boy gasps, looking up, wide-eyed at Baekhyun. And Baekhyun stares back because the boy is not only the source of all the water, the water also seems to be streaming from his eyes.

“…Well, that brings a new meaning to crying a river.” Baekhyun says without thinking then winces. He’s been spending too much time around Chanyeol and the recent crazies who have joined him.

But the other boy doesn’t seem to be offended, instead, he stands, water trailing down his clothes “Ah! I’m so sorry! I’ll stop soon… I just… I just… wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Baekhyun stares in alarm when the waterworks renew, and he’s nearly washed away in the sudden wave of water that pours from the other boy’s eyes.

“Yah! Yah! Calm down!” Baekhyun swims towards the other boy, wrapping his arms around the other. The other boy hiccups, calming down slightly when Baekhyun rubs his back slowly. “It’s okay, it’s okay, stop crying. Nothing will hurt you here…”

Slowly, the boy’s sobs choke to a stop, and the water slowly begins to drain away. In that time, Baekhyun idly wonders if taking care of Chanyeol has made him get better maternal instincts. And then he makes a face, realizing exactly what he thought.


“Oh, so he’s the infamous dorm R.A. who always causes the floods. They say that he gets emotionally distressed and cries, which is when his Hydro powers go out of whack.”

Two pairs of eyes swivel towards the boy Baekhyun had discovered, Junmyeon as they’d found out his name was, and Baekhyun has to step in front of Junmyeon, half-shielding the other from the stares. He doesn’t like the plotting look in Chanyeol’s eyes. “Leave him out of your crazy plans, the two of you.”

Sehun looks confused. “What? No, I was just wondering, if he’s an R.A. that means he’s older than us. So I guess I should call him Junmyeon-hyung.”

“Ah! It’s okay if you don’t call me hyung… I’m not worthy of needing you to be so formal.” Junmyeon suddenly speaks up. “In fact… I’m not much worthy of anything. I’m so useless.”

He looks like he’s going to cry again, and Baekhyun bites back a sigh, about to placate Junmyeon when Chanyeol suddenly pushes him aside.

“Oh, no. You definitely can be useful!” Chanyeol grabs Junmyeon’s hands into his and stares up winningly at him. Junmyeon, surprised, looks back in hope. “R-really?”

“Yeah. Definitely.” Chanyeol gives Junmyeon a crooked grin, turning to wink at Baekhyun. “So you don’t need to cry. With us, no one will bully you. And we’ll definitely find ways that you can be useful.”

Baekhyun is honestly surprised at Chanyeol’s words, and for a moment, his heart warms, realizing that maybe this is why he’s stuck to Chanyeol for so long. Despite being absolutely nuts, Chanyeol has a warm heart, ready to welcome in anyone who wanted a friend.

“So! I want to have a pool party! But of course, the pool’s out of bounds, so we’ll have to make our own. You can help us! All you need to do is cry!”

Baekhyun’s jaw drops open, and all previous happy thoughts about Chanyeol fly away. Junmyeon however, seems to have been entirely taking in by Chanyeol and nodded as if in understanding. “Okay… so I just need to cry.”

After a moment of pure concentration. Junmyeon lowers his head defeated. “No… I can’t… I’m sorry…”

“Oh, come on! I’m sure you can do it! Cry! Cry!” Chanyeol demands, and before Baekhyun can do anything, Junmyeon lets out a sob.

“I’m sorry!” He wails. “I can’t just cry like that!”

Obviously, Junmyeon doesn’t realize he’s already crying, and the room is already starting to fill.

Chanyeol does a strange victory dance. “WOO~ POOL PARTY EVERYONE!”



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