The Dee-Annotated Supernatural - Hell House

May 23, 2006 12:53

So I'm still hellishly busy and the SQL actually didn't get pwned and my site is competely fucked and somehow we have to figure out how to sleep eight people in our house, but hey. There's still Supernatural.

Hell house - or how Amy and I came to have Padalackles on leashes )


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Comments 32

bexone May 23 2006, 05:37:50 UTC
"it's kinda uncomfortable in my pants"

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Sam grabbing his junk is NEVER NOT FUNNY omg.

the Brotherhood of the Society of Hotass

Have you SEEN the PICTURES? *keyboardmash!*


cupiscent May 23 2006, 07:51:21 UTC
Yep I seen the pictures. Can I get an amen? Can I get a hallelujah? I've seen the light, sister!

Sam grabbing his junk is NEVER NOT FUNNY omg. -- This is very true. But mostly it was his face that was making me really lose it. The twitchy discomfit. Grand.


unholyglee May 23 2006, 07:12:22 UTC
homg, the interaction between the geekboys and the Winchesters almost had me in TEARS. I mean "We could have sex. With Girls!" and "Who you gonna call?" and "Sweet Lord of The Rings!" and talking about what the ghosts stats would be and [heart]. Those nerds need to be recurring characters so the Boys can be like "Goddammit! Not you two idiots again." And then the geeks will be all geeky and smug until Sam has to save their asses again and is all "Can you two PLEASE go play White Wolf or some shit and leave this to the folks that actually know WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE DOING?" and Dean can be like "If Sammy gets hurt saving you two dumbasses, I will kill you myself, YOU HEAR ME?"

I feel so strongly about this because, not only do I know those boys. But I AM those boys. Because. Yes.


cupiscent May 23 2006, 07:56:57 UTC
I'm those boys too, inasmuch as, y'know, GEEK. Hoo boy yes. But to a certain extent, the stupidity of the geekboys annoyed me, and I don't know that I could stand seeing them again frequently. However, they were GREAT for this one-off.

I was very impressed with the boys' restraint, actually. I was sure, in that first encounter, that Dean (who was cleverly standing behind them) was going to pull a face or something and Sam was just going to lose his shit completely. *G* I honestly did not know they could keep that straight a face.

Grand, delightful and fun episode. (First line of the geekboys!redux could be, "So, about that producer. Oh, and about that FISH too..." *G*)


unholyglee May 23 2006, 13:17:17 UTC
Oh, they were definitely annoying and, if made recurrent characters, could only be so sparingly. The geekiest of our tribes can only be taken by outsiders in small amounts. Hell, who am I kidding? We can only be taken by *each other* in small amounts.

I, too, was surprised that there wasn't a scene with much face making and eye-rolling from Dean and Sam just losing his shit because, annoying to him or not, his brother is fucking funny when he's being a pissy bitch.


neffable May 23 2006, 08:31:20 UTC
Yeah, they're the Brotherhood of the Society of Hotass.
*dies* That's it, I want that on a t-shirt :D

Sam: I'm not touching that line with a ten foot pole.
It would have been so much better if it had just been "I'm not touching that". Alas.


cupiscent May 23 2006, 21:52:14 UTC
The best part about that "I'm not touching that" little exchange was the way Dean just paused and shone the torch in Sam's eyes after that. Just one tiny little moment, but so brilliant. It's the little things that count, yo. *G*


randomalia May 23 2006, 09:16:48 UTC
I've been clicking over here stealthily (not unlike a geekboy, woe) to read your reviews and now am going to declare my love and add you. Hope that's ok. :>


cupiscent May 23 2006, 21:56:49 UTC
Wheee! Love is always welcome. *G* It's wonderful to have you. Come in, make yourself at home, feel free to throw fruit, everyone else does. *G*


anatsuno May 23 2006, 12:46:34 UTC
In French the Chinese whispers are called GASP unPC 'le téléphone arabe'. *shares*


cupiscent May 23 2006, 22:02:01 UTC
Interesting! I'm curious; do you know why? Because we've been trying to figure out where "Chinese Whispers" came from. We assume it was, originally, a pejorative reference in some way. Australia had a big Chinese immigrant population around the time of the goldrush (like California, I guess) and a couple of those sorts of terms are about. (Like the skin-twisting sibling-torture method is called "Chinese Burn" here... I think it's "Indian Burn" in the States?) So yeah, we were just trying to figure out whether it was a generic thing, or actually a specific reference to a trait.

...we have too much etymological geekery for our own good, don't we? *G*


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