The Dee-Annotated Supernatural - Hell House

May 23, 2006 12:53

So I'm still hellishly busy and the SQL actually didn't get pwned and my site is competely fucked and somehow we have to figure out how to sleep eight people in our house, but hey. There's still Supernatural.

Hell House

Caption: Richardson, Texas
Me: Yee-haw, we're going to Texas.
Caption: Two months ago
The Male: Two months ago? Ancient news. Who gives a fuck?

Guy: How'd you find this place, Thurston?

And it's a sign that I've been rampaging about too much in Harry Potter RPG land that I actually thought "Thurston" was the guy's first name. *G* (Whereas actually it appears to be "Clag", or maybe that's just the boys bad diction having a field day again.)

Thurston: Blah blah, lives in the root cellar, goes after girls...
Me: And Blondie, as the only girl here...
The Male: Is feeling undermanned.
Me: Oh god. Get out.
The Male: And yet! She's in demand.
Me: You're da man.

Girl: *is strung up from the ceiling*
The Male: Bet that's his cousin.

(Thereby proving once again that he's rather too clever for this show...)

Dean: *is driving*
Sam: *is sleeping*
Me: *starts giggling*
The Male: What?
Me: Wait for it.
Dean: *spoons Sam*
The Male: What the?
Dean: *snaps picture and sniggers*
The Male: *sniggers*
Me: *is helpless already*
Waking up Sam: *happens*
We: *laugh fit to wake the dead*

So yeah, basically, this episode went over well in this house. *G*

Sam: *is pissy*
The Male: And I've had a haircut, so take me seriously!
Me: I don't know that he has, I think he's just been doused with a bucket of water or something.

Intercut scene of slightly hysterical kids: *happens*

And, by the way, was awesome. That sequence was just great. Double thumbs up and some respect.

Dean: *taps at the EMF thingy* I think that thing [powerline] has still got some juice in it; it's screwing with all the readings.
The Male: The pants-o-meter is perverted by electricity!
Me: You're perverted by electricity.

Sam: *drops a nice little pat of knowledge*
The Male: He is such a nerd.
Dean: That is exactly why you never get laid.
Me: He says it so much better.

Geekboys: And we know who you are, too.
Me: Yeah, they're the Brotherhood of the Society of Hotass.

Loud latin music: *happens to Dean*
We: *cackle a lot*

Stupid college-age people who still play infantile games like Truth-or-Dare: *show up*
Girly: *goes into house*
The Male: It'd be awesome if she found her friend strung up.
Me: The one she just left outside?
The Male: Yeah.
Me: You're right. That WOULD be awesome.

Girly: *unbolts cellar door*
The Male: That's good to know. There's a bolt on that door.
Me: Why would you have a bolt on that side of the cellar door? To keep the terrifying marauding vegetables out?

Dean: *uses the geekboys as cop-bait*
The Male: Atta boy!

Boys: *pull out shotguns and tiptoe around*
Me: Why are they even nervous about going into this house? Ghost only attacks girls...
Us: So Sam's in trouble.
Me: *giggles*
The Male: *air guitars*

Dean: Hey Sam, I dare you to take a swig of this.
Sam: Why the hell would I do that?
Dean: *considers* I double-dare you!

I love the way he says that like it's the best idea he's come up with all episode. Dean at his big-brother-best is one of the prime constituents of awesome.

Geekboys: Let's find our centre, and get some work done...
Winchesters: *explode out of the house in splinterings of wood*
Us: *MIRTH!*

Boys: *are back at their hotel*
Sam's table: *has an armadillo on it*
Me: OMGWTFarmadillo!

Sam: Legend also said he hung himself, but did you see those slit wrists?
Me: I'm sorry, he's swinging a motherfucking axe at you and you've got time for sight-seeing?
Sam: I mean, ghosts are usually pretty strict, right? Following the same patterns over and over.
The Male: Hey, we spotted this plot loophole back in the Pilot. They are SO SLOW.

I'd just like to point out that Clag Thurston is so TOTALLY into his cousin Dana. The incest is out of control on this show. *G*

Commercial break: *ends*
Me: Now, somebody do something hilarious.
Dean: *wanders into the hotel room with the sound of running shower in the background*
Me: Ooh! OR, Sam could walk out two-thirds naked. That works too. I'd forgotten about that.

Another sidenote: Padalecki's ongoing faces of "it's kinda uncomfortable in my pants" were just awesome. It's possible that if you actually give him complicated things to do, he really, really pulls them off, but he just has little subtlety with single-serve two-by-four emoticons. Which would be fair enough, I guess.

Dean: People believe in Santa Claus. How come I'm not getting hooked up every Christmas?
Sam: Because you're a bad person.
Me: I love the way he just ACCEPTS that. Goes, "Huh, well, yeah, actually, that'd be it."

Sam: As the legend changes, people thing different things, so Morducai himself changes, like a game of Telephone.

Ah-HAH! We were actually having this discussion the other day about that game. See, in Australia, it's called "Chinese Whispers", except that Jojo called it that the other day in front of his North American housemates, and they were all, "Gasp! That's so not politically correct!"

There's no real point to this, just sharing.

Sam: I think I'm allergic to our soap or something.
Dean: *cackles*
Sam: You did this?
Dean: *cackles more*
Sam: You're a frigging jerk!
Dean: Oh yeah!
The Male: Oh YEAH.
Us: \m/

Geekboy #1: W. W. B. D. What would Buffy do?
Me: Spout some perkily witty line?
The Male: Get her minions to research for her?
Me: Punch something.
The Male: Personally, I'm more a fan of "What would Vin Diesel do?"
Me: Punch lots of people.

Winchesters and Geekboys: *face off*
Me: Oh My God. The Winchesters really ARE tall, aren't they?

Geekboy: We have an obligation to our fans... to the truth...
Dean: Well I have an obligation to kick both your little asses right now.
Me: That's my boy!
The Male: What would Vin Diesel do?

Sam: It's a death certificate. From the '30s. We got it at the library.

I love the way he says that - the library - like it's the most incredibly out-there OMG no really idea ever. I'm so proud of Dean for not cracking the fuck up right then and there.

This is also one of the best ideas they've ever had. I'm very proud of Dean for that too.

Dean: *is attached to his beer bottle*
Sam: *is full of mirth*
We: *are too*
Dean: You didn't.
Sam: Oh... *produces glue tube* I did!

Me (via txt): I want a pet Padalecki!
girloftheq: Only if you keep it on a leash.
Me: That was my plan! I will train him to glee on cue.
girloftheq: As long as I can have Ackles on a different sort of leash.
Me: Hmm... can I borrow him sometimes?
girloftheq: Just wash him after use. Safe jensening and all.

Cops: *creep through undergrowth*
Insane fish-holding cackling: *sounds faintly*
Me: AHAHAHA! OK, I take it back: THAT was the best idea ever.

Dean: I barely have any skin left on my palm.
Sam: I'm not touching that line with a ten foot pole.
We: *snigger*

Winchesters: *empty both metaphorical barrels into Morducai*
Me: OMG! Dean's holding his gun gangster style! Bwahaha!

Dean: So these guns don't work. Great. Sam, any ideas?
The Male: Yeah, we could shoot THEM.

Sam: *is being pwned by Morducai* DEAN!
Me: Aw yeah, that's it. Yell for big brother.

Dean: *sets the place on fire*
The Male: Um, so, where are the cops while the entire house is burning down?

Sam: Kinda makes you wonder. Of all the things we've hunted, how many exist just cos people believe in them.
Me: Yes, thank you, did you REALLY have to enunciate that idea? Ugh.

Bwahaha, the force that is those two versus other people. Also, cackling-together brothers make me a little weak at the knees.

Anyway, that was a damn good episode! I really liked that one. The story was interesting, it moved well, it was pretty clever (for this show) and thoroughly enjoyable. There are totally allowed to me more episodes like that one.


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