The Dee-Annotated Supernatural - Scarecrow

Mar 28, 2006 12:29

What's funny about this episode is that just at dinner beforehand, we were talking about American Gods.

What was also funny was that the Male was getting into the Wincest, and I was helpless with mirth.

How do you like them apples? )


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Comments 28

renne March 28 2006, 02:47:30 UTC
could they BE any more touchyfeely in this episode? talk about unrealistic. hey writer people. guys, esepcially brothers, and even ones who are this fucked up? DON'T TALK ABOUT THEIR EMOTIONS LIKE THIS.


about a fifth of a second into the college professor scene i went OMG CANCER MAN!

and you didn't see the scarecrow taking the old couple coming? O.o as soon as all the lights came up i was all "okay so i totally know what's coming here." because seriously. the elders were all *surrounds!* and there was know way the scarecrow was coming through that shit. the elders should have herded them instead.

i didn't realise wet rotting branches picked up off the damp ground burnt so well!

also: i feel kind of gypped that we had no last scene with the scarecrow, like seeing it hanging there (or not hanging there, either way).


cupiscent March 28 2006, 03:02:25 UTC
I dunno. Sam's a big emo bundle of emo, so he talks about his feelings any chance he gets, possibly just so he can use all those good lines he thinks of in the middle of the night. He should just start a band and write songs and do it that way.

As for Dean, I kinda bought his, "Now I've calmed down, yeah, OK, I won't be a bastard about this and will give him a little leeway so maybe I'll see him again" thing. Right up until the "OH I WISH I COULD BE LIKE YOU SAMMY" slip. But it kinda worked in a gruff big brotherly way. Kinda.

Anyway. Yes. Dean and cars. He can fix my brakeline any day, baby. Only an hour? *pouts*

I didn't see the old couple's demise coming. I was too busy working the threesome angle in my head. *G* But yeah with the stupidity of the surrounding. You would make such a better head priestess of a village. *G*

I KNOW with the wet rotting branch. I was like, "And it hisses and smoulders and chokes them with noxious fumes... or it could just catch alight. Sam's been getting happy with his can, hasn't he?"


renne March 28 2006, 03:34:30 UTC
oh god. the thought of same being in an emo band wearing eyeliner & girlpants is hysterical! he'd totally be the tortured frontman with the dramatic past. and would have an lj which he posted compulsively cryptic posts to (even if he's just talking about going and getting a plate of nachos).

exactly! i'd definitely make a better head priestess. for one i'd've just had dean killed and found some other chump to take his place. because i am perfectly aware boys like dean totally get out of things.

and it didn't just catch alight either! that thing was a right burning bush.


cupiscent March 28 2006, 04:23:37 UTC
omgomgomg. Write it? Write it please? I'll give you, like, respect and squee and anything else you care to name. Emorockstar!Sam! omg! (I have the boys in my head with Sam going, "Why can't you just say you like my music?" and Dean going, "Because your music is shit!")

I wouldn't've killed Dean because I'd be using him for my personal breeing program. But I totally would've kept him unconscious until it was apple time.
(Scarecrow: This one's asleep.
Me: No. No. He's just...y'know. Zen. He's made his peace.)

And there you go! God wanted the tree to burn. Because he is a jealous god and Thou Shalt Worship No Apple Tree But Him.


ladyjestyr March 28 2006, 03:53:44 UTC
I have decided that I am very anti-Sam. Because Sam ruins Supernatural for me, he really does. His stupid hair and his stupid pouting and his stupid attitude and his stupid, I dunno, STUPIDNESS. (Wow. Go me and my mad ranty skills.)

Sigh. I want to like it so much, but Sam just graaaaaates.


cupiscent March 28 2006, 04:27:14 UTC
Sam really does make Mama Dee's fingers itch for the slappin'. He's just a convergence of annoyance. Like, two pieces of annoyance might be bearable. If ONLY not the hair, y'know? It's just the straw on the poor camel's back.

Your ranty is awesome. Repetitively awesome, but awesome nonetheless. *G*


ladyjestyr March 28 2006, 05:23:57 UTC
I'd like to thank the Academy, and my mom, and God, and most of all, Sam Winchester, who inspires me to heights of "GRAH!" I could never reach alone.


qthelights March 28 2006, 04:28:55 UTC


qthelights March 28 2006, 04:28:23 UTC
"Community college professor: *is genial*
The Male: Cancer man!
Me: Wot?
The Male: This is the X-fucking-files!"

yes. yes it fucking is. i almost texted you, after also screaming 'cancer man!', but figured anthony would have me covered. i mean for christs sake, just call it a spin-off and bring in chris carter. at least he's already *done* all these episodes.

Dean: Wasn't a lot of this area settled by immigrants?
Me: What area? AMERICA?

yup. that'd be the one.

Dean: How'd you get here?
Sam: I, uh, stole a car.
Dean: AHAHA that's my boy.
Me: *ded of squee*

i likeded that bit.

Meg: *slits shady van guy's throat*
Me: Oh god. Save me from wimp-out throat-slittings.yeah um, hello? it doesn't just dribble out like that ( ... )


cupiscent March 28 2006, 05:37:12 UTC
This ep was totally more American Gods than X-Files, but yeah. Anyway, I never watched the X-files, so let me enjoy my degenerate version. *G*

yeah um, hello? it doesn't just dribble out like that.
ARTERIAL SPRAY! Paint the inside of the windscreen red.

Ahem. *G* Bloodthirsty? Me? Never!

Aw, dude, though what would've been really cool is if it had been more realistic (thus bumping up the rating to entirely unacceptable levels, but WHATEVER) and had got all over the windscren and then she'd kinda smoothed it with her hand and used THAT as a video-conference screen. Fuck the chalice right in its stupid silver ear. All problems solved.

I dunno, I'm not going to rail at the actress. I don't know that there was anything wrong with her performance that isn't, actually, a problem I'd have with the character no matter who played her. There's only so much an actress can do with a writer and director who are determined to have a lollipop of a particular flavour.


elys84 March 28 2006, 04:56:54 UTC
Nice People: *stomp around in the familiar orchard*
Me: Marco?
Dean: *pops up with his shotgun*
Me: Polo!

*howls with laughter*


Dude. I adore Sam's hair. I think my brother should get his hair cut just like that. Actually I'd settle for him getting his hair cut any way at all, since it currently looks like a cross between Hurley from Lost's and Elvis Presley's (read: sideburns) but, y'know.

Sometimes this show has all the subtlety and grace of a brick to the back of the head.

That is how I excuse my fanfic!!!!!! *G*

The Male: This is the X-fucking-files!

Did he catch the orchard? Ask him if he caught the orchard. They used it in one of the X-Files eps ;)

Me: What area? AMERICA?

*diez laughing*

But still. I'm grumpy with Sam this episode, obviously.I... like him and his emo. I mean, if I had my choice of them I'd take Dean, but I can identify with Sammy's post-adolescent angst. And I can see acting like that to the bus lady. Yes, I am a little brat. *ducks ( ... )


cupiscent March 28 2006, 05:41:49 UTC
Yay, someone liked the Marco Polo. I was amusing myself with that ALL evening, I tells ya. *G*

As for the Sam: OMG only Sam-hate in here! Naw, it's good to hear that someone likes him. It gives me perspective. Though you CRAZY with the hair, girl. *G* Every time I look at him I go, "Sam! Your eyebrows! They're GONE!" I just... want him to look a little less like the last time he had a haircut was eight months ago.

And also to whine less, but at this point I would settle for a haircut. *G*



azewewish March 28 2006, 07:35:14 UTC
And also to whine less, but at this point I would settle for a haircut. *G*

If Sam wasn't emo, he wouldn't be Sam. And Dean wouldn't be nearly as cool in comparison.



cupiscent March 28 2006, 12:19:37 UTC

Y'know? I'd live.

Heh. Basically, I'm just ready for Sam to prove his coolth now. Any time he's ready. Bring it. I can take it.


tylergrrls March 28 2006, 05:47:56 UTC
We tylergrrls are divided on the issue of Sam. I personally think a little beheading could do him good; Bree, however, loves the bugger. Meh. I just can't bring myself to like someone who would rather become a lawyer than exorcise demons and shoot evil ghosts with rock salt. Bitch cannot be trusted.

And then there's the hair. Seriously, WTF?



cupiscent March 28 2006, 12:17:14 UTC
Bree is clearly disturbed. *G*

My main problem with Sam is that, for such a cleverdick, he doesn't actually seem to think much. He does, he says. He overthinks and then he just looses himself on the world without actually showing any restraint. He has some amazing irrationalities.

Since the Male is a lawyer, I have to be careful how I allude to the profession. But you do have a point. *G*


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