Dane Cook on the 29th - update on my post about the Three Little Ho's...the girls were all 24, two were in real estate and the "sisters" were twins. From what I heard from the guy who was working the backstage dressing rooms, they left in his limo after the show. Due to the craziness of the night, Cajun and I hit the Merc for a
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Been very busy - now have lost two weekends now due to working extra security shifts. Bumbershoot rocked, the circus was fun (got to see it Friday night as I was an usher), now tonight is Muse w/ Juliette and the Licks. The extra work is paying off as I was given a Crew Lead shirt yesterday when I showed up for my 12 hour shift (Cirus again). Woot
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Had to work yesterday, not looking forward to a 6 day work week. Things are still hectic with the launch of that fancy iPhone. Conference calls all day, hourly reports on staffing...insanity
My current job does not give me much to do. I basically wait for something to break, and then work to fix it. Sometimes I get project work for other members of the team, but for the most part I am just an extra set of eyes to watch the queues that are monitored by several other people. Very boring most of the time
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