Fic: Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Apr 06, 2013 00:10

Title: Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: CSI belongs to CBS and the Bruckster. Farscape belongs to Rockne and Jim Henson, as well as Sci-Fi. The characters also belong to them, as well as their respective actors. The original characters are mine.
Notes: *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned Original titles are wholly unoriginal.

Catherine took a deep breath as she stood at the hatch. She knew how to put on a show - she'd done it every single time she stepped out on that stage - but this was different. This time, the audience wasn't a bunch of horny men smelling of cheap liquor.

This wasn't anything at all like that.

They knew Rygel had been grabbed, and they knew that no one had seen Catherine yet, which is why she was the best one to go in and rescue him. Of course, rescuing him wasn't exactly high on her priority list, right now. And, if Grissom found out what she was about to do - and in her condition - he'd probably kill her.

"Okay," she announced. "Let's do this." Aeryn nodded to her and pressed the sequence to open the hatch.

"I've got you on the comms, Catherine," the brunette assured. "Just breathe and, if you need to get out, I'll be there in a microt." Catherine nodded, though she was fairly certain a microt wouldn't be soon enough if something went wrong.

As the door hissed open, Catherine stepped into the corridor and walked with purpose. "You!" she yelled angrily to a passing guard. "I demand to know where my husband is!" the guard looked at her for a moment, then glanced around, just in case she was talking to someone else. "Yes, you!" she nodded. "Short, squirmy, fella. Lucky he's only this tall-" she ranted, holding a hand up at Rygel's height. "Smells like he came out the wrong end of a Budong and eats twice as much as a healthy one? Telling everyone he's a Dominar," she added, with a seething hint of sarcasm and annoyance.


It took about five minutes for her to reach the room they were keeping Rygel in. As the door slid open, Catherine busted in on the captors, as if they were simply pieces of furniture. "There you are, you little rodent!" she hissed. "How dare you try and sneak out on me. Again!" Catherine grabbed Rygel's brow and twisted hard, enough to make him scream.

If she wasn't truly angry with him, she might think about apologizing, once they were back on board Moya. Until then, abusing him was fair game.

"You Frelnit!" Rygel shouted then reared back against his shackles at the look Catherine gave him.

Turning on the captors, Catherine pointed to him and shook her head. "I should just let them keep you, you useless piece of-" With a deep breath, Catherine tried to channel her anger and shook her head again. "What scam is he running on you today?" she asked the men standing around, watching. "Is he claiming to be a Dominar again?" She turned and threw a dirty look at Rygel, then lunged for his brow again.

"I AM A DOMINAR, YOU-AAAH" Rygel started, but Catherine's grip was stronger. Rygel tried to twist to bite her, but Catherine had clearly learned from her time in the Uncharted Territories.

"Is that it? Should I be bowing down to you, my Lord?" she overacted.

It took everything she had to not react to the sound of Aeryn laughing in her ear.

Leaning down, Catherine gave Rygel a murderous look and she whispered through gritted teeth: "I am trying to rescue you so shut the hell up!"

"Who are you?" the head captor growled. Catherine raised her eyebrows, stood straight, and glared back at him.

"Who am I? Who else would I be? I'm the best thing that ever happened to this pile of trash and he thinks that running scams across three cycles worth of space won't get back to me?" Turning back to Rygel, Catherine shook her head, giving him a look of utter disappointment. "I should let this baby grow up without your worthless, cheating lump in its life!" she yelled, moving her hands to the obvious bulge of her stomach.

Rygel started hollering again, which got Catherine back at his side and abusing him - which was much easier since he was chained down - before she was pulled back by one of the guards. With a heavy sigh, Catherine smoothed the robe Aeryn had found in Zhaan's things, and she nodded to the leader.

"Whatever he's promised you, I can assure you it's not worth your trouble. He has nothing, and any deal he's suggested you make will only come back on you. Please tell me you haven't called in a bounty?" The captors stepped back to whisper for a few moments, and Catherine looked again to Rygel.

"We can just kill him, then."

"What? No!" Rygel replied. "It's true," he false-sobbed. "I'm lying to you. I'm worth nothing," he continued, overdoing the dramatics. Catherine made a point of looking at the captors and rolling her eyes.

"Pathetic." Shaking her head, Catherine stepped over to the head captor and gave him a pout. "Let me take him home," she suggested. "I can think of a hundred punishments that will be worse than letting him die," she grumbled, pointing the last part of the suggestion toward Rygel.

At least he had the brains to look scared; though, to be honest, Rygel was actually a little afraid of the redhead at the moment.

Catherine looked back to the captors and reached for the man's hand. "Wouldn't it be better to have a case of mistaken identity than to look the fool when your bounty hunters show up?" The captor visibly winced, thinking about the last time one of their 'sure things' backfired.

"Get him out of my sight," he ordered, stepping back from Catherine.

"Thank you," she replied, giving the man a wink before stepping back.

As his men untied Rygel, Catherine threw a hand up. "Oh, no. Leave him tied up..." she demanded. "I haven't even begun to hurt you, you frelling Drannit!"


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