Fic: When in Florida

Jun 21, 2013 15:41

Title: When in Florida
Rating: G
Disclaimer: CSI belongs to CBS and the Bruckster. Farscape belongs to Rockne and Jim Henson, as well as Sci-Fi. The characters also belong to them, as well as their respective actors. Rip Ride Rockit belongs to Universal Studios Florida. The original characters are mine.
Notes: *Written for the Let's Work Together challenge at womenverse. Artwork by bizarra

[click for full-size]

Aeryn Sun's eyebrow was nearly sky-high behind the designer sunglasses as she sat on the bench, watching the crowds go by. Next to her, Catherine Willows was also wearing a fancy pair of sunglasses, but her focus was on the giant pretzel in her hands.

"Mmm," Aeryn heard, and glanced sideways as Catherine's hand appeared in her line of sight, holding up a chunk of torn-off pretzel. "Try this," Catherine nudged, nodding to the pretzel she was offering the former Peacekeeper.

Aeryn took the offered snack and glanced back to a family just ahead of them, fighting about where to go next. "I don't understand the point of this," she said before sniffing the pretzel and taking a bite.

"It's a pretzel," Catherine replied between bites. Glancing at her friend, Catherine noted the look of confusion from the brunette and looked toward the argument. "Oh, you meant the park," she nodded and then reached for the large cup of soda sitting next to their bags.

It took only a week for Grissom and John to both decide they had to go to Universal, and it had taken another week to get clearance for the four of them to leave the military compound where the crew of the Leviathan was currently being housed.

"No one is happy to be here," Aeryn pointed out, nodding toward the family. A moment later, another family walked past, complete with crying children.

"Vacations bring more stress than the stress you're trying to get away from," Catherine explained nonchalantly. "Between the weather, the money..." There was a sound of screams above them, as another pass of the roller coaster's high-tech cars flew past them.

Crichton and Grissom were on their third ride, each wanting to see how the ride compared with each different soundtrack. It hadn't helped that Bobby had found a list of the 'hidden' tracks available on the ride, either.

Aeryn rolled her eyes slightly before reaching over and taking some more of the pretzel from Catherine. "Can we have more of this?" she asked, taking another bite of the yeast and salt mixture. Catherine nodded and shifted to reach for the cash in her pocket.

Glancing over her shoulder, Catherine pulled the sunglasses down just enough to let their security team know that she was acknowledging them. "You two want anything?" she asked the agents, both actually blending into the crowd - though that was only after Crichton insisted the men dress for the weather.

Both men shook their heads and Catherine shrugged. "You starve, it's not our fault," she huffed. Catherine pointed to the snack cart just on the other side of the pathway and nodded to Aeryn before leaving the brunette alone on the bench.

As Aeryn watched the crowd again, she couldn't help but notice how so many of the people in the crowd didn't seem to notice how unsafe they were. People walked away from each other and their belongs with little concern. Every single person in the park was a walking target for thieves, and no one seemed to care.

"Officer Sun!" she heard, and glanced over to see Crichton and Grissom coming their way, both beaming as they discussed the last ride on the roller coaster. Grissom veered sideways to meet Catherine while Crichton took the empty spot on the bench. Turning back to the agents - who were now having a quick conversation with the agents who had been shadowing the men - Crichton asked: "You four want a go? We'll wait."

At the looks they gave him, Crichton turned back to Aeryn and rolled his eyes. "So," he said, giving her a smirk. "Are you coming with us, this time?" Aeryn didn't want to admit that she was intrigued, because he'd already been a pain in the eema since they'd arrived planetside.

"Why would I do that?" she asked dully.

"Because it's exciting!" he replied, leaning back against the bench and watching Grissom and Catherine waiting in line across the way. Seeing the two of them interact out in the open, without any care in the world about what anyone thought, was both a good sight and annoyed him. He just wanted to be happy with Aeryn, but she clearly didn't want him.

Sitting up straight as Grissom and Catherine finally came back over to the bench, he waited for Catherine to hand the fresh pretzel to Aeryn before reaching over and pulling a chunk off. "Hey!" both Catherine and Aeryn hollered, though he simply grinned and wolfed down the bite.

"Cath! You gonna ride with me? Just once?" John asked, giving the redhead a forced pout. "We found the Muppets!" he announced, as if that alone would sell his pitch. Grissom held a hand out to Aeryn and wiggled his fingers slightly as he smirked, silently asking Aeryn to join him.

fic, graphics

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