Snowflake Challenge - Day 6

Jan 06, 2014 20:02

In your own space, share a book/song/movie/tv show/fanwork/etc that changed your life. Something that impacted on your consciousness in a way that left its mark on your soul.

I will have to say Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon.  When I was a kid I use to get up at 6:30 in the morning to watch dubbed episodes of Sailor Moon.  It was my first real fandom ( Read more... )

snowflake challenge, sap sap sap, sailor moon

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Comments 12

0idontknow0 January 7 2014, 08:18:01 UTC
I remember watching Sailor Moon religiously, and singing the theme some at the top of my lungs. I was all about that anime. And at the same time I was all about Dragon Ball Z. And eventually Inuyasha (which is how I entered fandom - as a lurker). And then I decided to check HP and managed to tentatively delve into fandom more deeply and basically completely abandon Inuyasha. I had an unhealthy fascination with Sesshomaru.

I also completely adored Darien in Sailor Moon, esp the movie with him getting kidnapped by the alien that he used to be childhood friends with. Someone had to have turned that into a slash pairing because it was so slashy (or I make everything slashy). Also really adored Uranus and Neptune. If I did the whole femmeslash thing in fandom they would be my OTP and no one would be able to come near them. Ever.


crystalusagi January 7 2014, 08:21:42 UTC
Yeah, the Sailor Moon R movie was the slashiest ever XD Fiore/Mamoru is definitely my OTP for Mamoru.

And Sailor Moon is just so good at femslash in general. I can slash almost all the female characters. Shoujo anime/manga is all about looking at other women and sparkling. XDD

If you're interested in Uranus/Neptune, do consider reading Velvet written by citiesandsigns. It's my favorite fic of that pairing!


0idontknow0 January 7 2014, 08:38:23 UTC
I haven't been able to get much into femmeslash, even if I have people I ship. It's weird.

F/F sex doesn't appeal to me in the same way so I tend to skim the smut and then go back to the story. Kind of like how I rarely read het. I am going through this fic though. Just because it's them.


crystalusagi January 7 2014, 09:22:47 UTC
There's not very much sex in that one, if it concerns you? It's very well-written. By far my favorite of anything I've read for the pairing. =)


eolo January 7 2014, 08:57:44 UTC
Sailormoon was my first fandom too and while I seem to be repeating your post, I made true and lasting friendships that remain to this day because of that series, it led me to Shoujo Kakumei Utena which I adored and I ended meting Pez through a Yu Yu Hakusho forum, a little bit of trivia if you don't know this, Pez's Yuki Scorpio was one of the main characters of a world featuring kitsune youkos who were basically ourselves, I was Kiseki and I think one of these days I'm going to rewrite that whole story and publish it because it was an amazing world that we created with a lot of characters and storylines that intersected.


crystalusagi January 7 2014, 09:24:20 UTC
It's amazing how our first fandoms influence us as people. I didn't know how you'd met Pez, so that's a neat fact.



eolo January 7 2014, 11:07:40 UTC
We me through a common friend while she was a teenager and I a very young adult in college where we talked about life and fiction. An extraordinary young woman that I am very proud to have known. :)


firescribble January 7 2014, 13:29:37 UTC
I'm fired up about the new sailor moon! Please sailor moon, exist soon!


crystalusagi January 8 2014, 10:33:12 UTC
Yes! Please, Sailor Moon! D=


citiesandsigns January 7 2014, 21:08:26 UTC

I don't know if l really believe in the new series. l think it might be a myth. But l WANT to believe. *laugh*


crystalusagi January 8 2014, 10:34:02 UTC
Yeah. D= One has to keep one's hopes up, though. I really really want it. *wibble*


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