Snowflake Challenge - Day 6

Jan 06, 2014 20:02

In your own space, share a book/song/movie/tv show/fanwork/etc that changed your life. Something that impacted on your consciousness in a way that left its mark on your soul.

I will have to say Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon.  When I was a kid I use to get up at 6:30 in the morning to watch dubbed episodes of Sailor Moon.  It was my first real fandom.  I remember I loved it so much that when they stopped dubbing it I used to have dreams about waking up to a new season of Sailor Moon, I was so obsessed with it.

Around the time I was in 5th grade a friend of mine got her mom to order the Sailor Stars season of Sailor Moon for her on fansubbed VHS, and it was magical to see.  Lesbians who were not, after all, related to each other!  Girls who kissed guys who were actually girls.   Crossdressing genderbending aliens.  It was basically the greatest thing ever.

My love for Sailor Moon endured through my early teens.  I began to ship Seiya/Usagi, and became a regular and then a moderator, and finally an administrator of the now-dead SeiyaUsagi.Net, which we all lovingly called the BBS.  This was my first true fandom.  I wrote my first fanfic and posted it to the BBS.  I met my first fandom friends.  We had our own private jokes, and were an important part of each other's lives, and many of us still keep in touch to this day, though I wish we were closer, had something to bind us together again.

In truth, I don't think I've ever had a fandom I felt as connected to as that little niche in Sailor Moon fandom.  I've made deeper and more lasting friendships as a result of other fandoms, but in terms of a community as a whole, my Sailor Moon fandom was the best fandom I've ever been in.  We all genuinely cared about each other, we were all friends, we were all there to just hang out together.  I think it was my time on the BBS that taught me you could make lifelong friendships with people you met on the internet.  Had I not had such a wonderful experience there, I never would have been as open and determined to make friends when I later fell into HP and PoT, and then I would never have met firescribble, or citiesandsigns, or even storme and yuki_scorpio.  I owe so much of the person I am now to Sailor Moon.

A new revamped series is supposed to begin airing in 2014, so I can't wait to see what will happen.  Maybe there will be a fandom revival.  One can only hope!

snowflake challenge, sap sap sap, sailor moon

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