Title: Abide in Me
cryogeniaPairing: Sadafons/Ed
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Horror
Warning: Dubcon/coercion
hime1999 is a foul enabler. If you don't know who Sadafons is er...be aware that the genre here is indeed horror XDDD
Some things abide. )
Comments 40
er, i mean... >_>...
Anywho, such an interesting concept. I like how it's different than recent writings. And I really love the picture I got of the apartment and the room. Your descriptions managed to conjure more dirt and depression of the place than I would have normally assigned to it. Very cool!
Somewhere along the road to heaven, Alfons's soul had gotten lost, and the horrors of this world are just as real, Ed is finding, as the ones he thought that he had left behind.
This line hit me like you wouldn't believe, especially the image of Alfons's soul getting "lost on the road to heaven". Very evocative.
Something else that struck me was --
He touches his hand to the crumbling wallpaper and follows by sheer touch to make the appropriate turn. (Alfons never did get those tears replaced.)You know, I originally read "tears" as being the leaky eye emissions, then realized what you actually meant, but I ( ... )
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