Title: Chemically Active Author: cryogenia with help from Yamathan (behold the power of the cryokyoudai! >:E) Genre: Humor Pairings: Er, none I think? Slightly difficult to say ;) Rating: Hard R, for adult themes and content
"'In love with your work?' 'Have a passion for chemistry?'"
Al is a bad kid, and you remind me how much I love him. Seriously, I don't think I've enjoyed a fic where they don't end up climbing on each other as much as this.
Hmmm. Cryofic. The best alternative to eating during the lunch break. ^____^ I love your characterization of Al and Ed, and even Marissa is an interesting case of fruity lady. :D Tantric alchemy? I don't know why she fled... that's pretty hot. ^^ (<~needs to get head out of the gutter) And you can't blame the poor guy for trying to be safe... I mean, they just didn't fit... *cackles madly at oblivious!Ed TMI-ing to Al*
Really, a wonderful piece of fiction. I've been missing those ~_~
Comments 15
Gay? Hell, I'm not sure he's HUMAN, Alphonse thought mean-spiritedly.
Which I immediately sent to about 10 of my closest FMA-loving friends. ..omg. hahaha.
"'In love with your work?' 'Have a passion for chemistry?'"
Al is a bad kid, and you remind me how much I love him. Seriously, I don't think I've enjoyed a fic where they don't end up climbing on each other as much as this.
...that sounds weird, but I liked it.
I love your characterization of Al and Ed, and even Marissa is an interesting case of fruity lady. :D Tantric alchemy? I don't know why she fled... that's pretty hot. ^^ (<~needs to get head out of the gutter)
And you can't blame the poor guy for trying to be safe... I mean, they just didn't fit... *cackles madly at oblivious!Ed TMI-ing to Al*
Really, a wonderful piece of fiction. I've been missing those ~_~
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